run eclipse docker tooling with Podman backend on Windows - eclipse

want to use Eclipse with Podman backend on Windows. I have Podman Desktop installed and the podman context is:
Name URI Identity Default
podman-machine-default ssh://user#localhost:64926/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock C:\Users\me.ssh\podman-machine-default true
podman-machine-default-root ssh://root#localhost:64926/run/podman/podman.sock C:\Users\me.ssh\podman-machine-default false
Eclipse's Docker tooling has a setting for Container engine like the following:
It takes either a unix socket or a TCP connection, but none of them accept the value specified by Podman URI like ssh://user#localhost:64926/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock.
Is there a workaround I can connect Eclipse to Podman engine on Windows?

There is a workaround that I learned from Red Hat engineer Jason Greene to make Eclipse Docker Tooling (EDT) work with Podman as a backend:
First, create a ssh connection to the podman machine with the L flag and expose a TCP proxy on a specific port.
podman machine ssh -- "-L5555:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock" -N
Then, in the TCP connection section of New Docker Connection dialog enter:
tcp://localhost:5555. The tooling will connect to the remote podman engine and can perform container operations.


Podman isn't working in Remote Containers in Windows?

Any hints on why Remote - Containers isn't working with podman on Windows?
Installed podman v4.2.0 on Windows 11 via .msi package
Set remote.containers.dockerPath to podman in VS Code Settings
Run podman machine init
Run podman machine start
Open Remote Explorer in VS Code and be presented with the following:
Everything is working with podman — pull, run, images, etc, but Remote - Containers on VSCode doesn't recognize podman.
After running Remote-Containers Developer: Show All Logs... in VS Code:
[2022-08-21T12:55:15.916Z] Start: Run: podman version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}}
[2022-08-21T12:55:16.080Z] Stop (164 ms): Run: podman version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}}
[2022-08-21T12:55:16.080Z] Cannot connect to Podman. Please verify your connection to the Linux system using `podman system connection list`, or try `podman machine init` and `podman machine start` to manage a new Linux VM
Error: unable to connect to Podman. failed to create sshClient: dial unix \\.\pipe\openssh-ssh-agent: connect: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
And podman system connection list in a terminal:
Name URI Identity Default
podman-machine-default ssh://user#localhost:62078/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock C:\Users\Edmundo\.ssh\podman-machine-default true
podman-machine-default-root ssh://root#localhost:62078/run/podman/podman.sock C:\Users\Edmundo\.ssh\podman-machine-default false
Related Issues: #6957, #6747.
Please confirm you are running the latest build (prerelease)
(there are known issues on github with earlier release, fixed in this version)
in a WSL shell, i.e. for debugging try this
first - try to start podman podlib REST api (for socket, lifetime 5000 sec. - set to zero for "forever")
podman system service -t 5000 &
then symlink the podman.sock to the location vscode expects:
sudo ln -s /mnt/wslg/runtime-dir/podman/podman.sock /var/run/docker.sock
if none of that works, would you mind posting a dump:
podman info
HINT: check the podman info YAML output for host | remoteSocket | path & make sure it matches the path /mnt/wslg/runtime-dir/podman/podman.sock above.
The bug being tracked on GitHub. One step you should also do is enable Run in WSL in VS Code Development Container extension settings. Then it will run the podman commands in the podman-machine-default wsl instance.

modify docker daemon configuration in Rancher Desktop VM

Is there a way to modify docker daemon configuration in Rancher Desktop VM, e.g. adding insecure registries, etc...?
After such modification, I'd like to restart docker daemon for changes to apply. Is there a way to connect to Rancher Desktop VM?
Haven't found anything relevant in
Based on this answer :
Log into Lima VM:
LIMA_HOME="$HOME/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/lima" "/Applications/Rancher" shell 0
Add insecure registry to DOCKER_OPTS at /etc/conf.d/docker file.
So it would look like below:
lima-rancher-desktop:~# tail -1 /etc/conf.d/docker
Restart docker service inside LimaVM or restart Rancher Desktop.
On Windows to log in to the Rancher Desktop VM, you can do:
wsl -d rancher-desktop -e /bin/sh

