How to make ">"TODAY()-7 not count future dates - date

I have a google spreadsheet with dates that are in the future as well as in the past and am trying to countifs all the dates that are within the last 7 days and NOT the dates in the future.
That is where ">"TODAY()-7 comes in.
I have been trying to use =COUNTIFS(VALUES!A:A,">"&TODAY()-7,VALUES!B:B,"SCHEDULED") but this counts the dates for the future as well.
Would I add something that counts the dats inbetween two other values?
Here is a spreadsheet for this problem.

The following formula will count the number of instances when column a is a in a range of including today and 7 days back AND column B corresponding value ="Scheduled". Note that the iferror will be necessary to account for a blank returned filter.
Since the above formula has a relative value (today()), one can test with this hardcoded formula to the below dataset:
Column A
Column B


How can I calculate my win rate on one column based on the date on another?

I created a rudimentary Google Form to track my win rate at Starcraft. The first column on the resulting Google Sheet is Timestamp created by the form.
I have another column that has my win-loss, and I am able to calculate my percentage for the entire sheet (all games). However, I want to be able to see my daily win rate, and I can't figure out the correct way to go about it.
I tried COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, with TODAY() and I was able to count the games for a certain day, but I don't know how to use it to tie in with my win-loss column. What I currently do is adjust my Daily formula to specify today's date before playing. I was hoping I won't need to do this.
Please see Win-Loss Stats Sheet
You can extend your formula to compare against the date in column A:
The additional condition would be ARRAYFORMULA(INT(A2:A)),TODAY(), which converts the timestamps into dates and compares them to today's date.
Sample Output:

Google Sheets - IF Statement - Null date (1/1/2500) workaround

I am working on a large nested IF statement that checks several validation points for each row of my sheet. There are several date validations, including chronological order and certain fields not being future dates. However, our system requires that if we must null any dates for processing, that date becomes 1/1/2500, and no matter what I do I cannot seem to get the formula to ignore this date when accounting for future dates or chronology.
//The date cannot be later than the current date - I want this to ignore 1/1/2500
IF(K1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(K1>TODAY()),"Date A cannot be future date",""))
//The two dates must be in chronological order, also ignoring 1/1/2500
IF(U1<>1/1/2500,"",IF(AND(U1>AA1,AA1),"Date A, Date B should be in chronological order",""))
The above approach does not seem to recognize 1/1/2500, even though I got it to work with other dates.
I also tried going with >12/31/2099 (ignore any date greater than 12/31/2099) but it just ignores every date.
Any help would be appreciated.
It looks as though it is failing because K1 is compared to 12/31/2099.
If you use an expression like this in a formula, it will interpret it as an arithmetic expression 12 divided by 31 divided by 2099, which is a very small number, so the greater than test will always be true.
Try starting the formula with Date to convert a year, month, and day into a date.
and you should get the right answer.
See my previous answer for Excel.

How to merge two data streams in Alteryx

Table 1 is a google sheet file. It has x fields with primary key.
Every day to that table is added the weekday with the x data
For example:
Tuesday (is added on Tuesday) and so on.
My problem is that my workflow has a formula that does calculations with all the Weekdays.
Balance = All_Income - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday
But today for example, in the google sheet data I don't have the other weekdays except Monday and Tuesday, so I get the error "Unknown Variable" for Thursday.
I've inserted a Text Input and added all the weekdays.
I want to (Append maybe) these two data streams together so that I have all the weekdays there.
So if I run the calculations I have all the weekdays there.
Right now that formula works only on Sunday, when all weekdays are inserted as columns.
Any idea how to achieve this?
(p.s Creating the weekdays as columns in the google sheet with empty rows is not an option).
I managed to do it by creating a Text Input with the same column names (headers) as the other Data Source and performing a union.
Apparently I needed to perform a IF statement to check all Weekdays if they exist and replace the null values with.
If anyone encounters the same error, feel free to contact for help :)
Use the Transpose tool to verticalise the days of the week. Then Summarize using the primary key and sum the [value] field. That will give you the balance regardless of which days of the week are present in your worksheet. This technique applies to any problem in which one needs to aggregate multiple fields which may or may not be present or known.
Here is the simplest path to victory:
1. Input worksheet.
2. Connect Transpose tool.
3. In Transpose Key Columns, select only primary key.
4. In Transpose Data Columns, deselect all fields except for days of week and Dynamic or Unknown Columns. This will still work even if the worksheet doesn't have all the days of the week because as they come in, the Dynamic or Unknown Columns option will select them as Data columns.
5. In Transpose Missing Columns, select Ignore.
6. Connect Summarize tool.
7. In Summarize, group by primary key and sum on [Value] field.
From here, you can rename the sum_value field to Balance or something else friendly. You can also use a Join tool, joining on primary keys, to the original worksheet to get back to where you started with the new aggregated value.

how to get number of days from relative dates filter?

I want to get number of months user selected using Relative Dates Filter?
If user entered "Last 3 Months" then I wants to get number of days for 3 months to use these days in another calculated field.
Calculated field which is using this is as follows.
([Total Sale within Entered Date]/[Number of Days])*365
which returns me predicted sales for the whole year.
Here, [Number of Days] is the filter which I am using. Picture added for Relative Dates filter I am using.
Screenshot of Relative Date Filter:
You need to create a calculated field that works out the number of days in the data.
Something like datediff('day',min([dates]),max([dates])) if data is present for all the days in the time period will work. This calculation will dynamically give you the number of days between the first and last date in the [dates] field for whatever data is selected by the filter (so won't be precise if not all the possible dates are represented in the dataset).

Filter data by different time intervals

I need to filter my query with different time intervals like that:
date >= '2011-07-01' and date <='2011-09-30'
and date >='2012-07-01' and date >='2012-09-30'
I suppose such code is not good, because these dates conflicts with each other. But how to filter only these two intervals, skipping everything else? Is it even possible? Because if I query like this, I don't get any results.I tried to use BETWEEN, but it does same thing.
I bypassed this by extracting quarters from years and calculating only third quarter. But then other quarters sum is showed as zero and I can't ignore these rows that have sum column with zero value. I tried to filter where price > 0 (column where sum goes), but it says that column do not exist. So I put it whole FROM under '('')' brackets to make it calculate sum before where clause, but it still does give me error that such column do not exist.
Also if you need to see query I have now, I can post it, just tell me if it is needed.
I want to do this, because I need to compare third quarter of two different years (maybe I should use another approach).
You're not going to get any results because you can't have a date that's both within 7/1/2011 through 9/30/11 and after 7/1/2012 and after 9/30/12.
You can have a date that is either between 7/1/20122 and 9/30/2011 or between 7/1/2012 and 9/30/2012.
SELECT col1 FROM table1
WHERE date BETWEEN '7/1/2011' AND '9/30/2011' OR date BETWEEN '7/1/2012' AND '9/30/2012';