VisualStudio 2022 (devenv.exe) arguments to merge file in p4v - merge

I had this setup in p4v and it would work
Ever since December 2022 it's not working anymore.
I checked the docs and there is no mention of the /merge anymore
Is there a new way to set up p4v to use visual studio 2022 to merge?


Build installer projects from visual studio 2022 command line

Recently I upgraded a project to Visual Studio 2022. I am using command line to build the installer project (.vdproj) using the command something shown below <Solutionfile> /build <InstallerConfiguration>.
The command used to build file with VS 2019 but when trying to build the same with Visual Studio 2022 seems to be stuck. It seems that everything builds fine but the Visual Studio process does not exit after the project is built and causes the build pipeline to be stalled. I have disabled out of proc build to see if this was causing the issue but it does not help. Any one experience the same issue? I am using the most recent version of visual studio along with the Visual Studio installer project extension. Any other method of building the installer project? I have tried MSBuild command but it does not understand vdproj files.
This has been fixed with the latest release of VS 2022 17.3.6. Works fine for me now.

How to use VScode Keybindings in Visual studio 2019

I need to use Visual studio 2019 for my school, I love the VSCode shortcuts (for Example ALT+SHIFT+Down - duplicates a line) but I can't seem to figure out how to use them in Visual studio 2019.
I already tried the answer provided: here , didn't work.
I tried to copy the JSON keybindings file from VSCode but Visual Studio 2019 keybindings doesn't seem to work that way.
Any ideas?

Display symbolic links in Visual Studio Code

I recently switched from atom to VS Code, and there's one key feature that I can't seem to find.
Is it possible to display a symbolic link in the Visual Studio Code file explorer?
The February 2018 update for VSCode includes support for symbolic links.
The links appear as below:
For further info check this page:
VSCode February 2018 update
There was an issue in GitHub to provide support for this which was resolved in February 2018 and included in the March 2018 release.
Not only VSCode displays symlinks, but with VSCode 1.43 (Q1 2020), it will also display dangling symlinks.
See issue 90075:
create symbolic links (either file or folder) and delete the target.
Make sure the links still show up in the file explorer with their link decoration on the right hand side.
You can delete them, or open them and type to create them.

Highlight changed files in file tree within visual studio code

The Atom editor highlights changed files when they are inside a Git repo like:
In visual studio code however I am unable to get the same behaviour. Does someone know if this is possible?
Update October 24, 2017
It turns out the insider version of Visual Studio code now contains git status color in the file tree. The insiders version is available at
It is not implemented yet. But the user #karabaja4 made a HACK and posted it in the issue.
here is the HACK and his comment
I wrote a gulp task that should simplify the installation of the hack (VS Code 1.15 only).
git clone
cd vscode-explorer-git-status
npm install
gulp install # as root/administrator
P.S. Not tested on all platforms yet, would appreciate if someone would try it on OSX.

Visual Studio 2012 Compiler Update in Matlab

The Visual Studio 2012 Compiler November 2012 CTP (VS2012+) gives access to new C++11 features. I would like to build mex files from Matlab 2013a using VS2012+; Matlab 2013a supports the ordinary VS2012. Is it possible to make Matlab 2013a build with VS2012+?
Visual Studio 2012 Compiler November 2012 CTP:
Additional information:
In Visual Studio 2012, the compiler update is activated by going into project settings, and then choosing the platform toolset as "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP (v120_CTP_Nov2012)". The default platform toolset is "Visual Studio 2012 (v110)". I would have expected to see this reflected in the compiler or linker switches, but I am unable to spot any differences. To key issue is then how to inform Visual Studio 2012 to do the same from the command line.
The Visual Studio 2012 Compiler Nov 2012 CTP is a separate executable, which is located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP
The bin-subdirectory contains the cl.exe, which is the new compiler. A file with the same name exists at the Visual Studio 2012 installation directory. To make Matlab refer to the updated compiler, open (in a plain-text editor) the file
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\win64\mexopts\msvc110opts.bat
and add the following just before the compiler parameters:
rem Override the compiler selection.
set COMPILERUPDATEDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP
This works since the cl.exe is searched from left to right in the PATH variable.
Local vs global options files
Note that the options-files in the mexopts directory are not directly used by Matlab; instead, they are taken local copies, and these are then used as the actual options files. When running
mex -setup
Matlab takes a local copy of the global options file, and places it in a directory which can be obtained by running mex with the -v option. This is the default options file. Therefore, if you are using the default options file, then you need to run mex -setup to see the changes.
Alternatively, you may want to take a local copy of the global options file yourself, and then specify the options file by the -f option in mex. This way you don't need to modify the official options files.