Configure FreeIPA from the script using a silent install - centos

I have a question about a silent install, would it be the same as an unintended install? For FreeIPA I checked the man ipa-server-install and it only showed -U --unintended and not silent. How would I make it configure in a silent install?


Uninstall Postgresql in silent mode

I lookup a lot to find a solution to uninstall postgresql in silent mode without using GUI. Something like unattended mode in installation.
Even when I try to uninstall from uninstall.exe it run GUI.
So, is it possible to uninstall postgresql in silent mode or even without uninstall GUI.
Yes, you can uninstall postgresql in silent mode using "--mode unattended".
uninstall-postgresql.exe --mode unattended

How do I run win32-openssh through the powershell? (installed with install-package from chocolatey provider)

So I am just trying to convert to powershell from bash. I was trying to find a way to SSH my server, and found out I could install win32-openssh to do so.
I installed it by:
Installing chocolatey as packageprovider using:
install-packageprovider chocolatey
Then i installed win32-openssh with the command:
install-package win32-openssh
My problem is now, how do I run this program?
It installs the correct binaries etc. It will not add some PS cmdlets for the use off ssh inside PS.
It is all described on the package site:
This package performs the following operations that you normally have to hack at until you get what you want:
Install Appropriate Bitness for the version of Windows
Install to Program Files (malware protection and following advice of dev team)
Add SSH location to System PATH
Optionally install sshd windows service (Requires parameter - see below)
Optionally install sshd server "key based authentication" (Requires parameter - see below)
Cleanly uninstall all of the above (removing config files and server keys requires special switch - see below)
So you can run it from start menu, or by typing ssh.exe into a prompt.
You have Two Options I can think of.
Option 1 : Use bash on Windows 10. Bash comes bundled with Windows 10. You can just enable a Windows 10 feature for it. Setup bash on Windows 10. You'll never miss bash again even if you're on Windows. [Recommended Option]
Option 2 : Set up SSH on Powershell by installing a package like PoSH-SSH.
Steps :
Pre-requisite : PC running Windows 10. Open PowerShell in Admin mode.
Find-Module PoSH-SSH
type 'Y' for the prompts.
Install-Module Posh-SSH
type 'A' for the prompts.
There's not really a need for this. If you have git installed on your Windows machine, you can add it's usr/bin folder to you path. It has ssh and other Unix tools you can use just like in Bash in PowerShell or CMD.

Remove facebook HipHop (hhvm) Ubuntu and debug it

I have installed hhvm by using the building and installing hhvm in Ubuntu 13.10 from GitHub and now I want to uninstall it from my system completely. I am not getting any documentation regarding this.
I am uninstalling because I am not able to make a server using:
hhvm -m server -p 8080` nor ` hhvm -m server -vServer.Type=fastcgi -vServer.Port=8080
It is giving error like
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E0321 17:09:56.491703 13532 fastcgi-session.cpp:562] FastCGI protocol: received an invalid record
sudo /usr/share/hhvm/
the run
sudo apt-get remove hhvm
then restart your server(nginx/apache)
Hopefully (not tested) hhvm supports the make uninstall action assuming you have built from souce (you mention github so its a safe bet)
In the directory you ran make try running make uninstall

I lost my GUI after uninstalling Raspberry Pwn

I wants to make my Pi a network security tool, so I downloaded the source code from Raspberry Pwn's github source [].
I found my network rather slow when installing, so I interrupted the progress. I used its uninstall script to make sure that all changes would be recovered.
The uninstall successfully ended, but since then I cannot proceed on to the GUI after I typed startx. Are there any way for me to proceed a clean install of all GUI components?
You could try the following:
sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Installing emacs on remote machine with limited permissions

I am trying to install emacs on my profile in the remote machine (I am not in the sudoers list). I downloaded the tar file and unzipped it, ran ./configure and then did make. When I do make install, it needs permissions to access /usr/local/share/emacs which I don't have. I was wondering if there exists an alternative way to install emacs.
I cannot run apt-get install as I do not have admin permissions on the remote machine.
You need the --prefix argument to ./configure. Like ./configure --prefix=/home/YOU/local/emacs or whatever path makes sense that you have write access to. Then run make and make install. Run ./configure --help for more information.