Azure DevOps Boards - display query result on a board - azure-devops

how to develop the extension to display query result on a board? Such thing is not possible in the Azure Devops unfortunatelly. I've found two extensions on the marketplace which are doing what I need:
AA Query Board
Query based boards
but this extensions are not updated for a long time and I couldn't contact the authors (I need to change few things in order to be able to use it internally in my company).
I've found also this topic Add tabs on query result pages, so it looks like it's quite easy to add new tab to the query result menu, but I have no idea and I can't find any info how to get data (work items) from query result to display them?
Rest of the extension is just to display this data in grid, so that would be also quite easy, but getting this query result data is blocking me.

There is a Query Results Widget that you can use to display the query results on the Dashboards under Overview.
1, First you need to create a shared query if not exist, and save query to the shared queries folder shown as below screenshot. (You can click the Column options from the Editor page to add and remove columns to be shown on the results)
Or drag and drop the query from My Queries folder to Shared Queries folder.
2, Go to Dashboards under Overview, and Click Edit, then search and add widget Query results
3, Click the gear icon on the Query Results widget to configure it and select the query you want to display. Then the query result will be display on the Dashboards
There are some other ways to show the query results on the dashboards, For below example:
you can select your shared query and click more actions(3dots) and click Add to dashboards. This will display simple total number of query results.
you can also create different Charts for the query results and add it to Dashboards.
Select your shared query and go to Charts tab, the choose New Chart, select a Chart type, After you configured the chart, you can click the 3dots on the chart and add it to dashboards, check below screenshot:

Eventually I managed to contact the author of the "AA Query Board" extension and it turns out that he has a public repository on GitHub with the source code of the extension, so basically everyone can lookup how it's done or base on it.
Link to the repository:


Azure DevOps Bulk Updating a Custom Field

I have a custom field that was added to TFS Azure DevOps and now I need to update any Feature or Story that have a certain text in that field.
Custom field: PGM0001234
(present both on Features and Stories)
Change to: PROG0004567
Is there a way to do that either on the backend or VisualStudio? There are thousands of work items that need updating so it's not like it's less than 100 feature/stories.
Yes. Create a new Query from ../_queries and set the Field to your custom field.
Run the query, and the results will contain all items where your custom field contains the value PGM0001234.
In the results set, select all and then click the ... after one of the items and choose Edit from the menu.
In the Edit work items dialog, select your custom field and assign new value in the Value field. Click OK and you'll be taken back to the query results with everything in bold. Press 'Save Items` and TFS will then apply the change.
TFS may complain that some fields contain invalid fields, such as Assigned To is a user who has left the business. You may need to bulk-reassign those items to another user in the Edit work items dialog.
Another option is to use Excel. Create a query like the one mentioned above, then open that query in the Excel plugin for Azure DevOps. Do a search and replace or other bulk edit in excel and then het the publish changes button.
Excel is a really convenient way to bulk edit work items.

WIQL or query to get all related work-item, but NOT listing the parents

I have a query listing all features and their child/related work-items.
Is there a way not to display the features (parents) itself? Just a flat list of all work-items having a link with a feature in this project.
I am afraid you cannot use the flat list of work items to query the work items with links.
You can have a try using a Work items and direct links type of query to show the children work items of the Features on the top level. See below:
If you want to add a query result account widget on dashboards, you can check out the Query Tile PRO tool.

Is it possible to create a rollup column for a query?

I am attempting to create a rollup column for Feature 123 to sum up story points for all User Stories who have Feature 123 as a parent. Furthermore, I would like this rollup column to show up as a query result.
However, I noticed that if I click "Queries", there is no "Add a rollup column". How can I configure Azure DevOps so that the "Add a rollup column" shows up underneath "Add a column"?
Here is some rollup column documentation I've been following.
Add a rollup column feature is not supported for Queries. Please check document here for where Rollup can be used.
Alternatively you can create a flat list query that sums the values of a field you specify as described in above document. Check here for more information about work tracking charts.
You can also submit a feature(Click suggest a feature and choose Azure devops) to Microsoft development team, hope they will consider adding rollup feature to query results.

Query items user was mentioned in

Is there a way to query work items where a user was mentioned? I am able to receive 'hard-coded' results by querying for
"History"-"Contains word"-"\#Username",
but I want a generic version, which works for all users. (Opposed to writing one query for every user)
Use this predicate:
Field: "ID"
Operator: "In"
Value: "#RecentMentions"
This automatically filters for work items, where current user has been mentioned.
I found it in predefined filter "Mentioned" in "Work Items" section. If you click on "Open in Queries" button, you will get a query with above filter. (This section can even remove the need for that query...)
Note: at present time, works only in VSTS.
This would achieve the same result.
There is no way to achieve this by work item query directly just as starain mentioned. You can create a custom hub or custom widget by using VSTS Extension to show these information in web portal.
You can’t achieve that through work item query directly, you could build a app to retrieve data through REST API (, change query text according different conditions (e.g. users)
Your query should be something like this
Select Id,Title From WorkItems Where ID IN (#RecentMentions) order by [System.ChangedDate] desc
here is the reference for rest of the macro's available in ADO rest API.

Maximo Favorite Application Portlet

I had defined Asset Application to show only those assettypes I need for necessary security group. I also had defined new Start center for this group and added Asset application as favorite apps.
When I open favorite application, in left columns is tab "Available queries" and show All records. Can I somehow configure this query?
There is 2 posibilities to do this:
Option No. 1.
Go to Apllication Designer - Necessary aplication
Choose presentation options
Insert SQL type Where Clause - what result you want to see (variable='name')
Insert Restriction - what results you don't want to see (not variable='name')
Go to Application Page
Filter results
Save results as new query and make it default
Option No. 2.
Repeat steps 1-5 in option No. 1
From Drop down list in toolbars Search field choose Where clause.
Insert SQL WHERE statement with restriction you need to see