How many Objective-C messages per second are possible on the iPhone 4? - iphone

When implementing algorithms and other things while trying to maintain reusability and separation patterns, I regularly get stuck in situations like this:
I communicate back and forth with an delegate while traversing a big graph of objects. My concern is how much all this messaging hurts, or how much I must care about Objective-C messaging overhead.
The alternative is to not separate anything and always put the individual code right into the algorithm like for example this graph traverser. But this would be nasty to maintain later and is not reusable.
So: Just to get an idea of how bad it really is: How many Objective-C messages can be sent in one second, on an iPhone 4?
Sure I could write a test but I don't want to get it biased by making every message increment a variable.

There's not really a constant number to be had. What if the phone is checking email in the background, or you have a background thread doing IO work?
The approach to take with things like this is, just do the simple thing first. Call delegates as you would, and see if performance is OK.
If it's not, then figure out how to improve things. If messaging is the overhead you could replace it with a plan C function call.

Taking the question implicitly to be "at what point do you sacrifice good design patterns for speed?", I'll add that you can eliminate many of the Objective-C costs while keeping most of the benefits of good design.
Objective-C's dynamic dispatch consults a table of some sort to map Objective-C selectors to the C-level implementations of those methods. It then performs the C function call, or drops back onto one of the backup mechanisms (eg, forwarding targets) and/or ends up throwing an exception if no such call exists. In situations where you've effectively got:
int c = 1000000;
[delegate something]; // one dynamic dispatch per loop iteration
(which is ridiculously artificial, but you get the point), you can instead perform:
int c = 1000000;
IMP methodToCall = [delegate methodForSelector:#selector(something)];
methodToCall(delegate, #selector(something));
// one C function call per loop iteration, and
// delegate probably doesn't know the difference
What you've done there is taken the dynamic part of the dispatch — the C function lookup — outside the inner loop. So you've lost many dynamic benefits. 'delegate' can't method swizzle during the loop, with the side effect that you've potentially broken key-value observing, and all of the backup mechanisms won't work. But what you've managed to do is pull the dynamic stuff out of the loop.
Since it's ugly and defeats many of the Objective-C mechanisms, I'd consider this bad practice in the general case. The main place I'd recommend it is when you have a tightly constrained class or set of classes hidden somewhere behind the facade pattern (so, you know in advance exactly who will communicate with whom and under what circumstances) and you're able to prove definitively that dynamic dispatch is costing you significantly.
For full details of the inner workings at the C level, see the Objective-C Runtime Reference. You can then cross-check that against the NSObject class reference to see where convenience methods are provided for getting some bits of information (such as the IMP I use in the example).


What is the benefit of effect system (e.g. ZIO)?

