Determinate if a column contain numeric value in JPQL - jpa

I have to determinate if a column contains a numeric or a alphanumeri value.
My sql code is:
case when trim(TRANSLATE(my_column, '0123456789-,.', ' ')) is null
then 'integer'
else 'char'
from my_table
and i have to traslate it in JPQL.
Thanks !

Your requirement is easy to come by using a native Oracle query:
FROM my_table
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(my_column, '[A-Za-z0-9]');
The above will match any record having at least one alphanumeric character in the my_column column. You can't do this from JPQL directly. The best you might be able to do is to use a large number of LIKE statements, e.g.
FROM my_table
WHERE my_column LIKE '%A%' OR
my_column LIKE '%B%' OR
for every alphanumeric value. But this is unwieldy, and probably should be avoided. There is nothing wrong with using a native query if the situation merits that one should be used.


Alphanumeric sorting without any pattern on the strings [duplicate]

I've got a Postgres ORDER BY issue with the following table:
em_code name
EM1000 CCC
To insert a new record to the table,
I select the last record with SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY em_code DESC
Strip alphabets from em_code usiging reg exp and store in ec_alpha
Cast the remating part to integer ec_num
Increment by one ec_num++
Pad with sufficient zeors and prefix ec_alpha again
When em_code reaches EM1000, the above algorithm fails.
First step will return EM999 instead EM1000 and it will again generate EM1000 as new em_code, breaking the unique key constraint.
Any idea how to select EM1000?
Since Postgres 9.6, it is possible to specify a collation which will sort columns with numbers naturally.
-- First create a collation with numeric sorting
CREATE COLLATION numeric (provider = icu, locale = 'en#colNumeric=yes');
-- Alter table to use the collation
ALTER TABLE "employees" ALTER COLUMN "em_code" type TEXT COLLATE numeric;
Now just query as you would otherwise.
SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY em_code
On my data, I get results in this order (note that it also sorts foreign numerals):
One approach you can take is to create a naturalsort function for this. Here's an example, written by Postgres legend RhodiumToad.
create or replace function naturalsort(text)
returns bytea language sql immutable strict as $f$
select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'),'\x00')
from regexp_matches($1, '0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)', 'g') r;
To use it simply call the function in your order by:
SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY naturalsort(em_code) DESC
The reason is that the string sorts alphabetically (instead of numerically like you would want it) and 1 sorts before 9.
You could solve it like this:
SELECT * FROM employees
ORDER BY substring(em_code, 3)::int DESC;
It would be more efficient to drop the redundant 'EM' from your em_code - if you can - and save an integer number to begin with.
Answer to question in comment
To strip any and all non-digits from a string:
SELECT regexp_replace(em_code, E'\\D','','g')
FROM employees;
\D is the regular expression class-shorthand for "non-digits".
'g' as 4th parameter is the "globally" switch to apply the replacement to every occurrence in the string, not just the first.
After replacing every non-digit with the empty string, only digits remain.
This always comes up in questions and in my own development and I finally tired of tricky ways of doing this. I finally broke down and implemented it as a PostgreSQL extension:
It's free to use, MIT license.
Basically it just normalizes the numerics (zero pre-pending numerics) within strings such that you can create an index column for full-speed sorting au naturel. The readme explains.
The advantage is you can have a trigger do the work and not your application code. It will be calculated at machine-speed on the PostgreSQL server and migrations adding columns become simple and fast.
you can use just this line
"ORDER BY length(substring(em_code FROM '[0-9]+')), em_code"
I wrote about this in detail in this related question:
Humanized or natural number sorting of mixed word-and-number strings
(I'm posting this answer as a useful cross-reference only, so it's community wiki).
I came up with something slightly different.
The basic idea is to create an array of tuples (integer, string) and then order by these. The magic number 2147483647 is int32_max, used so that strings are sorted after numbers.
CAST(COALESCE(NULLIF(match[1], ''), '2147483647') AS INTEGER),
FROM REGEXP_MATCHES(col_to_sort_by, '(\d*)|(\D*)', 'g')
AS match
I thought about another way of doing this that uses less db storage than padding and saves time than calculating on the fly.
I've also put it on GitHub
The following solution is a combination of various ideas presented in another question, as well as some ideas from the classic solution:
create function natsort(s text) returns text immutable language sql as $$
select string_agg(r[1] || E'\x01' || lpad(r[2], 20, '0'), '')
from regexp_matches(s, '(\D*)(\d*)', 'g') r;
The design goals of this function were simplicity and pure string operations (no custom types and no arrays), so it can easily be used as a drop-in solution, and is trivial to be indexed over.
Note: If you expect numbers with more than 20 digits, you'll have to replace the hard-coded maximum length 20 in the function with a suitable larger length. Note that this will directly affect the length of the resulting strings, so don't make that value larger than needed.

