Remove facebook HipHop (hhvm) Ubuntu and debug it - facebook

I have installed hhvm by using the building and installing hhvm in Ubuntu 13.10 from GitHub and now I want to uninstall it from my system completely. I am not getting any documentation regarding this.
I am uninstalling because I am not able to make a server using:
hhvm -m server -p 8080` nor ` hhvm -m server -vServer.Type=fastcgi -vServer.Port=8080
It is giving error like
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E0321 17:09:56.491703 13532 fastcgi-session.cpp:562] FastCGI protocol: received an invalid record

sudo /usr/share/hhvm/
the run
sudo apt-get remove hhvm
then restart your server(nginx/apache)

Hopefully (not tested) hhvm supports the make uninstall action assuming you have built from souce (you mention github so its a safe bet)
In the directory you ran make try running make uninstall


DDEV (Linux/WSL2) I upgraded but I still see the old version

My current DDEV installation on WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is v1.16.7. Since I plan to start using Drupal 10, I need to upgrade -- for example, to 1.21.4. So I issued the commands to upgrade as indicated in the documentation and I get "ddev is already the newest version (1.21.4)", and nothing new is installed, and I still end up having v1.16.7. I tried the full "curl" command and all the normal update commands, but every time it tells me all is well, ddev is already the newest version ... and then I still have the same version as before. I'd like to avoid uninstalling everything, which seems like a drastic solution. Any ideas about what's going on?
You have more than one version of DDEV installed, and you'll have to sort it out. On Linux (WSL2) your $PATH determines where it looks for executable binaries. You can echo $PATH to see what the order is, and you can which ddev to find out which one it's using. (You don't have to do or understand the below once you understand that, but you can continue for more detail.)
On WSL2 you're likely to have
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/ddev (If you installed with homebrew). That may or may not be in your $PATH; sometimes people don't get it into their $PATH properly.
/usr/local/bin/ddev (If you installed with /usr/local/bin is almost always in the $PATH of a Linux system.
/usr/bin/ddev (If you installed with the newer apt install ddev technique, which is recommended).
All three of these work fine and are supported, but I recommend that you go with the newer apt install technique.
So you can do this:
brew uninstall ddev
sudo rm -f /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/ddev /usr/local/bin/ddev
That will remove the other ones.
Then follow the Linux instructions in the docs and
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ddev.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ddev.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddev.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ddev
That should get you the ddev in /usr/bin/ddev which will certainly be in your $PATH.
On WSL2 with DDEV v1.21.4, you'll want to install DDEV on the Windows side as well, just for the odd case where you use a non-* hostname, and DDEV needs to update the hosts file on the Windows side. So in admin PowerShell, choco install -y ddev.

Can't install powershell in Parallels Kali Linux Virtual Machine

I've been trying to install Powershell for a few hours now. I run this under root:
apt update && apt -y install powershell
This is what I end up getting after it runs through and seemingly downloads
Package powershell is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'powershell' has no installation candidate
When I try to run this same command outside of root using sudo, I get the following:
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root?
I have updated everything and tried a few different ways. I even downloaded a completely new Virtual Machine in Parallels to see if restarting would help out. I still run into the same problems. This is a Kali Linux VM on Parallels MacOS M1. Not sure if that matters or not. I think Parallels itself may possibly be using an apt process in the background, but when I do:
sudo killall apt apt-get
I end up getting
apt: no process found
apt-get: no process found
I've been trying everything. I'm on a new Mac so I don't have too many VM options. If someone could figure this out in Parallels, it would be a great help.
I've tried a lot. In the description above.
To install PowerShell in Kali Linux open the terminal and type:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y snapd # install daemon and tooling that enable snap packages
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd apparmor
Log out and back in again, and run the following command to install the powershell snap package.
sudo snap install powershell --classic

There is no activate when I am trying to run my virtual env

1) I installed virtualenv using pip.
2) I ran the command virtualenv venv
3) Then I ran source venv/bin/activate but it says that there is no such file or directory.
When I cd into venv/bin I find 3 things - python, python 2.7, and python 3.5. Does anyone know the problem?
i have had the same problem. and what i did is just run the command
virtualenv env
again. And then more files were generated under directory env/bin, including the activate file. it's so weird.
I solved the similar problem running python3.7 -m venv venv, you can change for your version of python that is installed in your enviroment.
According to Python doc, the installation step is
$ python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv env
The last command gives a warning message,
The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not
available. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv
package using the following command.
apt-get install python3-venv
You may need to use sudo with that command. After installing the python3-venv
package, recreate your virtual environment.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Now, activate is available.
I solved a similar problem by naming it venv2 when I ran virtualenv. I already had a virtual environment named venv for another project. This allowed me to proceed.
I experienced this problem when using the --upgrade option. Removed the option, and all ran as expected.
I double it is caused by some networking issue, I run it twice to get 'activate' script installed. Maybe first it can't connect to some source so it just abort installation.
I had this happen on rasbian when I hadn't installed python3-pip before creating the venv.