I'm having hard time understanding what value effect systems, like ZIO or Cats Effect.
It does not make code readable, e.g.:
val wrappedB = for {
a <- getA() // : ZIO[R, E, A]
b <- getB(a) // : ZIO[R, E, B]
} yield b
is no more readable to me than:
val a = getA() // : A
val b = getB(a) // : B
I could even argue, that the latter is more straight forward, because calling a function executes it, instead of just creating an effect or execution pipeline.
Delayed execution does not sound convincing, because all examples I've encountered so far are just executing the pipeline right away anyways. Being able to execute effects in parallel or multiple time can be achieved in simpler ways IMHO, e.g. C# has Parallel.ForEach
Composability. Functions can be composed without using effects, e.g. by plain composition.
Pure functional methods. In the end the pure instructions will be executed, so it seems like it's just pretending DB access is pure. It does not help to reason, because while construction of the instructions is pure, executing them is not.
I may be missing something or just downplaying the benefits above or maybe benefits are bigger in certain situations (e.g. complex domain).
What are the biggest selling points to use effect systems?
Because it makes it easy to deal with side effects. From your example:
a <- getA() // ZIO[R, E, A] (doesn't have to be ZIO btw)
val a = getA(): A
The first getA accounts in the effect and the possibility of returning an error, a side effect. This would be like getting an A from some db where the said A may not exist or that you lack permission to access it. The second getA would be like a simple def getA = "A".
How do we put these methods together ? What if one throws an error ? Should we still proceed to the next method or just quit it ? What if one blocks your thread ?
Hopefully that addresses your second point about composability. To quickly address the rest:
Delayed execution. There are probably two reasons for this. The first is you actually don't want to accidentally start an execution. Or just because you write it it starts right away. This breaks what the cool guys refer to as referential transparency. The second is concurrent execution requires a thread pool or execution context. Normally we want to have a centralized place where we can fine tune it for the whole app. And when building a library we can't provide it ourselves. It's the users who provide it. In fact we can also defer the effect. All you do is define how the effect should behave and the users can use ZIO, Monix, etc, it's totally up to them.
Purity. Technically speaking wrapping a process in a pure effect doesn't necessarily mean the underlying process actually uses it. Only the implementation knows if it's really used or not. What we can do is lift it to make it compatible with the composition.
what makes programming with ZIO or Cats great is when it comes to concurrent programming. They are also other reasons but this one is IMHO where I got the "Ah Ah! Now I got it".
Try to write a program that monitor the content of several folders and for each files added to the folders parse their content but not more than 4 files at the same time. (Like the example in the video "What Java developpers could learn from ZIO" By Adam Fraser on youtube .
I mean this in ZIO is really easy to write :)
The all idea behind the fact that you combine data structure (A ZIO is a data structure) in order to make bigger data structure is so easy to understand that I would not want to code without it for complex problems :)
The two examples are not comparable since an error in the first statement will mark as faulty the value equal to the objectified sequence in the first form while it will halt the whole program in the second. The second form shall then be a function definition to properly encapsulate the two statements, followed by an affectation of the result of its call.
But more than that, in order to completely mimic the first form, some additional code has to be written, to catch exceptions and build a true faulty result, while all these things are made for free by ZIO...
I think that the ability to cleanly propagate the error state between successive statements is the real value of the ZIO approach. Any composite ZIO program fragment is then fully composable itself.
That's the main benefit of any workflow based approach, anyway.
It is this modularity which gives to effect handling its real value.
Since an effect is an action which structurally may produce errors, handling effects like this is an excellent way to handle errors in a composable way. In fact, handling effects consists in handling errors !

automatic C++ memory/object instance management? smart pointers?

I would like to have automatic memory disposal in my C++ project.
I don't mind to have some additional conventions in order to obtain this automatic memory disposal - to be specific, I don't mind to have some special coding on creating new object instances (but of course, not anything more as it defeats the purpose).
After some readings on many useful discussions in stackoverflow, I found out that "smart pointers" are referred to the most (along with some reference of third-party c++ garbage collectors).
With only some "textbook" C++ knowledge equipped, I believe that the C++ GCs' complexities make them doesn't worth to be used, in my case.
On the other hand, I have a .NET/Java background, and would like to leverage this experience on C++ too. I'm accustomed to creating object instances and pass them to other classes/functions (I believe it is some bread-and-butter stuff in C++ too).
So, is smart pointers/shared_ptr/boost what I am looking for?
(note that for memory acquiring I mean doing a MyClass* var = new MyClass(), not malloc().)
Some specific background:
Actually what I exactly am trying to do is to write some library functions which can be used in both C++ projects and iPhone projects (note that these are some purely logical business classes, so there should be no portability issues). Although I believe it is not an area that requires high performance (non-game app of iPhone), I have some concerns on resource usage.
Is there any issue in making use of smart pointers in this situation? Are there any better alternatives?
Consider reference counting? Create a base class that keeps a count of how often it is referenced, and deletes itself when that reference count falls to zero.
class RefCounter
RefCounter() : mRefCount(1) { }
virtual ~RefCounter() { }
void retain() { mRefCounter++; }
void release() {
if(mRefCount) mRefCount--;
if(!mRefCount) delete this;
unsigned int mRefCounter;
Any referring object that needs the instance would call it's retain() function, and when done, it would call release(). The last object to call release would cause the instance to delete itself. You have to be careful to balance the retains and releases, but this technique is essentially how GC works except that GC implementations hide this reference counting from you.
I learned C++ before automatic GC became all the rage and I've never really warmed to the concept, feeling much more secure knowing exactly when and where each byte of memory was allocated and freed. But that's just me.

Should Events be externally mutable?