ILIKE query with indexing for jsonb array data in postgres

I have table in which has city as jsonb column which has json array like below
now I want to query table on "name" column with ILIKE query.
I have tried with below but it is not working for me
select * from data where city->>'name' ILIKE '%man%'
while i know, I can search with exact match by below query
select * from data where city->>'name' #> 'manchester'
Also I know we can jsonb functions to make it flat data and search but it will not use than indexing.
is there anyway to search data with ilike in a way it also use indexing?
Index support will be difficult; for that, a schema that adheres to the first normal form would be beneficial.
Other than that, you can use the JSONPATH language from v12 on:
WITH t(c) AS (
SELECT '[{"name":"manchester"},{"name":"liverpool"}]'::jsonb
SELECT jsonb_path_exists(
'$.**.name ? (# like_regex "man" flag "i")'::jsonpath
(1 row)
You should really store your data differently.
You can do the ilike query "naturally" but without index support, like this:
select * from data where exists (select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(city) f(x) where x->>'name' ILIKE '%man%');
You can get index support like this:
create index on data using gin ((city::text) gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where city::text ilike '%man%';
But it will find matches within the text of the keys, as well as the values, and using irrelevant keys/values of any are present. You could get around this by creating a function that returns just the values, all banged together into one string, and then use a functional index. But the index will get less effective as the length of the string gets longer, as there will be more false positives that need to be tracked down and weeded out.
create or replace function concat_val(jsonb, text) returns text immutable language sql as $$
select string_agg(x->>$2,' ') from jsonb_array_elements($1) f(x)
$$ parallel safe;
create index on data using gin (concat_val(city,'name') gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where concat_val(city,'name') ilike '%man%';
You should really store your data differently.

What PostgreSQL type is good for stroring array of strings and offering fast lookup afterwards

I am using PostgreSQL 11.9
I have a table containing a jsonb column with arbitrary number of key-values. There is a requirement when we perform a search to include all values from this column as well. Searching in jsonb is quite slow so my plan is to create a trigger which will extract all the values from the jsonb column:
select t.* from app.t1, jsonb_each(column_jsonb) as t(k,v)
with something like this. And then insert the values in a newly created column in the same table so I can use this column for faster searches.
My question is what type would be most suitable for storing the keys and then searchin within them. Currently the search looks like this:
WHEN something IS NOT NULL
THEN EXISTS(SELECT value FROM jsonb_each(column_jsonb) WHERE value::text ILIKE search_term)
where the search_term is what the user entered from the front end.
This is not going to be pretty, and normalizing the data model would be better.
You can define a function
CREATE FUNCTION jsonb_values_to_string(
j jsonb,
separator text DEFAULT ','
AS 'SELECT string_agg(value->>0, $2) FROM jsonb_each($1)';
Then you can query like
WHERE jsonb_values_to_string(column_jsonb, '|') ILIKE 'search_term'
and you can define a trigram index on the left hand side expression to speed it up.
Make sure that you choose a separator that does not occur in the data or the pattern...

unicode() for all characters of a query

The unicode() function in SQLite just accepts one parameter; if I execute this query:
select unicode(text) from table
and suppose the table has just 1 row which is abc; then the result would be: 97 which is the numeric unicode code for just a character; what if I want to get the numeric unicode code for all characters in the result of the query? Is such a thing possible within SQLite?
(I know that I can get the numerical codes out of SQLite within the environment of a programming language; I'm just curious if such a thing is possible with a SQL command within SQLite or not.)
SQLite does not really have looping constructs; doing this in the programming language would be much easier.
In SQLite 3.8.3 or later, you could use a recursive common table expression:
all_chars(id, u, rest) AS (
SELECT id, unicode(text), substr(text, 2)
FROM MyTable
SELECT id, unicode(rest), substr(rest, 2)
FROM all_chars
WHERE rest <> ''),
unicodes(id, list) AS (
SELECT id, group_concat(u)
FROM all_chars
SELECT * FROM unicodes
The ID is required to merge the values of a single source row back together; doing this for a single, specific row in MyTable would be easier.

Wildcard search in postgresql

In postgresql, I have mangaged to add wildcard pattern (*) to the query using SIMILAR TO option. So my query will be,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R*'
This query would return all entities starting from 'R' and not 'r'. I want to make it case insensitive.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ILIKE 'R%';
or a case-insensitive regular expression:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ~* '^R.*';
Both are PostgreSQL extensions. Sanjaya has already outlined the standards-compliant approaches - filtering both sides with lower(...) or using a two-branch SIMILAR TO expression.
SIMILAR TO is less than lovely and best avoided. See this earlier answer.
You could write:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO '(R|r)%'
but I don't particularly recommend using SIMILAR TO.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R%|r%'