How to adjust size of the compass in mapview for IOS SDK - mapbox

How to adjust size of the compass in mapview for IOS SDK
Use MapboxNavigation 2.5.0, I can change the position,but I don't know how to change size


iPhone display zoom install application by Xcode

I use iPhone6. I set display zoom mode "standard".
I installed and tested my app resolution (375 x 667).
Today, I changed iphone display zoom mode "zoom" and chagned again mode "stardard". Then, I installed my app to my iPhone by Xcode.
Resolution is 320 x 568. And never back to stardard resoultion (375 x 667)
I have no idea. What is the problem.
I guess, Xcode bug..
Please Help..!

Smartface 4.3 ios horizontal orientation

I have created and new empty project at Smartface 4.3 with defaults and export to xcode with "Portrait" "Landscape Left" and "Landscape Right" options selected. I have also selected xcode orientations as vertical and horizontal. At vertical orientation everything is ok but if horizontal orientation selected screen divided and don't fetch the screen as below picture half of the screen is black. I am using xcode 6.3 with OS X Yosemite 10.10.3. Is there any more setting on xcode or smartface to solve problem?
You can use horizontal layouts by selecting from Project Details -> App Settings section.
We suggest to use horizontal or vertical orientation for application, supporting all the orientation requires MVC modeling hovewer it is not completely supported.

XCode 3.2 supports iPhone 5?

My app was developed using Xcode 3.2 and now it's required to support iPhone 5 , actually it runs on iPhone 5 but the display is clipped showing some black space at the buttom and top,
The issue now is I want to support iPhone 5 full Screen in my application, so is it required to upgrade to the latest xcode version or it can be adjusted??
Thanks in Advance
Just add an image of the name Default-568h#2x.png with proper resolution (640x1136) pixel in your root folder.

Iphone 5 and Iphone 4 screen issue

I'm creating an app using xcode 4.5 that is meant to support only the 3.5 inch retina display. Thus, in the attributes inspector for the view controller I have set the size to be 3.5 inches. However, I'm testing my app on a iphone 5 and the app auto-resizes to fit the whole screen. Do you know why this is happening? How can i make the app remain in 3.5 inches of size even when viewed off of a iphone 5?
If you remove the default 568h#2x icon from your project the app will run the way you want. On the iPhone 5, you will get black bars on top and bottom to show what it would look like on the 4. Hope this helps.
The answer is - you can't do that :) But you can download ios5 simulator and set it's device property to 3.5 screen device

iPhone - getting the size of a view in pixels

I have a camera taken picture, and I'd like to resize it to the exact size of a view. But... bounds.size on an iPhone 4 does not take account of the retina display.
I'd like a code that can give me the real pixel size of the view, so it can work on any device without having to test / to know the kind of hardware it runs on.
Do you know how I may do this ?
Every view has the contentScaleFactor property, which is typically 1.0 (3G, 3GS, iPad) or 2.0 (retina screens). Another approach is to use [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale], which has the same values.
note to remain compatible with iOS versions prior to 4.0, you have to check if the method is available using respondsToSelector:#selector(contentScaleFactor) before getting the value.