Best Practices For Handling Feed Subscription Events In getStream - feed

Im having trouble finding documentation regarding best practices for handling activity data emitted from a realtime subscription to a getStream feed.
Our current set-up mimics what it seems react-activity-feed does: (1) subscribe to feed and listen for new activities (2) when a new activity is emitted display a button at the top of the feed announcing the new activity (3) when the announcement button is selected make a new feed.get() call to retrieve the most recent feed data.
The problem we are considering is how we could avoid making a new call to feed.get() every time a new activity is emitted (seems wasteful). We would rather store the original response data from feed.get() inside a state variable and insert new activities into that object.
This doesn't seem possible, however, as we get the following error whenever we try to append to the nested array inside the feed.get() response object: TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'activities'
I would greatly appreciate any advice on how others have handled new activities emitted from a feed.

I discovered that react-activity-feed does NOT make a call to feed.get() to retrieve the updated feed data after a new event is emitted to the feed.
feed.get() is only called when a feed is first visited or a pagination event occurs that makes a request to get more feed data. Otherwise, a copy of the feed activity object is created (using immutableJS.Map) and newly emitted events are pushed to this object which is used to display content in the feed (see object definition here). The same is done for managing reactions to activities as well as notifications.
So for anyone who is curious how to manage new events emitted from Streams real-time subscription try to managed feed state in your app by making a copy of the object that is initially returned by feed.get() and manipulate that object in your UI to limit the number of requests made to getStream and improves the performance of the feed as well.


How to properly send event parameters with Facebook Server Events

I am setting Facebook Pixel for the first time with the Conversions API and all my TestEvents are correct and I am receiving the events I am supposed to. But in every event under "Overview" I have this error:
No event parameters were detected. Use Test events to view the parameters of an individual event trigger.
I am new to this so I don't even know if this is an error or if it should work like that.
I am having a similar problem.
I am sending Custom Events. The Pixel and Server events are successfully deduplicating. Custom parameters are within both tags, however while the custom parameters are successfully being sent (& are hence visible in Events Manager Test Events) by the Pixel tags, the custom parameters are missing when viewing the Server Events in Test Events.
I have used both Custom HTML tags originally, and now the Facebook tag template, but and have endlessly tweaked the settings, but just cannot resolve this.
Let me know if you made progress!
Here are some good links that may help you

Send new value to Google Tag Manager through dataLayer from fancybox (ajax)

I'm using GTM and I need sending several values for each web/product.
In a specific web I've a lightbox to get some data from user and need to send a "conversionValue" with a different value when the user finish the task.
When I try to do this by using dataLayer.push it just add a new object to the original dataLayer (as it is in a fancybox loaded by ajax, not iframe, it gets the "parent page" dataLayer), so I get a dataLayer with many objects and only the last one has the correct "conversionValue".
The problem is, if I try to use this variable from GTM, it gets the first object to look for the conversionValue...
Should I clear the dataLayer before pushing new objects? Am I doing it wrong? Is there any other way to do this?
After reading about Google Tag Manager, it doesn't matter if you add new objects to dataLayer because their variables can't be readed from GTM the same way as you read them for the first time.
You have to read new values by defining events.

Where does related logic go on model creation when working with REST api with Django, Backbone, and Tastypie?

