I have been trying to use motion blur in my project available in the post-processing volume. But there is little to no documentation on how to access the post-processing properties in a script.
What I basically want to do is, give the player an option to enable or disable the motion blur through a button.
Can you give a bit more detail on your set up for post processing? It can vary depending on the render pipeline you are using I think. For instance, with URP you can have all of your post processing effects as components of an empty object, pretty straight forward to turn on and off.
I am using Unity version 2021.3.15f
I want to show the particles on the UI canvas.
I'd like to know two things, how to show particle on the canvas when the render mode on the canvas is screenspace-overlay and screenspace-camera.
Do I need to convert the particle's transform into a rectTransform?
Or should I use methods like Camera.ScreenToWorldPosition?
You could always move the camera into a ScreenToWorldPosition and it will work but keep in mind this is just a bandaid fix and won't be robust and maintainable. Usually anything ui related must be compatible with Unity's UI Render Pipeline.
There is this great resource for adding particle effects into UGUI from a github repository.
Use : https://github.com/mob-sakai/ParticleEffectForUGUI
take a look at the sample scenes it has everything you need.
I want to add some custom postprocessing to each frame that is shown to the player in Unreal Engine 4. Simplest example: invert all colors that the player sees. At the moment I'm very confused and clueless where to even start googling. Any hint will be appreciated.
You should use Post Process Materials on a Post Processing Volume.
That allows you to take GBuffer passes and apply modifications to them using Unreal's material graphs.
Details here.
Heads-up, I'm using the built-in Unity volume profile instead of Post-Processing V2!
Hey everyone. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out how to make both my cameras produce the same post-processing effect. Right now, I've managed to create the effect I want in my main camera which is being displayed properly in the build but not in my other camera which is the spawned third-person view of the human model.
Left is the human's camera, right is the main camera aka the cat's pov. As you can see, there is a difference between post-processing effects in both cameras. Both cameras also have the Enable Post-Processing check ticked and set to global.
Currently, I have the cat and human's camera disabled and activated when it spawns into the game. I also have attached a child object to the both cameras containing the volume profile.
This is my volume profile in case you need more context.
And this is where I've attached the volume profile to.
Would appreciate any help I can get! Thanks everyone.
If you have created a Postprocess Volume, its really easy to do. Just go on to both cameras and add Postprocessing layers to them, and don't forget to enable post processing in the camera options if you are using URP. Then just go on to Post-Processing-Volume-Layer in the just added component and select 'Everything'. This should do the Job! Hope it helps.
Here, you can also look at this: https://docs.unity3d.com/560/Documentation/Manual/PostProcessing-Stack-SetUp.html
I'm working on a 2D game and I want to add neon effects to certain objects. I tried using Universal Render Pipeline, however, I still can't seem to get bloom to... bloom.
I will try my best to describe what I tried before:
Before: I followed a tutorial about using Universal Render Pipeline. I made a lit 2D material, created a point light and increased its intensity. I couldn't get the bloom working so I reverted back to the built-in render pipeline.
Currently: Using the built-in render pipeline, I installed the post-processing package from the package manager. I added Post-process Layer and Post-process Volume components to the Main camera. I set up a post-processing profile and added the Bloom component to it. In the Post-process Layer, I set the Layer to "Glowing Object" and appropriately changed the layers of the objects I want neon effect on. I dragged the profile into the appropriate field in the Post-process Volume. For the objects, I made separate materials that have emission set to true. However, I still don't have a blurry effect on these said objects.
Here is the game view when the directional light is disabled (although I added a culling mask to the "Glowing Object" layer, I disabled it for clarity):
The objects GLOW, but they don't BLOOM which is very confusing to me. I apologize if I'm missing something obvious but I really tried to search around for the solution. I will now provide images of each relevant game object in case I couldn't explain it well.
The object materials:
The main camera (includes post-processing components):
Thank you so much for your help.
Before I explain my situation, it's important that I mention I'm using an older version of Unity, 2017.42f2 (for PSVITA support). for this reason, I'm also using the old Post-Processing Stack.
I'm making a game in which I want a lot of bloom on the UI, but not as much for the rest of the game. I used a camera to render the UI, gave it Post-Processing (Screen Space - Camera on Canvas),
and another one to render the rest of the game
Each is given a different profile to use different effects.
My expectation is that the UI renderer camera would only apply it's effects to the Canvas. Instead, it also applies them to the camera beneath it; the game renderer camera.
As you can see I used Don't Clear clear flags. I also tried Depth-only, to see if it would make a difference.
I'm lost as to what I could do. Grain and bloom get applied to everything
yet the profile for those effects is only given to the UI renderer Camera's Post Processing Behavior Script.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I'm lost.