kubectl proxy within ubuntu in WSL windows 10

I´m running windows 10 with WSL1 and ubuntu as distrib.
My windows version is Version 1903 (Build 18362.418)
I´m trying to connect to kubernetes using kubectl proxy within ubuntu WSL. I get a connection refused when trying to connect to the dashboard with my browser.
I have checked in windows with netstat -a to see active connections.
If i run kubectl within the windows terminal i have no problem to connect to kubernetes, so the problem is only happening when i try to connect with ubuntu WSL1.
I have also tried to run the following command
kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8001 --accept-hosts='.*'
... but the connection is refused although i see that windows is listening to the port. Changing port to another port didn´t fix the proble. Disabling the firewall didnt´fix the problem as well.
Any idea ?
First thing to do would be to check if you able to safely talk to your cluster: (kubectl get svc -n kube-system, kubectl cluster-info)
If not check if $HOME/.kube folder was created. If not, run:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials default --region=<your_region>

How to make a TCP outgoing connection with Docker container?

My Go application makes TLS connections via tls.Dial() to exchange data.
It works fine when run from the host:
But the outgoing connection doesn't seem to work when the app is run from a Docker container. The app hangs indefinitely.
Note 1: Same behavior with using docker run -p $(docker-machine ip):2500:2500 ...
Note 2: VM doesn't have extra port forwarding settings other than the default settings that came with docker-machine's default VM.
Docker image build with Dockerfile:
FROM golang:latest
RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/path/to/app"
# Install dependencies
RUN go get
VOLUME "$GOPATH/src/path/to/app"
WORKDIR "$GOPATH/src/path/to/app"
CMD ["go", "run", "main.go"]
Host is OS X running docker-machine.
How can I make the TCP outgoing connection to work?
You are either using boot2docker or docker-machine (since you are running docker on OSX). If you are using boot2docker, you have to forward the ports on VirtualBox as well as docker, have a look at this blog post:
If you are using docker-machine, you have to connect to the docker-machine assigned ip, not localhost, have a look at this post:
I see now that you are using docker-machine specifically, so the post about docker-machine should answer your question.
Edit: I misunderstood the question. You are trying to make an outgoing connection on a forwarded port. That is not correct. By default docker can make outgoing connections on any port. The port forwarding is for incoming connections only. Please try again without specifying any ports to forward. My suspicion is that you are trying to make an outgoing connection on the incoming (forwarded) port.
I've just had exactly the same problem. Was unable to connect out at all.
Restarted the container, and suddenly outgoing connections worked fine. It's possible that the container survived an update of docker?
Currently using Docker version 18.09.3, build 774a1f4

Docker Tooling for Eclipse - how to connect to docker daemon running inside VM

I have a docker daemon/engine running inside guest (Ubuntu) virtual machine
and as per Docker Tooling for Eclipse instruction I had downloaded and setup the plugin in Eclipse Mars on my host Mac OS machine.
How do I connect to Docker running in guest VM from the host machine IDE.
As per instructions, I would need to enter TCP and authentication so how do I get these details to setup the connection?
I had tried with guest OS IP (i.e. tcp:// output of ifconfig command with local host IP) but was not able to connect.
Here are the steps I used to get Docker Tooling working in Eclipse Neon on Windows.
Open the Docker Quickstart Terminal
Execute docker-machine ls
Copy the URL (e.g. tcp://
Click the Add Connection button in the toolbar for Docker Explorer
Provide a Connection name:
Select TCP Connection
Paste the above URL into the URI: edit box
Change tcp to https in the edit box
Select Enable authentication
Set the path to C:\Users\username\.docker\machine\certs
Click on Test Connection to verify
There are two parts to this. First, enabling the TCP socket (which I'll answer). Then, setting TLS authentication on the socket (which I'll link to but won't cover). The first part should get you up.
You'll need to edit the DOCKER_OPTS settings in /etc/default/docker in the VM. Edit this file and set DOCKER_OPTS to something like:
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix://"
Then, restart Docker (sudo service docker restart). This should get you a TCP connection that you can put in your Eclipse settings as:
The second part (which is optional at this point) would be setting up the CA and certificates per But I'd actually recommend just installing Docker Machine and provisioning your VM that way as it will create the needed certificates for you. Then, if your machine was named dev, you just point the authentication dir to ~/.docker/machine/machines/dev.
If Docker Daemon is running(i.e docker desktop running) in window task bar , not inside the VM , just get the URI from its context menu setting. In eclipse docker tooling perspective , we can connect to running docker daemon only by providing the URI.