STM32L4 USB not appearing on computer as device - stm32

I have a STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L476RG MCU on it.. I have made a small PCB that, among other things, brings the USB interface to a connector.
I have followed the steps shown here:
When I run the code in debug mode (in STM32CubeIDE v1.10.1) the USB never appears on my computer. I have also probed the USB data +/- signals and see no activity.
When I step through the code, I can see that something is failing immediately in:
The code the that fails is:
USBD_StatusTypeDef USBD_Init(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev,
USBD_DescriptorsTypeDef *pdesc, uint8_t id)
USBD_StatusTypeDef ret;
/* Check whether the USB Host handle is valid */
if (pdev == NULL)
USBD_ErrLog("Invalid Device handle");
return USBD_FAIL;
The exact line above that fails is if (pdev == NULL)
One thing to note is that the CubeMX tool did NOT add a handler declaration:
USBD_HandleTypeDef hUsbDeviceFS;
...despite me configuring up the USB interface... I added my own line in main.c:
extern USBD_HandleTypeDef hUsbDeviceFS;
..thinking it may be declared elsewhere??
Can someone please help me figure out whats going on?
Followed a video example online, but its not working as expected. I was expecting to see the dev board appear as a USB device on my computer and spit out some text.


STM32 CDC_Receive_FS callback never called

I am trying to use the USB Device library on STM32Cube but when I execute using the debugger or that I try to turn an LED on in CDC_Receive_FS, it never reaches that point.
Here is how I set up everyting:
My board is a NUCLEO-F746ZG
I enabled USB_OTG_FS in Device_Only mode, activated _VBUS and _SOF. Left everything else by default and USB On The Go FS global interrupt is enabled!
I set up USB_DEVICE: Class For FS IP set to Virtual Port Com, left everything by default
Main loop left empty
CDC_Receive_FS: put breakpoint in it and/or HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD1_GPIO_Port, LD1_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);
I have TIM2 set up for the things I would like to do when it will work
Then I tried to send data to the board, first using Python using serial with a baudrate of 921600 but got nothing. Then using PuTTY with a baudrate of 9600, still nothing...
If anyone has a clue, I have been struggling with it the whole day.
Here is the whole project:

Can't receive from USB bulk endpoint despite Windows enumerates and libusb reads descriptor of STM32 custom device class

For a fast ADC sampling USB device, I am using the USB 2.0 High Speed capable STM32F733 with the embedded USB-HS PHY. In USBView, I can see that the device is enumerated, the libusb code opens the device and claims interface, but when I try to receive data with libusb_bulk_transfer, the operation times out (return code -12). Things I have tried: I have confirmed than when I request data with libusb_bulk_transfer, the device is interrupted. Note: I have DMA enabled in my class configuration C file and it is not clear to me how that is triggered. I have verified that the transfersize and packet count registers are being set correctly by the LL library function, and that when I request data from
Any tips on debugging such problems will be much appreciated - this board is my undergrad thesis due in under two months!
Desktop sequence:
libusb_get_device_list, libusb_get_device_descriptor, libusb_open, libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii, libusb_free_device_list, libusb_bulk_transfer(devh, fat_EPIN_ADDR, inframe, fat_EPIN_SIZE, &gotBytes, 100). Where gotBytes is integer, and inframe is a large array.
Device firmware:
uint8_t txBuffer[10*fat_EPIN_SIZE];
while (1)
USBD_LL_Transmit(&hUsbDeviceHS, Custom_fat_EPIN_ADDR, txBuffer, Custom_fat_EPIN_SIZE);
Custom_fat_EPIN_SIZE is 0x200 and the endpoint address is 0x81 (EP IN 1)
Installed driver for device is WinUSB (verified in Device Manger to be winusb.sys), and I am linking libusb-1.0 into my desktop program. You can find my source code at, the firmware is My SW/v1 and the desktop software is a Qt Creator project in My SW/Viewer, of note is usb.cpp. You can also compare with testing project/HIDTest, which is code that I tested with STM32F303 nucleo dev board where I was able to read an array through IN bulk endpoint with the Viewer application. However, F3 has the USB peripheral, while F7 has OTG_USB, and I am now attempting USB 2.0 compliant HS so there may be more protocol-based pitfalls. You can also find the output of the device descriptor etc from USBView in my SW/USBView_broken.txt
EDIT 1: I have found finally some concrete error in the STM32 behavior. The DMAADDR is set for EPIN 0x81, and never increments, despite the DMA being enabled. I have went through literally every occurrence of the word "DMA" in the USB_OTG periphery.
I thought it might be that my linker script makes my array be stored in DTCM or similar, and the OTG DMA can't access it, but the address of txBuffer is 0x2003EBEC which is in SRAM2. The AHB matrix in the reference manual clearly shows, that the USB OTG HS DMA is master for a bus that SRAM2 is a slave of. And DTCM is connected too. I will look for application notes for USB OTG HS DMA - it just seems to be refusing to copy data!
I have fixed my issue by disabling the DMA setting. I have re-read the relevant portions of the reference manual and still don't know how exactly the values propagate into the Tx FIFOs. It is possible that DMA-less operation will be a major bottleneck in my project, I might return to this later.

I can't get data by I2C bus in Android Things

I can't get data by I2C bus in Android Things on Raspberry Pi 3.
I connect Android Things on RPi and DS18B20(Temperature Sensor).
Connect to RPi
and run the I2C address scan App (, but can't find available address.
for (int address = 0; address < 256; address++) {
//auto-close the devices
try (final I2cDevice device = peripheralManagerService.openI2cDevice(BoardDefaults.getI2cBus(), address)) {
try {
Log.i(TAG, String.format(Locale.US, "Trying: 0x%02X - SUCCESS", address));
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.i(TAG, String.format(Locale.US, "Trying: 0x%02X - FAIL", address));
} catch (final IOException e) {
//in case the openI2cDevice(name, address) fails
How do I get data by I2C?
The linked test project appears to use the I2C protocol poorly in several ways.
First, it makes the assumption that there is only a single I2C bus on a particular board. Although that is true now, it may not scale to additional SOMs that support Android Things in the future.
Second, it assumes the register address to read from (0x00). This may have worked for whatever device the developer started with, but a large number of I2C peripherals may not respond to that address.
You should take a look at the datasheet for this device. After a cursory examination, it seems that there is no register corresponding to 0x00. Additionally, it has a custom read flow that would make it difficult to use the snippet above. The microcontroller getting these values on your sensor probably throws them away and returns no signal.
It may be useful to read through the datasheet again. It seems like the sensor is "one-wire" instead of I2C. While the two protocols may be similar, using the built in readByte method may make some assumptions in the data transmission that may not match the peripheral protocol exactly.
As Nick Felker wrote in his answer DS18B20 has 1-Wire interface and you can't connect it to Raspberry Pi with Android Things directly. You should use industrial (e.g DS2482-100) or custom MCU-based (like in that project) 1-Wire <-> I2C converter, or other (e.g. USB <-> 1-Wire, UART<-> 1-Wire) converters.

LPUART1 not working on STM32L476 (based on VisualGDB)

Hi I am developed a board based on the Discovery L476 board (STM32L476VGT6) using MBED and after porting it to VisualGDB everything works great. The only thing that doesn't work is LPUART1. I hooked it to PB10(LPUART1_RX), PB11(LPUART1_TX) but whenever I declare the port in my code and download it, the program hangs and doesn't even start:
Serial RS232(PB_11, PB_10);
If I remove this line, the code works great (but I can't use this port)
I changed the pin definitions in PeripheralPins.c so PB10 and PB11 will function as the LPUART TX and RX pins: (I added the lines)
but it still doesn't work. Any ideas?
See, the baud rate needs to be set at [sys_clk / 4096 ... sys_clk / 3]. Sys clock on this device is running at 80MHz. You could fix it in the HAL for this board until a real fix is deployed.

Bluetooth low energy (BLE 112 ) Difference between BGAPI and BGScript

What is the Difference between BGAPI and BGScript ?
And if we write any code for BG profile than how can we burn it in BLE 112?
The BGAPI interface defines the protocol used to talk to the module over USB or serial link.
BGScript is something which runs on the module processor itself, when the USB or serial link is not used.
I have the dongle, BLED112, which is the same thing as BLE112 with a USB connector on it, and the code is "burned" to it using standard USB DFU interface.
The downloading of the code to BLE112 can be done using several methods:
(1) Bring out the DD, DC debug interface pins from your module and use the CC-Debugger (digikey part 296-30207-ND, $55). This works every time. If you have the DKBLE112 kit, the CC-Debugger fits on the 10-pin .050 connector in lower right corner. You can "burn" any firmware and any stack this way. Works awesome.
(2) Hope that the current firmware on the CC2540 has serial bootloader, and load the new firmware (hopefully also containing serial bootloader) using UART. TI has the tools, but it sure seems quite convoluted to me, and I did not try it.