How to change the icon of tooltip in Echarts to be the same as the icon of legend? - charts

I want to change the icons in tooltip like the icons of legend, but I failed~
This is my codepen:
I want to change the icons in tooltip like the icons of legend, but I failed~
Thank you very much for your help!


How can I fill the color of text from left to right in Flutter

I want to create animation for Text.Fill Text color from left to right.
animation 1animation 2
use this package plugin you can also change the colors there

how can i make the same style dropdown menu

How can i make this dropdown style in flutter,
also the CupertinoSwitch color change like this one ---background color white & Button color Amber.
You could probably use an AnimatedContainer in combination with the expandable package to achieve most of the UI for this widget.
As for the Cupertino switch, you have a property in the widget itself to set a color when the button is active:

How can I change the Mapbox-gl maki icons color?

I am working Mapbox-gl.js (v0.38.0) with Maki icons, Ionic3 & angular4. I don't want to use mapbox.js. I have done what I want but by default the icon color is "brown" in color. But I want it as "green" in color.
I tried similar as mapbox-gl example the following link,
How can I customize the color and other icon properties

How can I change the scrollbar separator color in vscode?

Need to change this color, its not one of the options provided for scrollbar theming. Is it hiden someplace else?
Scroll Bar Control
scrollbar.shadow: Scroll Bar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled.
scrollbarSlider.activeBackground: Slider background color when active.
scrollbarSlider.background: Slider background color.
scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground: Slider background color when hovering.
"editor.overviewRulerBorder": false
To change the colour of the separator, you can add this to settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorOverviewRuler.border": "#191C22"

vscode customize theme color for selected item in autocomplete popup

I know there's the experimental setting "workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations" but I can't find any subsetting to change the background color of the currently selected item in the autocomplete popup.
Is there any other way to change this color?
"editorSuggestWidget.background": "#424d66",// widget bg
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#29b6f6",// <-- this one -->
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#ff6a00",// typed(matching) symbols color