Display symbolic links in Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

I recently switched from atom to VS Code, and there's one key feature that I can't seem to find.
Is it possible to display a symbolic link in the Visual Studio Code file explorer?

The February 2018 update for VSCode includes support for symbolic links.
The links appear as below:
For further info check this page:
VSCode February 2018 update

There was an issue in GitHub to provide support for this which was resolved in February 2018 and included in the March 2018 release.

Not only VSCode displays symlinks, but with VSCode 1.43 (Q1 2020), it will also display dangling symlinks.
See issue 90075:
create symbolic links (either file or folder) and delete the target.
Make sure the links still show up in the file explorer with their link decoration on the right hand side.
You can delete them, or open them and type to create them.


Terminal Git Status showing different than Visual Studio status

I've been at this for a couple of days and I can't figure this out.
When I run git status on my terminal, it's giving me a different result than what my visual studio 2022 shows me. I think this all started when i added git lfs to my repo using brew so it doesnt track the larger files i have.
For example, in my terminal, it's showing: . Usually they show the same files always and never have an issue.
but then on the same branch in visual studio 2022, it's showing, it's showing this:
so far, I've tried:
Restarting my computer and visual studio(I had to try)
Using the sync button (next to the pushbutton) in visual studio.
Running git remote update on my terminal
I can't find anything else on SO to try.
Any and all help or direction is appreciated!
Check your .gitattributes files; since you added git lfs, it tracks the large file extensions with the .gitattributes file. That may be the reason why Visual Studio is not tracking those files, but your git terminal does.
There is a bug which i also face in visual studio.
Sometimes the VSCode cannot track the files which are updated.
what you can try is update the visual studio to see if the bug is fixed or not.
Mine was resolved by updating the VS.
PS: try using GitLens for a broader view of git.

Opening files through URL handling doesn't open file in files own workspace

I am trying to open VS Code from my web app through URL handling. I found the PR URL handling has been implemented and merged on GitHub. What I am trying to do is to open a file in its workspace. I found that with the current implementation it is not possible to do that since only the file and the lines parsed from the URL with this format vscode://file/%%f:%%l.
In the PR it's been said that the opening behavior is the same as running code -g -r /path/to/file on local machine. But running this script opens the file in its workspace if the workspace is already opened on VS Code. Doesn't matter if it is focused or not, if that workspace somehow opened, VS Code opens the file in its original workspace.
I believe VS Code folks are doing great job! Am I missing something here or local script and URL handling just behaves differently than I experienced.
BTW I tried almost all versions of VS Code after September 2017.
VSCode 1.43 (Q1 2020) might improve those protocol links by adding the possibility to open folders and workspace.
For a while, VSCode supported to open files through protocol links (e.g. vscode://file/<file-path>).
In this milestone, we expanded the support to include opening folders or workspaces.
The syntax is the same:

Highlight changed files in file tree within visual studio code

The Atom editor highlights changed files when they are inside a Git repo like:
In visual studio code however I am unable to get the same behaviour. Does someone know if this is possible?
Update October 24, 2017
It turns out the insider version of Visual Studio code now contains git status color in the file tree. The insiders version is available at https://code.visualstudio.com/insiders/
It is not implemented yet. But the user #karabaja4 made a HACK and posted it in the issue.
here is the HACK and his comment
I wrote a gulp task that should simplify the installation of the hack (VS Code 1.15 only).
git clone https://github.com/karabaja4/vscode-explorer-git-status.git
cd vscode-explorer-git-status
npm install
gulp install # as root/administrator
P.S. Not tested on all platforms yet, would appreciate if someone would try it on OSX.

TEE 2012 does not check out files automatically

I have TFS Server 2012 SP1.
Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios Service Release 2).
I see a complete team menu, I can check-out and check-in files manually.
However if I just start editing a file it will not be checked out automatically :( as it did with 2010 before updates.
I have tried to change settings to "Display progress while checking out" and "Prompt before checking out" - no effect.
"Detect changes..." functionality does not work either.
Only if I close the project and then open it again, the modified file will be checked out automatically (only once).
The modified file will be checked out automatically also if I manually check-out/check-in another file in the same project.
Problem found
If Visual Studio 2012 is opened on the same PC and connected to the same TFS server, the TEE behaves as described above :(
#Edward Thomson, I think it is a bug. TEE should at least have displayed an error messages.
Not sure about your specific TFS or Visual Studio version, however in VS2010 you have:
File > Source Control > Change Source Control
If your Solution/Project is listed like above with no Server Name, Binding etc., select it and click Bind. That may get things going again

Sourcesafe get by label from Visual Studio

I have a Visual Source Safe repository, and some (not all, alas!) of my releases are identified by label. I know how to get by label from the command line, but:
Can I get by label from within Visual Studio?
I'm using Visual Studio 2003 (would the answer be different in other versions of Visual Studio?).
PS. I am hoping to migrate to Team Server soon.
View History on the sourcesafe Project in question, and Include Labels. Highlight the Label you want and click "Get." set options, hit OK, you're done!
edit: pardon me AJ, I was referring to doing a "get" on a label from within the Visual Source Safe interface.
However, assuming you have installed Visual Source Safe on the same machine as Visual Studio, these same functions should be available. Go to Tools -> Options > Source Control and make sure the source control plug-in is set to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
With that in place, you should be able to right-click on a Project or Solution in the Solution Explorer, select View History, and follow my previous instructions.