I am playing around with FRP and was wondering about how the act of an Event 'occurring' should be handled publicly. By this, I mean should a programmer be able to do the following within an FRP context:
event.occur(now, 5)
I have never seen examples of this in any FRP papers and it doesn't feel right to me. I feel that FRP frameworks should really hide this type of action and that occurrences of Events should happen behind the scenes only. Am I correct in thinking this?
To clarify, my approach would be to have 'occur' only accessible to the Event class itself. If an abstraction for some external source was needed (such as a mouse) this could be built by extending the Event class. In this way all the logic dealing with occurrence creation is abstracted.
Well, if the FRP library exposes a way to bind to external events — e.g. an existing event-based framework — then it must provide functionality equivalent to this, or it couldn't interact with the outside world.
However, the question is really: what do you mean by "external"? The FRP system itself is usually taken to be pure, so the idea of executing side-effectful code like event.occur(now, 5) from inside the FRP system isn't even meaningful. Generally, of course, a facility to execute such code in response to FRP events is provided, but this is usually taken not as part of the pure programming model, but as a facility to interface the network as a whole with the outside world.
So, in my opinion, there's two possible ways to interpret this question:
Should it be possible to trigger an event from outside of the FRP system? — definitely yes, as it's required for interfacing with the outside world, but this does not affect the programming model of FRP itself.
Should it be possible to trigger an event from "inside" of the FRP system, assuming some facility for executing side-effectful code in reaction to an event? — also yes, because allowing normal side-effectful code to cause events but forbidding it inside the code executed in response to events seems like a very strange (and circumventable) restriction, given that the intention of the facility is to interface with the outside world.
Indeed, it's possible to cause something just like #2 even if you explicitly forbid it: consider setting things up so that switchToWindow 3 is executed when the event buttonClicked triggers, e.g. (using reactive-banana notation):
reactimate (switchToWindow 3 <$ buttonClicked)
And say that we have an event
newWindowFocused :: Event Int
The reaction we've set up causes the newWindowFocused event to fire, even if firing events from inside code executed due to an event is prevented.
Now, everything I've said so far concerns only "external" events: those not expressed with pure FRP, but explicitly created to represent events that occur in the outside world, beyond the FRP system. If you're asking whether there should be a facility to cause special occurrences in purely-defined events, then my response is: absolutely not! This destroys the meaning of the system, because suddenly fmap f (union e1 e2) doesn't mean "occurs with value f x when either e1 or e2 occurs with value x", but instead "occurs with value f x when either e1 or e2 occurs with value x... or when some external code randomly decides to fire it".
Not only would such a facility make reasoning about the behaviour of an FRP system essentially meaningless,1 it'd also violate referential transparency: if you construct two events equivalent to fmap f (union e1 e2), then you can distinguish them by firing one and noticing that the other doesn't occur. You simply can't prevent this in all cases: imagine fmap g (union e1 e2), where f computes the same function as g; equality on functions is not decidable :)
Of course, it's entirely possible to implement FRP in an impure language, but I think providing a way to violate the referential transparency of the FRP system itself is a very bad thing, as it is, after all, a pure model.
If I understand it correctly, your solution to this flaw in the API (namely, exposing occur publicly, which breaks referential transparency of equivalent events, etc. as I talked about above) would be to make occur internal to your Event class, so that it cannot be used from outside. I agree that, if you need occur internally, this is the correct solution. I also agree that it's reasonable to expose it to subclasses if your implementation of external events is done by subclassing Event. That falls under "outside world glue", which falls outside the purvue of the FRP model itself, so it's perfectly OK to give it the ability to "break the rules" in this way — after all, that's essentially what it's for: disturbing the system with side-effects :)
So, in conclusion:
No, events should not expose this interface.
Yes, you are correct in thinking this :)
1 Of course, you could argue that external events do this full stop, as the whole behaviour of the system ultimately depends on the "edges" hooked up to the outside world, but this isn't really true: yes, you can't really assume anything about the external events themselves, but you can still rely on everything you build out of them to obey the laws of their constructions. Offering an "external firing" facility to every event means that no construction has any laws.

