Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components - plugins

I'm trying to set a Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components according to this link but when I try to install the plugin #salesforce/lwc-dev-server I get this error message :
Code: ShellParseError
and a .js file named npm-cli.js opens in my editor with this content:
#!/usr/bin/env node
Anyone knows what to do? Thanks in advance.

In general, the local development for Lightning Web Components still has beta status: Local Development (Beta)
However, even the beta version can now be used relatively reliably. To set up local development you only need to authorize an org and install the development server. This allows you to develop locally without the need to push your components to an org first.
The local development server and its configuration are provided by a Salesforce CLI plugin. Before you install the plugin make sure you are using the latest Salesforce CLI version by running:
sfdx update
Then the lwc-dev-server plugin can be installed as follows:
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/lwc-dev-server
After installing the plugin, to start the server on http://localhost:3333 and access all components of the project just run:
sfdx force:lightning:lwc:start
There is even a short official guide on how to set it up: Set Up LWC Local Development


adonisjs github collaboration not possible?

I’m working with a friend to make a web application using adonisjs. I have the front page done and it is looking pretty slick at localhost:3333.
I need my partner who joined the repository to be able to work on it as well. He cloned my repo after installing the necessities. When he tries to adonis serve --dev, it says he isn’t in an adonisjs app. He can’t use the new command because it says the folder has to be empty (and he already has the framework files from the cloning, right?). So, he can’t launch the server because his computer doesn’t recognize it as an adonisjs app. What should we do so it acknowledges his clone is one?
when installing adonis your partner needs to install adonis globally npm i -g #adonisjs/cli
Then, when you have adoniscli installed make sure you install such dependencies npm install
Now, you can go to the adonis folder and run the project adonis serve --dev

How do I test out production confluence cloud plugin?

I am able to test out my confluence cloud plugin with the base url set to:
This loads the plugin fine on my confluence test environment that's hosted on my_project.atlassian.net...
When I update the baseUrl in my atlassian-connect.json it's unable to load the same plugin when I run npm start and have the plugin files uploaded to the S3 account (It throws this: Tunnel 0e6e0931.ngrok.io not found). it's able to create the marketplace listing though.. How do I test my plugin to make sure it'll work in production?
Turns out if I create a private listing, I can view the app page, grab the install url and install via UPM. This will verify if the production app works before going live.

REST client that does not need installation

We have a locked down customer environment in which we do not have rights to install anything. In this environment, I need to call some REST services in order to troubleshoot them.
In my local development environment, I normally use Postman (Chrome plugin) or Advanced REST client. However, since the customer environment is locked down, I can't install Chrome (they have IE 11) or Adv. REST client.
Is there any REST client that I can just copy and use, without the need for installation?
I am under the same constraints. To test a RESTful API, I installed a portable Chrome version(doesn't require admin permission) in which I installed postman.
You can find a portable chrome edition with a simple google search.
You can also install a portable firefox edition and install a plugin to simulate REST requests like HttpRequester here.
You can also use SOAP UI from here https://www.soapui.org/. Make sure to choose the open source version for a free edition. Also, when installing making sure to change the installation path to a folder you have permission to write in, for instance a folder in your Desktop. Here's the doc on how to use it: https://www.soapui.org/soapui-projects/soapui-projects.html

gcloud preview app run doesn't re-build docker file

Following along in the managed VMs tutorial, I wanted to run some of the later examples locally. (As I would for development/testing.) When I deploy my project to the cloud it works very happily, but when I run it locally (gcloud preview app run ./app.yaml) I get an import error because flask wasn't installed / the docker image wasn't updated.
Is there a way to build and run the container locally?
Set the environment variable GAE_LOCAL_VM_RUNTIME to 0:
gcloud preview app run app.yaml
This behavior is described in the Cloud SDK RELEASE_NOTES for version 0.9.71:
For several months on the Managed VMs team we've been testing a new mode of
dockerless local development on gcloud that makes developing a module for
Python, Java and Go users similar to development of regular App Engine
applications. This new mode relaxes the sandbox constraints present in the
devappserver for vm: false applications, and does not require Docker to be
You can currently opt-into this behavior by setting GAE_LOCAL_VM_RUNTIME=1;
In this release of the Cloud SDK, we will be making this behavior the
default for Managed VM users who are using gcloud.
You can still opt-out of this behavior by setting: GAE_LOCAL_VM_RUNTIME=0.

Deploying Treeline

I'm trying to deploy a Treeline app on my Ubuntu/Digital Ocean server with no luck.
I have worked successfully with sails (using "forever") before and tried to install treeline the same way.
npm install treeline -g
But after the installation, when trying to do something else, it always returns:
treeline.py: cannot connect to X server
I don't know if this error is due to my lack of experience deploying node or the earlier stage of the treeline project (which, on the other hand, is really awesome).
Thank you in advance.
Deploying a Treeline app is exactly the same as deploying a Sails app, because the files that get synched down from the Treeline server are Sails apps--they were just generated for you instead of you having to write the code. You don't need to npm install treeline -g on your server; that's only for previewing your app locally as you make changes to it on treeline.io. Instead, when you're ready to deploy, just follow whatever procedure that worked for your previous Sails apps and it will work for your Treeline app.
As far as the treeline.py error--that appears to be coming from a conflicting file pre-installed on Ubuntu!