In Azure Devops, how to build a query to return a task If the state of another task under the same user story has changet - azure-devops

I have a user story with 3 (A, B, C) tasks and I am trying to build a query to return this user story if task A is done and task B is not yet active and same for C (if A and B are closed and C not yet active)
Type of query: work items and direct links with filter options: only return items that have matching links. Type of links: return selected link types: child

Work Item Queries do not support such complex tasks...
But (as a workaround) try you can use Excel integration:
Create a query to get stories and child tasks.
Link it to an excel book.
Create custom formulas to highlight stories by some color with started and not completed tasks. (but this option is more MS Office guru)))
Or you can try to use custom PowerBI reports: Work items with direct links sample reports


Create query in Azure Devops server filtering on User Stories or tasks

I'm struggling to create a query to filter on either the parent user story or the nested child task but I can't figure out if this is possible.
For example:
There is a user story assigned to user A with tasks assigned to User B and C
There is another user story assigned to user C with tasks assigned to user A, B and C.
Is there a way to create a query which returns both of the user stories and all of their tasks when filtering on user A? I also like the hierarchy to be right, ie the user stories should contain tasks as links.
As a workaround, check the pic below:
Note: If the task assigned to user A, the parent-child relationship that returns the result is the opposite
We cannot get the result in the one query, we need to create different queries to get results.
Task assign to A
User Story assign to A.
Install the extension Query Based Boards->create query->save the query and click the tab Show as Taskboard, then we could see the result.

In Azure DevOps portal how to query list of tasks whose Completed effort is modified today

In Azure DevOps portal how to query list of work items whose "Completed effort" is modified today. Actually I'm trying to query list of work items my team members have worked today and email them to my manager.
I'm able to query list of work items "modified" by users today, but I do not want to retrieve a work item if it's completed effort is not modified and some other filed is modified.
I am afraid it cannot be done directly. There is not such a filter of completed effort change.
However, there is a workaround to achieve this. Check below:
1, Add a custom field of Date type(see below Modified Date field). Check here for detailed steps.
2, Create a rule: Check here for detailed steps:
Condtions: When change was made to Completed work field.
Action: Set the customized Modified Date field to the Changed Date
3,Then you can add Modified Date filter in your Query. See below query, only the work items whose completed effort filed is modified today will be returned:
Another workaround is to use work item tracking Rest api. This is a little complicated:
1, First call Wiql rest api to get all the work items of your current query.
2, Second loop through the returned work items and call Updates rest api, Then filter those work items whose completed effort field has new value.

Azure DevOps Boards - display query result on a board

how to develop the extension to display query result on a board? Such thing is not possible in the Azure Devops unfortunatelly. I've found two extensions on the marketplace which are doing what I need:
AA Query Board
Query based boards
but this extensions are not updated for a long time and I couldn't contact the authors (I need to change few things in order to be able to use it internally in my company).
I've found also this topic Add tabs on query result pages, so it looks like it's quite easy to add new tab to the query result menu, but I have no idea and I can't find any info how to get data (work items) from query result to display them?
Rest of the extension is just to display this data in grid, so that would be also quite easy, but getting this query result data is blocking me.
There is a Query Results Widget that you can use to display the query results on the Dashboards under Overview.
1, First you need to create a shared query if not exist, and save query to the shared queries folder shown as below screenshot. (You can click the Column options from the Editor page to add and remove columns to be shown on the results)
Or drag and drop the query from My Queries folder to Shared Queries folder.
2, Go to Dashboards under Overview, and Click Edit, then search and add widget Query results
3, Click the gear icon on the Query Results widget to configure it and select the query you want to display. Then the query result will be display on the Dashboards
There are some other ways to show the query results on the dashboards, For below example:
you can select your shared query and click more actions(3dots) and click Add to dashboards. This will display simple total number of query results.
you can also create different Charts for the query results and add it to Dashboards.
Select your shared query and go to Charts tab, the choose New Chart, select a Chart type, After you configured the chart, you can click the 3dots on the chart and add it to dashboards, check below screenshot:
Eventually I managed to contact the author of the "AA Query Board" extension and it turns out that he has a public repository on GitHub with the source code of the extension, so basically everyone can lookup how it's done or base on it.
Link to the repository:

Oracle BI: how can i retrieve another result list from current result list

I am using Oracle Business Intellgience (12c) and let's say I have a report resulted from an execution of the following query
select code_filial, max(paid) as maximum_pay
from leads_history
group by code_filial
It will return a table with highest budget value related to the each filial. Now what i want is the following: when i click to max(paid) result in a table, another table should appear with the information about max(paid) account. I tried master-detail relationship, but couldn't succeed.
Can anyoune help with that?
That's out-of-the-box functionality. As soon as you make a navigation action link to another analysis where your code_filial is set to "is prompted" the context will be passed and the analysis filtered.

Report Of Work Items & Their Parents

Hey Folks my org recently migrated from TFS 2017 to VSTS online. Our IT Finance team has a report that show work items along with their parents and your grandparents. It was built around a SQL query that looked at the backend SQL database. Is there a way to create a report of all work items and their parents in VSTS online?
Yes, it’s possible to show all the work items as parent/child relation in VSTS. Detail steps as below:
Create a new query with Tree of work items type.
Add the filter Work Item Type = [Any] both for top level work items and linked work items. And select Parent/Child Type of tree, then save the query.
Run the query and you will get all the work items with tree view relations.