Is Objective C fast enough for DSP/audio programming

I've been making some progress with audio programming for iPhone. Now I'm doing some performance tuning, trying to see if I can squeeze more out of this little machine. Running Shark, I see that a significant part of my cpu power (16%) is getting eaten up by objc_msgSend. I understand I can speed this up somewhat by storing pointers to functions (IMP) rather than calling them using [object message] notation. But if I'm going to go through all this trouble, I wonder if I might just be better off using C++.
Any thoughts on this?
Objective C is absolutely fast enough for DSP/audio programming, because Objective C is a superset of C. You don't need to (and shouldn't) make everything a message. Where performance is critical, use plain C function calls (or use inline assembly, if there are hardware features you can leverage that way). Where performance isn't critical, and your application can benefit from the features of message indirection, use the square brackets.
The Accelerate framework on OS X, for example, is a great high-performance Objective C library. It only uses standard C99 function calls, and you can call them from Objective C code without any wrapping or indirection.
The problem with Objective-C and functions like DSP is not speed per se but rather the uncertainty of when the inevitable bottlenecks will occur.
All languages have bottlenecks but in static linked languages like C++ you can better predict when and where in the code they will occur. In the case of Objective-C's runtime coupling, the time it takes to find the appropriate object, the time it takes to send a message is not necessary slow but it is variable and unpredictable. Objective-C's flexibility in UI, data management and reuse work against it in the case of tightly timed task.
Most audio processing in the Apple API is done in C or C++ because of the need to nail down the time it takes code to execute. However, its easy to mix Objective-C, C and C++ in the same app. This allows you to pick the best language for the immediate task at hand.
Is Objective C fast enough for DSP/audio programming
Real Time Rendering
Definitely Not. The Objective-C runtime and its libraries are simply not designed for the demands of real time audio rendering. The fact is, it's virtually impossible to guarantee that using ObjC runtime or libraries such as Foundation (or even CoreFoundation) will not result your renderer missing its deadline.
The common case is a lock -- even a simple heap allocation (malloc, new/new[], [[NSObject alloc] init]) will likely require a lock.
To use ObjC is to utilize libraries and a runtime which assume locks are acceptable at any point within their execution. The lock can suspend execution of your render thread (e.g. during your render callback) while waiting to acquire the lock. Then you can miss your render deadline because your render thread is held up, ultimately resulting in dropouts/glitches.
Ask a pro audio plugin developer: they will tell you that blocking within the realtime render domain is forbidden. You cannot e.g. run to the filesystem or create heap allocations because you have no practical upper bound regarding the time it will take to finish.
Here's a nice introduction:
Offline Rendering
Yes, it would be acceptably fast in most scenarios for high level messaging. At the lower levels, I recommend against using ObjC because it would be wasteful -- it could take many, many times longer to render if ObjC messaging used at that level (compared to a C or C++ implementation).
See also: Will my iPhone app take a performance hit if I use Objective-C for low level code?
objc_msgSend is just a utility.
The cost of sending a message is not just the cost of sending the message.
It is the cost of doing everything that the message initiates.
(Just like the true cost of a function call is its inclusive cost, including I/O if there is any.)
What you need to know is where are the time-dominant messages coming from and going to and why.
Stack samples will tell you which routines / methods are being called so often that you should figure out how to call them more efficiently.
You may find that you're calling them more than you have to.
Especially if you find that many of the calls are for creating and deleting data structure, you can probably find better ways to do that.

Asking if an object is invalid

I am trying to determine if an object is valid. The program has (at least) two threads and one of the threads might invalidate the object by removing it from an NSMutableArray. I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
You can't. The only way to check if the memory your object pointer has still represents a valid object is to dereference it, but dereferencing an "invalid" object (by which I assume you mean one that has been dealloced) will result in either accessing the memory of a new object that has been allocated in the same location, garbage data that may or may not be identical to a normal object, or an unmapped memory page that will result in an immediate EXEC_BAD_ACCESS.
Any time you are holding a reference to an object you might use in the future you must retain it. If you don't you have not shown any interest or ownership in the object and the system may throw it away at any time.
Using objective C accessors and properties instead of directly setting ivars and using retain/release simplifies doing the right thing quite a bit.
Multi-threaded programming is hard. Hard does not begin to capture how difficult it is. This is the kind of hard in which a general, useable, 'reasonably qualified' way of deterministically adding two different numbers together that are being mutated and shared by multiple threads in bounded time without the use of any special assistance from the CPU in the form of atomic instructions would be a major breakthrough and the thesis of your PhD. A deity of your choice would publicly thank you for your contribution to humanity. Just for adding two numbers together. Actually, multi-threaded programming is even harder than that.
Take a look at: Technical Note TN2059
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications. It covers this topic in general, and outlines some of the non-obvious pitfalls that await you.
You say
I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
The easiest way is to hold on to the index of the object in the NSMutableArray and then do the following
if( myObject == [myArray objectAtIndex: myObjectIndex] ) {
// everything is good !
else {
// my object is not what I think it is anymore
There are clear problem with this approach however
insertion, and deletion will stuff you up
The approach is not thread safe since the array can be changed while you are reading it
I really recomend using a different way to share this array between the two threads. Does it have to be mutable? If it doesn't then make it immutable and then you no longer have to worry about the threading issues.
If it does, then you really have to reconsider your approach. Hopefully someone can give an cocoa way of doing this in a thread safe way as I don't have the experience.