is there any training video or document or any thing to create report definition and report schema
as the following image
note : the IDE is IFS developer studio( NetBeans )
development process
I need to work on drop down list in Kie server for Drools using "GUIDED DECISION TABLES".
where I can make drop down list which is constant. But, I need to read the data from backend of code as list of string and then the same I can display in drop down list. I tried multiple source but not found any source to make dynamic data in drop down.
we can have a look where I have created as drop down list ->
enter image description here
Have you looked in the documentation There is a part "External data sources in enumerations"?
'Applicant.region' : (new com.mycompany.DataHelper()).getListOfRegions()
Have a look you have what you need.
Of course, you have to package you java code in a maven artefact that you add as a dependency in your kjar drools maven artefact
I've inherited a legacy project and have been working on improving the code this last year. To see my evolution, I've bought an NDepend license and started using it with success.
But I would like to see how I've been doing since I started refactoring. So I was wondering if you can add an analysis to an NDepend project and date it. I can still get the old DLLs, so I can run the analysis, but NDepend dates it to the date I'm running the analysis, not when it was compiled.
NDepend stores the historic analysis result in the directory specified by Project Properties > Analysis > Historic Analysis results.
The date is indicated by a hierarchy of folder.
First level YYYY_MM
Second level DayOfMonth_Hour_Minute
For example $HistoricAnalysisResultDir$\2017_09\12_14_20 means that the analysis result is dated to 12th Sept 2017, 14h20.
You just have to mimic this hierarchy manually and store in it your .ndar files (NDepend analysis result files).
A great alternative would be to write a short program base on NDepend.API to do it for you:
create a project to analyze assemblies of an older version,
run the analysis
create the historic analysis result hierarchy folders
copy there the analysis result
Edit 10Oct2017 Having the historic analysis results available and the baseline set is not enough to update the trends. Have a look at the Power Tool source code using the trend feature, you'll see how to log trend metrics in the past.
What is the difference between the stereotype "master document" and "report package" in Enterprise Architect? I will be generating a document from multiple model documents and I want to organize them better to mimic the structure of the resulting document. I thought creating "report packages" would do this for me, but whenever I go to generate a document from the "master document" it does not go into the "report packages" and run the model documents contained.
Master Documents are deprecated as of Version 12.1. Source
The main difference with Report Packages being that Report Packages do not have the RTFTemplate TaggedValue.
Otherwise they function the same.
I suggest on using Report Packages as Master Documents are being deprecated.
To produce virtual documents, create a report package and place your model documents in them
Assign a template to each of your model documents(in the taggedvalues)
The order in which your Model documents generate is the order in which they appear in the Project Browser
Once your report package is complete you can right-click it to generate documentation, you don't need to change the template(Model Report) to generate it
Virtual documents documentation(EA13):
I apologize if this has been already asked but my searches have had little luck. I've also tried MSDN forum's, but its obvious that I need the big guns for this one ;)
I am using VS2008 (SSRS 2008 R2) to create a series of subreports. Each Subreport queries 1 or more Web Methods from a WCF Web Service.
When I run an rdl as a stand-alone report, everything renders properly. When I run that rdl as a subreport, I receive an error recommending that I check the log (details, and steps to reproduce below.)
Simple Test (No Subreports):
Using the instructions found in the article Reporting Services: Using XML and Web Service Data Sources I was able to create the necessary Shared Datasets for each web method.
I successfully created a report (SubTest.rdl) utilizing a Shared Dataset for a Table.
The dataset's underlying web method contains no parameters (trying to keep it simple).
SubTest.rdl renders correctly!
So far so good.
Test 2: Master/Subreport structure
created a Parent/Master report (MasterTest.rdl)
added a Subreport Report Item, and specified "SubTest.rdl"
Note: No Report parameters are specified, as SubTest does not have any parameters defined.
I receive the following error during the rendering of the MasterTest.rdl report:
Warning 1 [rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport 'Subreport1' (Instance: 5iS0): Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'Subreport1', located at: /SubTest. Please check the log files for more information.
Additional Testing:
To ensure that my subreport is properly defined in MasterTest.rdl, I altered SubTest.rdl. In SubTest I removed the DataSource, DataSet, and Table from "SubTest.rdl" and insterted a TextBox filled with the words "Output From Subreport". This rendered properly in the Master report, indicating that the problem specifically relates to my Web Service Datasource/DataSet.
Questions: :(
Is there a way to accomplish this task?
If this is not possible, can anyone suggest a workaround for providing Web Service xml to a subreport?
Also, per the error message: Any idea where I can find this log? (because this is running in Visual Studio, checking the SSRS logs folder on my local machine did not help, nor did running VS with logging enabled.)
A workaround that I could not get to work:
I tried to follow the instructions in the linked article for passing XML to a subreport as a parameter, but
The master passes the xml as a scalar string. Because I am querying
a web service and not using a data set where each row contains a col holding the XML, I only have the resultant dataset to work with. Basically I need to convert a data set to a scalar.
I had difficulty following the instructions (even if I could solve problem
1, I'm not even sure that I properly defined the dataset and
parameter - how do I get fields when the data is not known until
Thank you for any help you can give. This has been driving nuts for days!
Is there a way to convince Crystal Reports to export a page / group / whatever to separate worksheets when exporting to Excel (Data Only)? I'm using the CR that came with VS2008 (version 10.5)
According to the documentation you cannot export a report directly to multiple worksheets in a single Excel workbook.
When the limit of 65536 rows in Excel is reached though, the exporter does create a new worksheet, but you are not in control :)
To create your own Excel merger:
PRE: Make sure you have the Office (Excel) SDK libraries installed.
PRE: Place the files that need to be merged in a single directory.
In a VS2008 solution:
Create a new empty Excel Workbook (variable: objNewWorkbook)
Loop through the files in the directory (where you placed the Excel files) and for each item:
Load the file as a Excel Workbook (variable: objWorkbookLoop)
Create a new Worksheet in objNewWorkbook (optionally: with the filename of objWorkbookLoop) (variable: objNewWorksheetLoop)
Copy the data from (probably sheet1 in) objWorkbookLoop to objNewWorksheetLoop
Finally save objNewWorkbook to a file.
One of the things everybody ignores is that excel automation is not an acceptable solution. Yes it works ( almost always) , but even Microsoft recommends to not use it for unattended execution :
The only safe way I know to export a crystal report to multiple worksheets is by creating a grouped report and burst it using R-Tag report manager. This tool is not using Excel automation so you can run your reports at any time and on the server but if you are currently using another software to run your reports you will need to switch to this one (it is not an extension).
I know this thread is an old one, but I can see links to it without a real answer. Hopefully this will help somebody.