How can I change the Mapbox-gl maki icons color? - mapbox

I am working Mapbox-gl.js (v0.38.0) with Maki icons, Ionic3 & angular4. I don't want to use mapbox.js. I have done what I want but by default the icon color is "brown" in color. But I want it as "green" in color.
I tried similar as mapbox-gl example the following link,
How can I customize the color and other icon properties


Flutter how to change awesome notifications icon background color

I want to change the green color of the awesome Notification icon but I can't find where to do it.
Does anyone know how to change the color?

Changing the color latex render in Flutter

I was trying to render a latex document using "flutter_tex" package on a dark background(Not in Dark Mode) so the render must be white for contrast reasons.....but the texts only change color while the the renders wont change to white unless I change the Material Theme to Dark mode....Can anyone help me on how to change the color of render since I cant change the text
While using flutter_tex package in flutter, I Tried to change the color of latex render it outputs to white but the color only change to white if I turn on the Dark mode of the entire app....I want the color to be white while using Light mode on the entire app

How to change line chart background color on charts_flutter plugin?

I am using charts_flutter to create a line chart, but i have difficulty to change the color of the charts. the background color follow the themes background color, i wany change to white background.
You can use ColorUtil method from dart for doing that:
color: chart.ColorUtil.fromDartColor(Colors.white)

Text color will change to white or black when theme change in flutter

In my app user can change the theme color and i want textColor to be change to black or white dynamically like if theme goes darker textColor will change to white or in light theme it will become black.
i tried this but not work
Text("Name", style: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.bodyText1)),
To make sure texts are clearly legible when drawn on "primary", which is the color displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and components, you should use this color:
Similarly, you can use onSecondary, onBackground, and onError to produce readable texts, when texts are drawn in those situations.

vscode customize theme color for selected item in autocomplete popup

I know there's the experimental setting "workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations" but I can't find any subsetting to change the background color of the currently selected item in the autocomplete popup.
Is there any other way to change this color?
"editorSuggestWidget.background": "#424d66",// widget bg
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#29b6f6",// <-- this one -->
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#ff6a00",// typed(matching) symbols color