How can I attach bottom bar to top of bottom sheet? - flutter

I have a bottom container with a progress bar in it, and when i click or swipe up i need it to follow the bottom sheet as a header.
Can I attach it to the bottom sheet or can I implement it in the sheet itself and then have the sheet peek up by some offset?
I've watched all guides, tutorials and flutter demos of the first few google pages and I cant seam to find any information about it.
Please provide me some guidance so I can flutter in the right direction.

This effect can be achieved using some basic widget building.
Container: background overlay
Column: MainAxisSize.max
Container: height = (screenHeight - bottomBarHeight)
BottomBar: fixes size
Container: Bottom Dialog
Create a fullscreen stateful widget with a fixed size using MediaQuery.size.height. When tapped animate the Column up to distance you want this to go, most likely the height of the Bottom Dialog Container.
Animating the y property of the Column should get this to work fine.


Bottom sheet width is half of the screen flutter

Flutter i am developing an app in 8 inch emulator. As you can see in the image my bottom sheet doesnt cover all the width. I tried to change constraints, containers width but nothing has changed.
i will add code in comment
Did you try getting rid of the top Center? You don't include the rest of the modal, so the combo of the Center, and perhaps some width constraint you have further down is limiting the width. Otherwise, include your full modal code in the question section, not the comments.

Modal bottom sheet on flutter with interactive background

I want to dim (gray) the background when the bottom sheet opens, like a modal bottom sheet, but still be able to interact with the rest of the UI while the bottom sheet is open - like a regular bottom sheet.
Any ideas?
Even though, I won't recommend creating such an effect as it is not very understandable from the user perspective.
You can achieve this by using the IgnorePointer, Stack and setState((){})
1- Add a field bool showOverlay = false;
2- Align some Container to with Alignment.bottom to represent ur bottom sheet
3- Put some overlay Container with some background color and opacity and wrap it with IgnorePointer(ignoring: true, ...) which will let it not interfere with your widgets below.
I think you got it from here.

I want to make a container under app bar which works like a secondary App Bar where I can put my back icon button and title in the center in flutter

I have tried everything. But I can't find a permanent solution How to put the title in the center while my back icon button on the left side. I want to use this secondary app bar on every screen of my app.
Please check the image below for a better understanding.
This is the problem that I am facing
Take a ListView Widget at body of Scaffold and in its children put first widget as a ListTile that comes under AppBar. So that there will be a leading icon and title in center. After that take a Column and add your needed widgets for every page.

Flutter BottomSheet At Top Of Screen?

Im Looking to integrate a sheet that drops down from the top of the screen, containing a set of buttons and textfields. However, i cant find any widget suitable for doing this. Is there a way to reposition bottomsheet to achieve this?

Scrollable bottom sheet in Flutter

Can a bottomsheet be made scrollable? For example it opens initially upto a particular height and scrolls up as the content is scrolled. If yes, please help!
The DraggableScrollableSheet is here for that purpose.
This widget can be dragged along the vertical axis between its minChildSize, which defaults to 0.25 and maxChildSize, which defaults to 1.0.
You can use any Scrollable widget as child of DraggableScrollableSheet.
See the official video from Flutter team.