Create query in Azure Devops server filtering on User Stories or tasks - azure-devops-server

I'm struggling to create a query to filter on either the parent user story or the nested child task but I can't figure out if this is possible.
For example:
There is a user story assigned to user A with tasks assigned to User B and C
There is another user story assigned to user C with tasks assigned to user A, B and C.
Is there a way to create a query which returns both of the user stories and all of their tasks when filtering on user A? I also like the hierarchy to be right, ie the user stories should contain tasks as links.

As a workaround, check the pic below:
Note: If the task assigned to user A, the parent-child relationship that returns the result is the opposite
We cannot get the result in the one query, we need to create different queries to get results.
Task assign to A
User Story assign to A.
Install the extension Query Based Boards->create query->save the query and click the tab Show as Taskboard, then we could see the result.


In Azure Devops, how to build a query to return a task If the state of another task under the same user story has changet

I have a user story with 3 (A, B, C) tasks and I am trying to build a query to return this user story if task A is done and task B is not yet active and same for C (if A and B are closed and C not yet active)
Type of query: work items and direct links with filter options: only return items that have matching links. Type of links: return selected link types: child
Work Item Queries do not support such complex tasks...
But (as a workaround) try you can use Excel integration:
Create a query to get stories and child tasks.
Link it to an excel book.
Create custom formulas to highlight stories by some color with started and not completed tasks. (but this option is more MS Office guru)))
Or you can try to use custom PowerBI reports: Work items with direct links sample reports

How to set conditions to avoid duplicate run for Tasks creation for a User Story

I created a Power Automate flow to create 9 tasks (Dev, Testing, and BA tasks) as a child for a new user story when it is assigned.
It works fine but it is getting duplicated every time when the story is assigned back from Unassigned to a resource.
I tried to get the count of related tasks for the user story before creating them but couldn't find any default conditions to get that.
Is there any other condition to set to avoid this duplicate task creations?
Solution for the query to set a condition to check for the existing workitems before creating them has been provided by yashag2255 on the Power Automate forums:
To get the work items related to the user story, you will have to send a HTTP request for that. But before sending this request -> Go to Azure DevOps -> Queries -> My Queries -> Create a new blank query and save it. (In this example let us say TestNew).
After you have done this, in the flow under the trigger create an action as shown. Very carefully populate all the fields. (here 'yashTest' is my project, replace it with yours)
Body : {
"name" : "TestNew",
"queryType" : "tree",
"wiql" : "SELECT [System.Id],[System.Title],[System.State] FROM workitemLinks WHERE([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task' AND [Source].[System.Id] = )AND ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward')AND ([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task')MODE (Recursive)"
in the "wiql" near the [System.Id] = select the ID of the work item retrived from the trigger action (the original trigger request that has the id of the assigned work item)
Now, create a new string variable to get the query ID and put the foloowing expression in the expression editor and add it to the string value.
Now add another action: Get Query Results with the query ID in the previous step. This will fetch you a list of the work items related to the assigned work item. You can iterate thorough this to check if the items exist and if not create them with Create Work Item Action.

Looking for pseudo code of best/clean way to create and check unique room "names" for every chat between two users using

my flow:
User A selects user B in the user list:
system needs to check if a room for these two users exists, if not create unique room name and then join both users to the room
if exists, then just join users to the room they were already in and populate the chat with previous msges
Now what I am stuck at is how to exactly do it. Few options I am playing with in my head:
a) First how do i create the unique name that ties both users? Sure I can use string combination for both users, for example user A clicks user B --> "A&B", but this won't work when user B clicks user A, because that will be "B&A". I am struggling with creating dynamic unique names that could be applied to both.
b) do I keep an array with the two users info in the specific room saved in DB, and then check the array if user exists in it already? if so just use that room id as the room name? What is the best flow to save created rooms? Do i save by room name, which I guess would act as unique Id as well?
c) should I be checking the DB EVERYTIME user clicks another user to start a chat just to check if a room exists or not?
I know how to create rooms and all that jazz but what I am really struggling with is how to dynamically create room names so that its the same whether A clicks B or B clicks A and how to from a pseudo code level, store created rooms in DB and check for many users.
Here's an idea: Store the room in your database as a document that contains fields user1 and user2, which will contain the IDs of these users. Specifically, ensure that user1 < user2. When you need to query for this document later, you can do db.rooms.findOne({user1: smallerId, user2: largerId}). Then you can either store the room name and not use it in your queries, or you can even generate the displayed room name dynamically at runtime.
This has the benefit of not only guaranteeing the structure of a room document, but making your queries more efficient as well (you're comparing binary vs. comparing strings). There's also the benefit of not breaking the query when a user's name changes.
In general it's recommended that a document A that's associated with a different document B should refer to document B by an immutable ID, rather than by a mutable name. In this case since a room is associated with two users, have room refer to each user's ID.

Oracle BI: how can i retrieve another result list from current result list

I am using Oracle Business Intellgience (12c) and let's say I have a report resulted from an execution of the following query
select code_filial, max(paid) as maximum_pay
from leads_history
group by code_filial
It will return a table with highest budget value related to the each filial. Now what i want is the following: when i click to max(paid) result in a table, another table should appear with the information about max(paid) account. I tried master-detail relationship, but couldn't succeed.
Can anyoune help with that?
That's out-of-the-box functionality. As soon as you make a navigation action link to another analysis where your code_filial is set to "is prompted" the context will be passed and the analysis filtered.

MS-Access: How to create form where user can add results (tblResults) to a tests (tblTests)?

I am creating a database that contains Product information (tblProductInfo), a list of test methods (tblTests), and the results that the product gets (tblResults).
I'm adding forms so that a user can enter the results of a previous or new product. This information will be added once all the testing for that product is done. So, I would like to be able to show a list of the tests from tblTests, and have the user enter the results in a text box of some sort displayed directly next to the tests. I can't figure out a way to do so, where it will then save all the results that the user entered.
I have created a form with a subform, where the subform shows the 2 columns (tests and results) and when I change it to allow DataEntry, it gets rid of all the test names. I need it to keep the test names displayed, but allow entry in the results column.
Any ideas?
Below is a screenshot of an example of what I would like, although I need the Results column to be empty.
Create a continuous subform with only the tblresults as the recordsource, and for the header or each field of results use the related test as the label is how I would do it. Set allow additions to yes, allow edits to no allow deletions to no.