We can set device orientation for flutter apps by using SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([.....]) . But this doesn't work in case of flutter web. so how to set the device orientation in flutter web apps.
After reseach I found that the most effective way to handle the issue is to use
RotatedBox https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/RotatedBox-class.html
You should use it with MediaQuery.of(context).orientation to check whether the rotation is needed.
Use RotatedBox on highest level in build method:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RotatedBox(...);
Is there any way to detect scanned document orientation in flutter, There are examples in python
Detect image orientation angle based on text direction
and How to detect image orientation (text)
but is there any way to achieve this in flutter.
One way would be to use a Appwrite function or other service which can use the the same python code and return the orientation to your flutter app.
check the docs: https://appwrite.io/docs/functions
How do I make it so that in Flutter, auto rotation does not do anything but only widgets on button press can change the orientation?
For example I use MediaQuery to check Orientation, and then give a particular widget based on that. However my widget button press is what changes the orientation, not the device sensor. How can I achieve this?
I have a solution for my use case (though I would still like to know how to disable the sensor orientation changes and keep it manual):
I have a boolean for the widget button press, and I have the condition as such:
MediaQuery.of(context).orientation == Orientation.portrait && !isFullScreen
This will then disable any auto rotation and only rotate when my full screen button is pressed.
You can set the screen orientation in the configuration;
on ios platform:
set iOS platform
on android platform:
set android platform
I'm making android app what communicate with atmega128 and hc-06.
but I couldn't find a widget that supports Bluetooth. so, Is there any custom widget that supports Bluetooth?
At the time of writing, FlutterFLow does not have a built in Bluetooth widget. You can use a custom widget from https://pub.dev/packages?q=bluetooth
(Look for the widget with the function you need)
Guide to create custom widget in FlutterFlow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM2gwA2VHyc
Is it possible to prevent a specific widget from rotating?
I'm making an app that switches a portrait screen mode to a landscape screen mode when I turn my device.
But The QR scanner package I use has an issue with the rotation. So, I would like to prevent only the QR scanner widget from rotating. Is it possible in flutter? hopefully, without external package
I'm developing responsive flutter web application. I want my application to be suggested only in portrait orientation, since I did not consider the landscape mode for the application. Is there any way to lock screen orientation for the flutter web application?
You can use MediaQuery.of(context).orientation with RotatedBox to artificially lock it.
By that I mean to use orientation switch in build method and conditionally rotate content to always have correct aspect ratio. You use RotatedBox on highest level to rotate the whole thing
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RotatedBox(...)