Wildcard search in postgresql - postgresql

In postgresql, I have mangaged to add wildcard pattern (*) to the query using SIMILAR TO option. So my query will be,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R*'
This query would return all entities starting from 'R' and not 'r'. I want to make it case insensitive.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ILIKE 'R%';
or a case-insensitive regular expression:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ~* '^R.*';
Both are PostgreSQL extensions. Sanjaya has already outlined the standards-compliant approaches - filtering both sides with lower(...) or using a two-branch SIMILAR TO expression.
SIMILAR TO is less than lovely and best avoided. See this earlier answer.
You could write:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO '(R|r)%'
but I don't particularly recommend using SIMILAR TO.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName SIMILAR TO 'R%|r%'


Determinate if a column contain numeric value in JPQL

I have to determinate if a column contains a numeric or a alphanumeri value.
My sql code is:
case when trim(TRANSLATE(my_column, '0123456789-,.', ' ')) is null
then 'integer'
else 'char'
from my_table
and i have to traslate it in JPQL.
Thanks !
Your requirement is easy to come by using a native Oracle query:
FROM my_table
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(my_column, '[A-Za-z0-9]');
The above will match any record having at least one alphanumeric character in the my_column column. You can't do this from JPQL directly. The best you might be able to do is to use a large number of LIKE statements, e.g.
FROM my_table
WHERE my_column LIKE '%A%' OR
my_column LIKE '%B%' OR
for every alphanumeric value. But this is unwieldy, and probably should be avoided. There is nothing wrong with using a native query if the situation merits that one should be used.

ILIKE query with indexing for jsonb array data in postgres

I have table in which has city as jsonb column which has json array like below
now I want to query table on "name" column with ILIKE query.
I have tried with below but it is not working for me
select * from data where city->>'name' ILIKE '%man%'
while i know, I can search with exact match by below query
select * from data where city->>'name' #> 'manchester'
Also I know we can jsonb functions to make it flat data and search but it will not use than indexing.
is there anyway to search data with ilike in a way it also use indexing?
Index support will be difficult; for that, a schema that adheres to the first normal form would be beneficial.
Other than that, you can use the JSONPATH language from v12 on:
WITH t(c) AS (
SELECT '[{"name":"manchester"},{"name":"liverpool"}]'::jsonb
SELECT jsonb_path_exists(
'$.**.name ? (# like_regex "man" flag "i")'::jsonpath
(1 row)
You should really store your data differently.
You can do the ilike query "naturally" but without index support, like this:
select * from data where exists (select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(city) f(x) where x->>'name' ILIKE '%man%');
You can get index support like this:
create index on data using gin ((city::text) gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where city::text ilike '%man%';
But it will find matches within the text of the keys, as well as the values, and using irrelevant keys/values of any are present. You could get around this by creating a function that returns just the values, all banged together into one string, and then use a functional index. But the index will get less effective as the length of the string gets longer, as there will be more false positives that need to be tracked down and weeded out.
create or replace function concat_val(jsonb, text) returns text immutable language sql as $$
select string_agg(x->>$2,' ') from jsonb_array_elements($1) f(x)
$$ parallel safe;
create index on data using gin (concat_val(city,'name') gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where concat_val(city,'name') ilike '%man%';
You should really store your data differently.

Is there a way to use ::regclass in a case sensitive way?

I'm wondering if there is a way to use ::regclass to convert a string to a pg_class.oid in a way that respects case sensitivity. Let me give an example. It's often handy to use ::regclass to get the oid of a table, e.g. to list all columns of a table
SELECT * FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'public.my_table'::regclass
However, ::regclass implicitly converts the input to all lowercase before doing the search. (This is similar to how PGSQL will interpret table names in SQL commands, if you don't surround them with double quotes.) This means if your table is called MY_table, then you cannot use casting to ::regclass to get its oid.
I know you can use other means, e.g. use pg_class.relname and pg_class.relnamespace. This question is specifically about using ::regclass, because ::regclass is more convenient (if I can find a way to make it work in a case sensitive way).
I've tried
SELECT * FROM pg_attribute WHERE attreloid = '"public.my_table"'::regclass
but that includes the double-quotes in the name it searches.
The reason my second query didn't work is because the double quotes were around the . character. So here's how to do it.
SELECT * FROM pg_attribute WHERE attreloid = '"public"."my_table"'::regclass

cakephp condition using '?' in the string [duplicate]