CakePHP3 - Apache/Server Error 500 - MAMP [duplicate]

Using the CakePHP docs, I am trying to install 3.0-beta2 using composer but I got this error:
cakephp/cakephp 3.0.x-dev requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system
However, I know for sure that intl is installed (it shows on phpinfo). I'm using PHP 5.4.33/Apache
I faced the same problem today. You need to enable the intl PHP extension in your PHP configuration (.ini).
Solution Xampp (Windows)
Open /xampp/php/php.ini
Change ;extension=php_intl.dll to extension=php_intl.dll (remove the semicolon)
Copy all the /xampp/php/ic*.dll files to /xampp/apache/bin
Restart apache in the Xampp control panel
Solution Linux (thanks to Annamalai Somasundaram)
Install the php5-intl extension sudo apt-get install php5-intl
1.1. Alternatively use sudo yum install php5-intl if you are on CentOS or Fedora.
Restart apache sudo service apache2 restart
Solution Mac/OSX (homebrew) (thanks to deizel)
Install the php5-intl extension brew install php56-intl
If you get No available formula for php56-intl follow these instructions.
Restart apache sudo apachectl restart
Eventually you can run composer install to check if it's working. It will give an error if it's not.
I faced the same issue in ubuntu 12.04
Installed: sudo apt-get install php5-intl
Restarted the Apache: sudo service apache2 restart
OS X Homebrew (May 2015):
The intl extension has been removed from the main php5x formulas, so you no longer compile with the --enable-intl flag.
If you can't find the new package:
$ brew install php56-intl
Error: No available formula for php56-intl
Follow these instructions:
$ brew install php56-intl
==> Installing php56-intl from homebrew/homebrew-php
When using MAMP
1 Go to terminal
vim ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.2/bin:$PATH
Change php5.6.2 to the php version you use with MAMP
Hit ESC,
Type :wq,
hit Enter
source ~/.bash_profile
which php
2 Install Mac Ports
sudo port install php5-intl OR sudo port install php53-intl
cp /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/
{take a good look at the folder names that u use the right ones}
3 Add extension
Now, add the extension to your php.ini file:
Usefull Link:
The error message clearly states what the problem is. You need the intl extension installed.
Step 1: install PHP intl you comfortable version
$sudo apt-get install php-intl
step 2:
For XAMPP Server intl extension is already installed, you need to enable this extension to uncomment below the line in your php.ini file. Php.ini file is located at c:\xampp\php\php.ini or where you have installed XAMPP.
Before uncomment:
;extension=php_intl.dll ;extension=php_mbstring.dll
After uncommenting:
extension=php_intl.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll
Short answer: activate intl extension in php_cli.ini. Thanks to #ndm for his input.
If you are using latest version Ubuntu 16.04 or later just do
sudo apt-get install php-intl
Then restart your apache
sudo service apache2 restart
In my case I was not actually trying to run cakephp locally, I was just trying to get it to auto update locally using composer (because I am playing with writing plugins that you install with composer). Since I don't actually even run it locally I could simply ignore requirements by adding the --ignore-platform-reqs flag.
php composer.phar update --ignore-platform-reqs
In my case, my running php version is 7.1.x on mac OSX .
I installed intl command using brew install php71-intl.
Placing inside php.ini was no effect at all. Finally i looked for extension installed directory and there i saw and placed that path (extension=/usr/local/Cellar/php71-intl/7.1.11_20/ to my php.ini file and it solved my problem.
In my case (xampp PHP 8.0)
Find ;extension=intl in /xampp/php/php.ini
Remove ; and Restart Apache
MAKE this
In XAMPP, intl extension is included but you have to uncomment extension=php_intl.dll in php.ini and restart the server through the XAMPP Control Panel.
In WAMP, the intl extension is “activated” by default but not working. To make it work you have to go to php folder (by default) C:\wamp\bin\php\php{version}, copy all the files that looks like icu*.dll and paste them into the apache bin directory C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache{version}\bin. Then restart all services and it should be OK.
if you use XAMPP do this
1. turn off XAMPP
2. Modifed the php.ini is located in c/:xampp/php/php.ini
3. intl extension is included but you have to uncomment extension=php_intl.dll in php.ini and restart the server through the XAMPP Control Panel.
For Ubuntu terminal:
Please follow the steps:
cd ~
Step -2: Run the following commands
sudo apt-get install php5-intl
Step -3: You then need to restart Apache
sudo service apache2 restart
For Windows(XAMPP) :
Find the Php.ini file:
Update the php.ini file with remove (;) semi colon like mentioned below:
;extension=php_intl.dll to extension=php_intl.dll
and save the php.ini file.
After that you need to
Restart the xampp using xampp control.
Intl Means :Internationalization extension which enables programmers to perform UCA-conformant collation and number,currency,date,time formatting in PHP scripts.
To enable PHP Intl with PECL can be used.
pecl install intl
On a plain RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, PHP Intl can be install using yum
yum install php-intl
On Ubuntu, PHP Intl can be install using apt-get
apt-get install php5-intl
Restart Apache service for the changes to take effect.
That's it
For those who get Package not found error try sudo apt-get install php7-intl then run composer install in your project directory.
I had the same problem in windows
The error was that I had installed several versions of PHP and the Environment Variables were routing to wrong Path of php see image example
I'm using Mac OS High Sierra and none of these worked for me. But after searching a lot I found one that worked!
This may seem trivial, but in fact about 2 months ago some clever guys made changes in brew repository, so doing just: brew install php71-intl will show you error with message that such recipe doesn’t exists.
Fortunately, there is. There is temporary fix in another brew repo, so all you have to do is:
brew tap kyslik/homebrew-php
brew install kyslik/php/php71-intl
I use Linux Ubuntu 20, you can try this:
Check php installed modules:
php -m | grep intl
If there are no result(s) from this command, you should just go ahead and install the module:
sudo apt-get install php7.4-intl
you will need to change *php7.4 to your desired php version.
you should restart apache when you're done:
sudo service apache2 restart

I lost my GUI after uninstalling Raspberry Pwn

I wants to make my Pi a network security tool, so I downloaded the source code from Raspberry Pwn's github source [].
I found my network rather slow when installing, so I interrupted the progress. I used its uninstall script to make sure that all changes would be recovered.
The uninstall successfully ended, but since then I cannot proceed on to the GUI after I typed startx. Are there any way for me to proceed a clean install of all GUI components?
You could try the following:
sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg