modify docker daemon configuration in Rancher Desktop VM - docker-daemon

Is there a way to modify docker daemon configuration in Rancher Desktop VM, e.g. adding insecure registries, etc...?
After such modification, I'd like to restart docker daemon for changes to apply. Is there a way to connect to Rancher Desktop VM?
Haven't found anything relevant in

Based on this answer :
Log into Lima VM:
LIMA_HOME="$HOME/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/lima" "/Applications/Rancher" shell 0
Add insecure registry to DOCKER_OPTS at /etc/conf.d/docker file.
So it would look like below:
lima-rancher-desktop:~# tail -1 /etc/conf.d/docker
Restart docker service inside LimaVM or restart Rancher Desktop.

On Windows to log in to the Rancher Desktop VM, you can do:
wsl -d rancher-desktop -e /bin/sh


Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows

I am running a local Kubernetes cluster through Docker Desktop on Windows. I'm attempting to modify my kube-apiserver config, and all of the information I've found has said to modify /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the master. I haven't been able to find this file, and am not sure what the proper way is to do this. Is there a different process because the cluster is through Docker Desktop?
Is there a different process because the cluster is through Docker Desktop?
You can get access to the kubeapi-server.yaml with a Kubernetes that is running on Docker Desktop but in a "hacky" way. I've included the explanation below.
For setups that require such reconfigurations, I encourage you to use different solution like for example minikube.
Minikube has a feature that allows you to pass the additional options for the Kubernetes components. You can read more about --extra-config ExtraOption by following this documentation: Docs: Commands: Start
As for the reconfiguration of kube-apiserver.yaml with Docker Desktop
You need to run following command:
docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
Above command will allow you to run:
vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
This lets you edit the API server configuration. The Pod running kubeapi-server will be restarted with new parameters.
You can check below StackOverflow answers for more reference: Answer: Where are the Docker Desktop for Windows kubelet logs located? Answer: How to change the default nodeport range on Mac (docker-desktop)?
I've used this answer without $ screen command and I was able to reconfigure kubeapi-server on Docker Desktop in Windows

How to set DOCKER_HOST with fixed ip address or system variable?

I am using eclipse docker tooling perspective to handle minikube docker repository on windows 10. The installation and configuration of minikube are successful.
> minikube docker-env
$Env:DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://"
$Env:DOCKER_CERT_PATH = "C:\Users\joseph\.minikube\certs"
# To point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon, run:
# & minikube -p minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
When managing docker images, I use docker explorer of docker tooling perspective. And below image is the the Docker Connection Dialog
[Test Connection] is successful and the connection throws no errors. But the problem is the DOCKER_HOST of minikube is variable. The DOCKER_HOST is not fixed and is changeable whenever minikube is started. I want to know how to fix the DOCKER_HOST ip address when minikube is started or the system variable of DOCKER_HOST with which I can set the value of docker tcp connection URI of eclipse IDE.
I've reproduced your problem using the following steps:
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
minikube ip (note the IP address)
minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
minikube ip (IP address has changed)
After digging around I understood that at the moment there is no support for predictable IP's across restarts.
There is an open issue for this and you can follow it here.

What are good workflows for deploying podman/buildah created container images to minikube?

I am exploring and learning about containers and kubernetes using podman and minikube on a linux workstation. I use podman to build images on the workstation and would like to deploy these images in minikube also running on the workstation using the kvm2 virtual machine driver. I also start minikube using the CRI-O container runtime.
What are efficient workflows to deploy these images from the workstation to minikube in this scenario? Docker is not running on the minikube VM so the reusing the Docker daemon as described in the minikube documentation is not an option. Sharing the host file system with minikube also appears to not be viable at this time when using kvm2.
Is running a local registry that is visible to both the workstation and the minikube vm the best option? Answers to How to use local docker images with Minikube? and (Kubernetes + Minikube) can't get docker image from local registry appear to offer good solutions for configuring a local registry.
Would skopeo be a solution?
Edit: this is a nice post describing how to set up a registry using podman:
thank you
Minikube documentation provides the foundation for a potential workflow at In order to use podman in lieu of docker I did the following
Start minikube, as instructed, with the --insecure-registry flag. I specifically use
minikube start --network-plugin=cni --enable-default-cni --bootstrapper=kubeadm --container-runtime=cri-o --cpus 4 --memory 4g --insecure-registry ""
Enable the minikube registry addon.
minikube addons enable registry
Configure podman to use the insecure minikube registry by adding the registry to the insecure registries section of /etc/containers/registries.conf. This section now looks like
registries = ['']
where is the minikube ip. This ip may change following minikube restarts.
Follow the build, push and run commands in substituting podman for docker. This assumes the test-img container file exists.
Build: podman build --tag $(minikube ip):5000/test-img .
Push: podman push $(minikube ip):5000/test-img
Run: kubectl run test-img --image=$(minikube ip):5000/test-img
This worked but suffers from a serious complication: there is no apparent way at this time to set the IP address for the minikube VM when using kvm2. The IP will always be in the subnet but that is the only certainty. Each time minikube is started the IP address of the registry will change which has significant implications for podman and the workflow in general.
More to come an another solution.

Nginx ingress controller at kubernetes not allowing installation of some package

I am looking to execute
apt install tcpdump
but facing permission denial, upon looking to set the directory to root, it is asking me for password and I don't know from where to get that password.
I installed nginx helm chart from stable/nginx repository with no RBAC
Please see snapshot for details on error, while I tried installing tcpdump in the pod after doing ssh into it.
In Using GDB with Nginx, you can find troubleshooting section:
find the node where your pod is running (kubectl get pods -o wide)
ssh into the node
find the docker_ID for this image (docker ps | grep pod_name)
run docker exec -it --user=0 --privileged docker_ID bash
Note: Runtime privilege and Linux capabilities
When the operator executes docker run --privileged, Docker will enable access to all devices on the host as well as set some configuration in AppArmor or SELinux to allow the container nearly all the same access to the host as processes running outside containers on the host. Additional information about running with --privileged is available on the Docker Blog.
Additional resources:
Hope this help.

kubectl proxy within ubuntu in WSL windows 10

I´m running windows 10 with WSL1 and ubuntu as distrib.
My windows version is Version 1903 (Build 18362.418)
I´m trying to connect to kubernetes using kubectl proxy within ubuntu WSL. I get a connection refused when trying to connect to the dashboard with my browser.
I have checked in windows with netstat -a to see active connections.
If i run kubectl within the windows terminal i have no problem to connect to kubernetes, so the problem is only happening when i try to connect with ubuntu WSL1.
I have also tried to run the following command
kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8001 --accept-hosts='.*'
... but the connection is refused although i see that windows is listening to the port. Changing port to another port didn´t fix the proble. Disabling the firewall didnt´fix the problem as well.
Any idea ?
First thing to do would be to check if you able to safely talk to your cluster: (kubectl get svc -n kube-system, kubectl cluster-info)
If not check if $HOME/.kube folder was created. If not, run:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials default --region=<your_region>