Changing screen structure depending on screen size - flutter

I have a screen with following structure:
The first column is a TextField (search Text).
The third column is a static footer that should remain at the bottom of the screen.
The second column hosts several widgets.
My issue is that the second column throws a bottom overflowed by 96 px on small screen devices like iPhone 7, but on greater screen devices it is shown nice.
How could I avoid this issue on smaller screens?

there are different ways to solve your problem and 2 of them I'm listing below
Each screen you can wrap with SingleChildScrollView() so, you can avoid overflowed error and it will be easily scrollable by user.
But with this solution it will not look good.
So, for that we can user 2nd solution which is
You need to change your designing structure as per the screen height and width.
You can wrap particular widget with LayoutBuilder which will give you the available height and width which you can use.
So, with this technique you can build different structure for Tablets and mobiles. Which make your app really attractable.


Bottom sheet width is half of the screen flutter

Flutter i am developing an app in 8 inch emulator. As you can see in the image my bottom sheet doesnt cover all the width. I tried to change constraints, containers width but nothing has changed.
i will add code in comment
Did you try getting rid of the top Center? You don't include the rest of the modal, so the combo of the Center, and perhaps some width constraint you have further down is limiting the width. Otherwise, include your full modal code in the question section, not the comments.

How to use SizeTransition with Text inside a Row without overflows

Problem summary
I'm building simple animation in which, simply, a panel expands to the right on a onTap event. The layout can be summarized as follows:
The panel has many tiles. Each tile has its own:
leading icon
title text
trailing icon
Each tile, when expanded, shows the three widgets above
Each tile, when shrinked, just shows the leading icon
The panel is scrollable to hold many icons such as these
At the end of the panel there's a simple icon which, when tapped, triggers the "expand" or "shrink" animation
The animation is built with an AnimatedContainer on the panel and a SizeTransition on the single tiles (via one single controller on the parent class)
The problem is simple: when the tiles shrink, their inner text overflows in the row.
Sample code
I just made this reproducible example on DartPad.
The obvious solution isn't helping me out
The most obvious solution is to simply wrap the Text inside a Flexible Widget: this advised by Flutter's docs and it makes sense, but unluckily it completely breaks my Layout.
Flexible introduces a flex factor that in this context is 100% unwanted.
I want my leading icons to be always at the end of the row, so my Spacer widget should "prevail" there.
I can't just play with flex factors there, as it would unintendedly hide text depending on its value.
Another code smell
Another thing I really don't like is the fact that I have to build a controller on the parent class, but I'm not actually using it on the parent class (I'm just exploiting it so I can give it to the children).
I'm new to animations in Flutter so I'm kinda confused on how I should orchestrate the whole thing here.
Any help will be appreciated / upvoted / accepted. Thank you!
As far as I understood you in a right way you just need set sizes for Row inside of SizeTransition instead of Container sizes
Here is your modified sample
I'd try an OverflowBox or a FittedBox (wrapping your text), depending on the result you want to achieve.

Manage Device Sizes MediaQuery Globally

What is the proper way to handle device size globally. The idea is not to have a [MediaQuery.of(context).size.width] on each screen of the app. There is already a question and answer about it, but the only answer is out of date because there was no null safety yet.
The answer suggests creating a constants.dart file, like in the image below:
And initialize in the build of the first widget of the application:
The problem is that for it to be constant it must have a value, and not wait for the first build. It is also true that the value canchange based on device orientation and I would like to handle this as well.
I have doubts about it. if someone can help me
You cannot save the screen dimensions as a constant, because they will change if the device is rotated, or when the screen is resized, such as for desktop and web apps.
Instead you should be pushing your cutpoint decisions as low as possible, using LayoutBuilder.
LayoutBuilder seems preferable over every use of MediaQuery for sizing a viewport (either the whole screen, or the space left in a column or other layout).
LayoutBuilder also works hard to avoid rebuilding its child if the size doesn't change and the parents haven't had to re-layout.
The builder function is called in the following situations:
The first time the widget is laid out.
When the parent widget passes different layout constraints.
When the parent widget updates this widget.
When the dependencies that the builder function subscribes to change.
The builder function is not called during layout if the parent passes the same constraints repeatedly.
And you don't have to think about "the height of the appbar" ever again, because you're getting the space left, not the total space on the screen.
Check it out:

Is there a way to calculate a dynamically sized widget?

I'd like to add a custom showMore widget if the skills widget which has a dynamic size(width) exceeds the screen width. On clicking the showMore widget it should show all the skills in a wrap .else show less.
In flutter
Constraints go down and sizes go up
See this documentation.
Flutter uses a single pass algorithm to render your application. This is a technical choice to ensure performance but it comes with limitations.
One of them is that, when you are building the widget tree, you only have access to the constraints of the parent, and not any size of any widget (since they are not rendered yet).
So a short answer to your question is:
No, you cannot do what you are trying to do (displaying something if some widgets are not fitting on the screen) since you don't have access to any sizes in the build method.
An alternative solution would be to use Wrap to wrap your chips or use a ListView on the horizontal axis to make the list of chips horizontally scrollable.
Anyway, if you really want to do this, you can hardcode the sizes of your chip and access the device size with MediaQuery.of(context).size or by using the LayoutBuilder and using contraints.maxWidth as the parent's width. Then you can check whether or not numberOfChips * chipSize <= maxWidth. But I wouldn't recommend it as the design wouldn't be responsive:
All the chips will have the same size, so you'll end up with a big chip for "c" and maybe a long name like "python" won't fit in and you'll end up with overflow issues.
What if the user changes the font size of his device? You will also end up with overflow issues.

Proper way, that make a screen scrollable if the content is greater than the screen - Flutter

I am looking for the proper way, how can I use scrollable view only if necessary.
I want to create a card which will have an 500 height container. In this case some small-screen device could not show the content properly specially if the keyboard is showing.
In this case the screen should be scrollable, but I cant find a good solution.
I used a SingleChildScrollView with a Column child. Inside the column there was the Card view with the content.