For detecting the existence of a key in a hstore, I need to run a query like this:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE hst ? 'foo'
However, that gives me a PDOException:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound: SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE hst ? 'foo'
Is there any way to escape the question mark so PDO won't pick it up as a placeholder? I've tried with up to four backslashes, as well as a double question mark (??), but nothing seems to persuade PDO to leave the question mark alone.
Use the function call form. According to the system catalogs, the hstore ? operator uses the exist function:
regress=# select oprname, oprcode from pg_operator where oprname = '?';
oprname | oprcode
? | exist
(1 row)
so you can write:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE exist(hst,'foo');
(Personally I'm not a big fan of hstore's operator-centric design and documentation, I think it discards the useful self-documenting properties of a function based interface without any real benefit and I usually use its function calls rather than its operators. Just because you can define operators doesn't mean you should.)
I had the same problem when searching on JSONB data. The full question is here
SELECT * FROM post WHERE locations ? :location;
The workaround on PostgreSQL 9.5 is similar:
SELECT * FROM post WHERE jsonb_exists(locations, :location);
I also opened a ticket at PHP bug tracing system
As Diabl0 mentioned, the proposed solution work but does not use the index.
Tested with:
CREATE INDEX tempidxgin ON post USING GIN (locations);
I suggest you disable PDO native prepared statement so question marks will be ignored:
$pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);

How to make "case-insensitive" query in Postgresql?

Is there any way to write case-insensitive queries in PostgreSQL, E.g. I want that following 3 queries return same result.
SELECT id FROM groups where name='administrator'
SELECT id FROM groups where name='ADMINISTRATOR'
SELECT id FROM groups where name='Administrator'
Use LOWER function to convert the strings to lower case before comparing.
Try this:
FROM groups
WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER('Administrator')
using ILIKE instead of LIKE
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'
The most common approach is to either lowercase or uppercase the search string and the data. But there are two problems with that.
It works in English, but not in all languages. (Maybe not even in
most languages.) Not every lowercase letter has a corresponding
uppercase letter; not every uppercase letter has a corresponding
lowercase letter.
Using functions like lower() and upper() will give you a sequential
scan. It can't use indexes. On my test system, using lower() takes
about 2000 times longer than a query that can use an index. (Test data has a little over 100k rows.)
There are at least three less frequently used solutions that might be more effective.
Use the citext module, which mostly mimics the behavior of a case-insensitive data type. Having loaded that module, you can create a case-insensitive index by CREATE INDEX ON groups (name::citext);. (But see below.)
Use a case-insensitive collation. This is set when you initialize a
database. Using a case-insensitive collation means you can accept
just about any format from client code, and you'll still return
useful results. (It also means you can't do case-sensitive queries. Duh.)
Create a functional index. Create a lowercase index by using CREATE
INDEX ON groups (LOWER(name));. Having done that, you can take advantage
of the index with queries like SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('ADMINISTRATOR');, or SELECT id FROM groups WHERE LOWER(name) = 'administrator'; You have to remember to use LOWER(), though.
The citext module doesn't provide a true case-insensitive data type. Instead, it behaves as if each string were lowercased. That is, it behaves as if you had called lower() on each string, as in number 3 above. The advantage is that programmers don't have to remember to lowercase strings. But you need to read the sections "String Comparison Behavior" and "Limitations" in the docs before you decide to use citext.
You can use ILIKE. i.e.
SELECT id FROM groups where name ILIKE 'administrator'
You can also read up on the ILIKE keyword. It can be quite useful at times, albeit it does not conform to the SQL standard. See here for more information: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/functions-matching.html
You could also use POSIX regular expressions, like
SELECT id FROM groups where name ~* 'administrator'
SELECT 'asd' ~* 'AsD' returns t
select id from groups where name ILIKE 'adminstration';
If your coming the expressjs background and name is a variable
select id from groups where name ILIKE $1;
Using ~* can improve greatly on performance, with functionality of INSTR.
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ~* 'adm'
return rows with name that contains OR equals to 'adm'.
ILIKE work in this case:
FROM groups
WHERE name ILIKE 'Administrator'
For a case-insensitive parameterized query, you can use the following syntax:
"select * from article where upper(content) LIKE upper('%' || $1 || '%')"
-- Install 'Case Ignore Test Extension'
create extension citext;
-- Make a request
select 'Thomas'::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');
select name from users where name::citext in ('thomas', 'tiago');
If you want not only upper/lower case but also diacritics, you can implement your own func:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lower_unaccent(input text)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
return lower(unaccent(input));
Call is then
select lower_unaccent('Hôtel')
>> 'hotel'
A tested approach is using ~*
As in the example below
SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name ~* 'administrator'
select id from groups where name in ('administrator', 'ADMINISTRATOR', 'Administrator')