Unity Hub You are offline. You need an internet connection to fetch new templates - unity3d

I just downloaded the editor version 2021.3.15f1 (lts) and I can't create new project with it for 2d mobile core
I can't download new templates for it because it says that I need to be online
I tried to log out and in but nothing helps

I solved it I just needed to restart my computer


Confluence server plugin not working in data center

I have made a plugin for Confluence v7.13.7. It is working absolutely fine in the Confluence server which is set up locally on my machine. But, when I tried installing the plugin in the client’s instance who is also using the same Confluence version 7.13.7 but using the data center version, the plugin got installed but not giving any result upon hitting the API endpoint.
Is this possible that a plugin can work in a server edition but cannot work in the data center? If this can happen, what are the possible reasons for this?
Please refer to https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/developing-apps-for-atlassian-data-center-products/ to learn the difference of apps for DC. Most features will work the same it DC as in Server, but as it uses several nodes, you have to think how to transfer the same objects between them

Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components

I'm trying to set a Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components according to this link but when I try to install the plugin #salesforce/lwc-dev-server I get this error message :
Code: ShellParseError
and a .js file named npm-cli.js opens in my editor with this content:
#!/usr/bin/env node
Anyone knows what to do? Thanks in advance.
In general, the local development for Lightning Web Components still has beta status: Local Development (Beta)
However, even the beta version can now be used relatively reliably. To set up local development you only need to authorize an org and install the development server. This allows you to develop locally without the need to push your components to an org first.
The local development server and its configuration are provided by a Salesforce CLI plugin. Before you install the plugin make sure you are using the latest Salesforce CLI version by running:
sfdx update
Then the lwc-dev-server plugin can be installed as follows:
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/lwc-dev-server
After installing the plugin, to start the server on http://localhost:3333 and access all components of the project just run:
sfdx force:lightning:lwc:start
There is even a short official guide on how to set it up: Set Up LWC Local Development

Ionic + IBM MobileFirst

I've found a few post on this topic but have not been able to find the best solution.
Attempted to integrate Ionic into IBM MobileFirst (Worklight).
At the moment - I have built a normal Ionic project and moved the WWW folder in the 'common' folder. Also added in the initOptions, main.js and messages.js.
MobileFirst has an awful build process - I hate having to deploy to a mobilefirst development server + preview app for any code changes. I am hoping to get some type of auto reload working within mobileFirst, or at least develop with ionic normally and hav ea job to bring my changes into my worklight project... something that is better than me current situation.
Does anyone have a sample project that actually auto-builds or picks up code changes automatically?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Not sure what do you mean by "auto-reloading"; if you make any changes to the web resources to your project inside the Studio plug-in (in Eclipse) and reload the preview in the browser, it will show the changes.
You are not required to Run As > Run on MobileFirst Development Server for each change. As long as you work on the resources in your workspace, the "auto-reloading" as you call it, should work (make sure you are using the latest available MobileFirst Studio version from the Eclipse Marketplace).
There is also a rudimentary Starter Application that is based on Ionic.
You can download it from here.
There are also several results on the subject matter when searching in Google.
The need to rebuild in order to see changes in your Web components (CSS, JavaScript, HTML) did used to be an annoyance in early versions of what was then Worklight and is now MobileFirst. I forget when the need for a rebuild was removed but certainly in Worklight 6.2 and beyond you now simply need to refresh in your browser.
UPDATE: If using MobileFirst 6.3 you need to ensure that you are on a
suitable patch level. I find that simple refresh does not work in, but if I update (Help->Check for Updates) to then edit/save/refresh works as
My personal practice is always to have Mobile Web environment in my project and then choose that from the Console. This loads the application in the browser-based Mobile Simulator that you can tailor to fit your target form-factor. This has a "Go/Refresh" button that immediately reflects your edits.
Alternatively, some folks these days do not use Studio, instead they use the Command Line Interfacer. Possibly this may be more to your taste. You can download it here.
there is a solution with using staff like ionic-cli serve command + symbolic links that will replace common folder.
check here an example https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pvaulo6yo47kb9/lab_7.2.mp4?dl=0
(you just can disable sound, cause i've recorded it in russian) 7-15 minutes of this video
Other option is to organize live-preview yourself using IDE features and/or nodejs
This will work as long as you are working on front-end (mostly non-worklight api) part.
You need to include this lines in the index.html
<!-- ionic bundle & css -->
<link href="www/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="www/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>

Is it possible to use Unity Asset Server with Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye?

I am investigating how we can use a code review tool in conjunction with Unity3D development.
We are using the Unity Asset server as our repository. Obviously this repository is not supported out of the box by Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye, and I was not able to find any plugin support for it.
Has anyone been able to figure out a work around configuration? Perhaps using SVN in conjunction with Unity Asset Server, or some other approach?
Or another code review tool that is compatible with Unity3D Asset Server?

Coldfusion deploy into Google app with Eclipse

I've download eclipse-jee-galileo-win32.zip and following instruction of this post, http://blog.kukiel.net/2009/09/coldfusion-on-google-app-engine-with.html
After that, I encounter following errors once I've deleted war file and replace openbd's war files into my project.
alt text http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/3479/52229590.png
Please let me know if you have such problem just like me.
Make sure that you are running the latest SDKs (Google Web Toolkit and Google App Engine). I had this same issue until I switched to the latest versions when I first started out as well.
You can see which ones you are using for a particular app by opening up its properties and looking under Google. The latest versions are 1.3.5 (App Engine) and 2.0.4 (Web Toolkit). If you are on older versions look for updates, new features to install the latest.