We are trying to move some of our app to use backbone and tastypie. I have the REST api set up and it is working on some basic examples. However, there are a few issues where currently we post an ajax request to a custom url, and in that view do a few things like
make related objects
call a few related functions
However, now that I've switched some of this functionality to using backbone and the REST api, I'm not sure where all of that should go!
For example, I had a view to make a Message, and when I made a Message, I also made a Notification and called a function to add some points to the user. Something like
def ajax_send_message(request):
## ... set up some variables ...
## Make the new message
message = Message(user=user, content=message)
## Make the notification
notification = Notification(message=message)
## Give the user points
return json_response({"status": "ok"})
Now--am I just supposed to do this all in JavaScript? I have a Message Backbone model as well.
// Create message backbone object
var msg = new Message({content:content, user: user});
// Post to server;
// Add to backbone collection
I've looked at different parts of tastypie, and it seems you can create custom URL endpoints, and also do validation, but that doesnt seem like the right spot to call related methods. It seems that calling related methods goes against the REST part of it---but then where are they supposed to go?
If I want to add some logic to backbone only when an object is created, where does that go?
The first thing I would suggest is to switch your mindset to an event-based model, where your code reacts to events. In your example above, you save the model to the server then immediately dd it to the collection. How do you even know that the model was saved correctly? That procedural style of programming works better in a synchronous, server-side style of programming.
In the asynchronous world of client-side programming, you make a request and then set up callbacks which determine what will happen next, depending on the events your are listening for. In your case, you want to react a certain way when the message is saved successfully, correct? You can define a success callback for your save operation like so:{
success: function(model, response, options) {
// code to add notification
// code to add points
Basically, you are saying "I would like to save this model, and then listen for a success event. When the event comes in, execute the following code." Notice also that I am adding the model returned from the API to the collection, since this is the exact object that was persisted to the server so it's more appropriate to add than the model you created.

Retrieving the action-instance-id from Facebook given the URL

tl;dr: No, there isn't a way.
Calling publish_action using the JS SDK is actually pretty straightforward. However (from the little info I gleaned from reading the documentation), there's no way for me to query facebook to have it return the action instance ID for an object that I have already published... is there?
User A loads the page, and the page sends an FB.api call to /me/news.reads, which returns an action instance ID.
User A reloads the page, and the page again sends an FB.api call to /me/news.reads, but this time, the Graph API returns:
error: {
code: 3501,
message: 'blahblahblah... already associated... blah blah'
type: 'OAuthException'
Pretty standard stuff, and expected, since I turned off the ability to publish the same URL multiple times.
Now then, is there any way for me to retrieve a previously published action instance ID from the Graph API by passing in the URL, or is it up to me to handle the returned action instance ID (from the original publication attempt) and save it to a database? I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that...
No, there is no way to retrieve instances of published actions other than:
Accessing action by id:
Accessing all instances published by specific user: (NAMESPACE:ACTION may be replaces by the name of one of built-in actions like news.reads, music.listend, etc.
If you want to access details of published actions connected/referencing specific object you'll need to save that data on your end for later usage.

ASP.NET MVC passing data between forms

Im pretty new to ASP.NET MVC, trying to figure out my way around.
Currently i return a ViewModel which has a IEnumeable Events as its only property. This ViewModel is StronglyTyped to a UserControl which dislays the IEnumable Events in tabular form.
One of the properties of the Event Model is an XElement, which contains some XML loaded from the DB.
Now i've added a link to the end of the tablular data to be able to view the XML in a separate page. How do i pass this data to another page for viewing?
I would post a request back to the server with some sort of Id for the Event-object and have the receiving end send back the XML related to that Id.
if you're looping through the Event objects in your IEnumerable, you can do something like:
<%= Html.ActionLink("GetXml", "Events", new { id = currentEvent.Id }) %>;
Now create an Action on your EventsController (given that you have one) like so:
public ActionResult GetXml(int id)
and retrieve the XML to pass back to the View
There are basically two ways of bringing data from one page to another using ASP.NET MVC (or any other language/framework which follows the HTTP protocol):
Sessions: Use a session to store the data you need, and load it back up at the next page.
Post the needed data back to the server. This way, the server can hold it and display it on the next page. Posted data usually comes from input or textarea elements. If you use input type="hidden" you can give it a value which represents your data. This way, you can post it back and forth till you arrive where you want.
Besides what Arve is advising, you could also consider TempData.
If you use the Get-Post-Redirect/Forward concept for you app, you could do something like:
GET - Initial Request comes in, Server responds with View and model data. User selects an item which leads to ...
POST - User selects one of the items from #1, triggering a post. That particular item can be fetched from repository, placed in TempData and then...
REDIRECT/FORWARD - The redirect collects the information out of TenpData and uses it as the model for the new View.
here is an example