Highlight changed files in file tree within visual studio code - visual-studio-code

The Atom editor highlights changed files when they are inside a Git repo like:
In visual studio code however I am unable to get the same behaviour. Does someone know if this is possible?

Update October 24, 2017
It turns out the insider version of Visual Studio code now contains git status color in the file tree. The insiders version is available at https://code.visualstudio.com/insiders/

It is not implemented yet. But the user #karabaja4 made a HACK and posted it in the issue.
here is the HACK and his comment
I wrote a gulp task that should simplify the installation of the hack (VS Code 1.15 only).
git clone https://github.com/karabaja4/vscode-explorer-git-status.git
cd vscode-explorer-git-status
npm install
gulp install # as root/administrator
P.S. Not tested on all platforms yet, would appreciate if someone would try it on OSX.


VSCode stuck on "Starting Build...."

I use VSCode along with gcc to compile C code. I was using the same launch.json and tasks.json file last week too but it no longer compiles since today; it's stuck on "Starting Build..."
However, if I paste the command under "Starting Build..." directly to the terminal, the compiled binary is indeed created.
I got no help in Googling.
karthik#cosmic:~$ code --version
karthik#cosmic:~$ uname -osr
Linux 5.16.19-76051619-generic GNU/Linux
I also faced the same issue, but on visiting your issue on GitHub and #9421 I noticed that the issue was due to the new version of the C/C++ extension. Just try to downgrade the version back to 1.9.8 (the latest version is 1.10.7, period).
This workaround worked for me and the code compiled in the latest version of VS code, 1.68.1, period.
(Note that I also had spaces in my folder names. So, I tweaked tasks.json by adding inverted commas for the file path.)
OS-Windows 10
VS code-1.68.1
GCC version(MSYS2)- 11.2.0
After opening an issue at Github, it was informed that this was a bug with the latest version of VSCode as of 02nd May 2022 and they're already on fixing it
A possible work-around for now is ensuring there's no spaces in directory names and file names in your project workspace; thus update the tasks.json and launch.json too with the same.
More info here

Terminal Git Status showing different than Visual Studio status

I've been at this for a couple of days and I can't figure this out.
When I run git status on my terminal, it's giving me a different result than what my visual studio 2022 shows me. I think this all started when i added git lfs to my repo using brew so it doesnt track the larger files i have.
For example, in my terminal, it's showing: . Usually they show the same files always and never have an issue.
but then on the same branch in visual studio 2022, it's showing, it's showing this:
so far, I've tried:
Restarting my computer and visual studio(I had to try)
Using the sync button (next to the pushbutton) in visual studio.
Running git remote update on my terminal
I can't find anything else on SO to try.
Any and all help or direction is appreciated!
Check your .gitattributes files; since you added git lfs, it tracks the large file extensions with the .gitattributes file. That may be the reason why Visual Studio is not tracking those files, but your git terminal does.
There is a bug which i also face in visual studio.
Sometimes the VSCode cannot track the files which are updated.
what you can try is update the visual studio to see if the bug is fixed or not.
Mine was resolved by updating the VS.
PS: try using GitLens for a broader view of git.

Do I need Visual Studio Code Insiders to install jupyter Notebook extension?

I run the latest Visual Studio Code (1.56.1 windows 10 professional, as of today) but the jupyter extension file ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.832913620.vsix complains with:
Unable to install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.56.1'.
How do I find out what is the latest version of jupyter compatible with VSC stable?
The latest compatible build of the Jupyter extension for VS Code 1.56.1 is 2021.6.832593372. v2021.6.832913620 requires VS Code 1.57.0-insider.
Unfortunately the VS Code marketplace doesn't currently indicate which version of VS Code you need to install a specific VSIX. There's a feature request for this: https://github.com/microsoft/vsmarketplace/issues/43. In the meantime it's recommended to install extensions from inside VS Code wherever possible, as VS Code version requirements are correctly resolved from there.
Latest version (2021.6.914258744) seems broken, but this one 2021.6.832593372 works.
Working setup as of June 9, 2021 (full offline install):
SHA1: 7F9DA2C7A35BA29778ECB36A2D3D81CBCCD3060D
ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.832593372.vsix +
ms-python.python-2021.5.842923320.vsix = OK SHA1:
ms-toolsai.jupyter-2021.6.914258744.vsix +
ms-python.python-2021.5.842923320.vsix = Broken SHA1:

"No extensions found" when running Visual Studio Code from source

When I try to install any extension in Visual Studio Code (i.e., by pressing Ctrl+P and then running ext install RustyCode), I get a message that No extensions found.
However, this only happens when I run VS Code directly from source repository. I.e., after:
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode.git
cd vscode
git checkout 1.0.0
But, if I run VS Code from official builds, then I'm able to install extensions.
So, how can I enable downloading and installing extensions from Visual Studio Marketplace when I run VS Code directly from source repository? (Is Visual Studio Marketplace integration bundled separately in official builds?)
I'm on Ubuntu/Linux.
This can be fixed by adding following to product.json:
"extensionsGallery": {
"serviceUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery",
"cacheUrl": "https://vscode.blob.core.windows.net/gallery/index",
"itemUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items"
(This is can also be fixed by copying product.json from an official build (in the .zip archvie, product.json is under resources/app) which contains above lines).
More information: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/1557
You can use code-marketplace extension in AUR to add microsoft marketplace registery in code OSS. This extension will installs a pacman hook that patches the file on every package update.
If you want to do the same for archlinux, have a look here => https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Visual_Studio_Code , you have various possible options to solve the problem.
For Arch linux you could access the product.json file under this path - /usr/lib/code/product.json.
Just edit on the file the extensionsGallery with the following-
"extensionsGallery": {
"serviceUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery",
"cacheUrl": "https://vscode.blob.core.windows.net/gallery/index",
"itemUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items"
like #Vikrant Chaudhary said.
Extending the answer from #Vikrant Chaudhary. If anyone wanted to do the same thing on Windows, the path to product.json is here:
Windows path for VSCodium: C:\Program Files\VSCodium\resources\app\product.json

how to build neovim with visual statio2013

this is the project home
i'm try to use cmake to build it,but failed .
Do you have any success,tell me the detail way.
thank you!
At the moment the master branch of Neovim does not build in Windows.
There is an issue for Windows support#1749 with an open pull request#810. However the terminal support in that branch is currently broken.
In that first link you can find some instructions on how to build, and a list of issues that still need fixing for Windows support.
