I am unable to install the Jeddict plugin on Netbeans 16.
I tried to install the jeddict plugin and a window with broken dependencies comes up. On the website it says minimum requirements as 15 but im not sure if 16 is compatible.
This isnt code related, I'm just trying to wonder if Jeddict is compatible with netbeans 16 or are my files corrupted
I tried to look up the related dependencies to install the dependencies but couldn't anything find them. I was expecting a clean installation
openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-25199 (build 11.0.12+7)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-25199 (build 11.0.12+7, mixed mode)
Errors encountered while installing
Some plugins require plugin Database Core to be installed.
The plugin Database Core is requested in implementation version 15-387759c96ce1b891ec45ffaf524a53499455fe1a.
The following plugin is affected: jeddict
Some plugins require plugin Maven Embedder to be installed.
The plugin Maven Embedder is requested in implementation version 15-387759c96ce1b891ec45ffaf524a53499455fe1a.
The following plugin is affected: jeddict
Some plugins require plugin Maven Repository Indexing to be installed.
The plugin Maven Repository Indexing is requested in implementation version 15-387759c96ce1b891ec45ffaf524a53499455fe1a.
The following
plugin is affected: jeddict
Some plugins require plugin Maven Editor Model to be installed.
The plugin Maven Editor Model is requested in implementation version 15-387759c96ce1b891ec45ffaf524a53499455fe1a.
The following plugin is affected: jeddict
Some plugins require plugin User Utilities to be installed.
The plugin User Utilities is requested in implementation version 15-387759c96ce1b891ec45ffaf524a53499455fe1a.
The following plugin is affected: jeddict Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.
As a very last resort i will do a fresh installation of openjdk and other linked stuff
After I upgraded Netbeans from 12.6 to 13, Netbeans doesn't start. When I start it from the command line, I got the following message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing hosting module org.netbeans.libs.javacimpl for fragment org.netbeans.modules.nbjavac.impl
at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.refineClassLoader(ModuleManager.java:909)
at org.netbeans.StandardModule.classLoaderUp(StandardModule.java:527)
at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(ModuleManager.java:1330)
at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(ModuleManager.java:1254)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList.installNew(ModuleList.java:315)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList.trigger(ModuleList.java:251)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleSystem.restore(ModuleSystem.java:298)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.getModuleSystem(Main.java:156)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.getModuleSystem(Main.java:125)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.start(Main.java:282)
at org.netbeans.core.startup.TopThreadGroup.run(TopThreadGroup.java:98)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
What's the reason? How can I fix it?
This is caused by old nb-javac (Netbeans Java Compiler) modules installed in an older Netbeans version, which are incompatible with nb-javac, which is now bundled in Netbeans.
It's necessary to remove those old modules. You can find them in the Netbeans user directory. On Linux this is for example in ~/.netbeans or in ~/snap/netbeans/current, if installed as a Snap package. Those nb-javac files are in the modules directory in that directory (e.g. ~/.netbeans/modules) and include nbjavac in the name, e.g. org-netbeans-modules-nbjavac-api.jar. Delete all such files that include nbjavac. Then start Netbeans again, all should work now.
This problem was reported for a development version of Netbeans 13 on the developers' mailing list: https://www.mail-archive.com/dev#netbeans.apache.org/msg09777.html. There are original instructions that helped me to fix this issue. I wasn't using any development build of Netbeans, I just upgraded from the regular version 12.6 to the version 13 of Netbeans. In Netbeans 12.6, I installed the nb-javac plugin, which probably brought these incompatible modules that needed to be removed.
People who are struggling on macOS, same answer as OndroMih but these directories
/Users/<your_user>/Library/Application Support/NetBeans
I have Apache NetBeans IDE 10. When I try to install the nbscala plugins for Scala, I get an issue:
Some plugins require plugin External Execution Base API to be installed
How do I fix the issue?
The solutions for NetBeans 8.2 don't work.
Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 (Build incubator-netbeans-release-380-on-20181217)
nbscala plugin version: 20190313-b8a704f058cc
I'm trying to install Mobile First 7.1.0 platform studio on Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) - 64bit as written in Mobile First requirements. My java is as following:
java version "1.8.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)
I'm trying to install from Eclipse Marketplace and after few minutes of installation I get the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: IBM jQuery Mobile Tools (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.tools.licensed.feature.feature.group
Missing requirement: IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio (com.worklight.studio.feature.feature.group requires 'org.apache.commons.collections4 [4.0.0]' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio (com.ibm.imp.tools.wce.feature.feature.group
To: com.worklight.studio.feature.feature.group 7.1.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM jQuery Mobile Tools (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.tools.licensed.feature.feature.group
To: com.ibm.imp.tools.wce.feature.feature.group 7.1.0
Any help would be highly appreciated.
See here: Issues installing MobileFirst Studio v7.1
This has been identified as a defect introduced in a recent iFix and is in the process of being fixed. I will update this answer once a fixed version will be available via Eclipse Marketplace.
As a workaround you can install an older release and then select to update it using the "faulty" release through Eclipse Marketplace. The update will work as the problem manifests itself only in new installations.
#Idan: I have tried same steps as mentioned above but got the same error like #Anatoly. Let me know any other solution for the same.
I am trying to install J2EE Plugin in Android Bundled Eclipse(Downloaded from Android Developers Site).
Steps That I performed :
1) http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates link added in Install New Software
2) Selected the Web Tools Platforms 3.1.1
3) Clicked Next.
4) Deselected on Eclipse XML (already installed Package)
5) Clicked Next.
And finally got this error.
I am getting this error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Dali Java Persistence Tools
2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je (org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group
Missing requirement: Dali Java Persistence Tools - DB UI 1.1.100.v200906070220
(org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui 1.1.100.v200906070220) requires 'bundle
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui [1.1.0,1.2.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Dali Java Persistence Tools 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je
(org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je)
To: org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui [1.1.100.v200906070220]
Please suggest me how to install J2EE plugin in Android ADT. Please suggest me if I can Install any plugin or is there any other URL for ADT Eclipse to install plugins.
Follow the instructions at http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F . It looks like the bundle corresponds to Eclipse 4.2.2, Kepler SR2, meaning you should use http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler/ and http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/kepler/ .
I get an error when trying to install both AJDT and Scala 2.7.5 plugin into Eclipse 3.5.
I remember seeing a message at one point that there was a known problem with the two being installed, and the solution was to install a pre-release version of Scala plugin, from May I believe, then install AJDT.
But, I don't remember which version and I can't find a link to download the older pre-release version.
So, I am wondering if someone knows how I can get both installed.
Thank you.
I tried it just now and got this error, so AJDT 1.7.0 won't work. :(
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Scala Eclipse Plugin 2.7.5.final (ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.feature.group 2.7.5.final)
Software being installed: AspectJ Development Tools 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600 (org.eclipse.ajdt.feature.group 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
JDT Weaving 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600 (org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600)
JDT Weaving (org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Scala Eclipse Plugin 2.7.5.final (ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.feature.group 2.7.5.final)
To: org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: AspectJ Development Tools 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600 (org.eclipse.ajdt.feature.group 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600)
To: org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt [2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600]
According to this thread,
2.7.5.final is compatible with AJDT 1.7.0 on Eclipse 3.5.
If you have AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) 2.0.x, could you try to downgrade to 1.7.0 as suggested in this thread?
As the OP (James Black) himself details in the comments, both AJDT versions are actually 2.0!
From "AJDT 2.0.0 - New and Noteworthy":
Release for AJDT targeting Eclipse 3.5: 2.0.0_e35x2009XXXXXX
Release for AJDT targeting Eclipse 3.4: 2.0.0_e34x2009XXXXXX
So this means that AJDT 1.6.5 has been renamed AJDT 2.0.0_e34x and AJDT 1.7.0 has been renamed AJDT 2.0.0_e35x.
Although this is potentially confusing in the short term, we believe in the long term, this will be more informative and users will be able to read the version and immediately know which Eclipse version it targets and also what feature level it contains.
To complete this answer with the OP's feedback:
AJDT update site
"Eclipse Galileo, AJDT, Scala Eclipse plugin 2.7.5"
Hmm ... if you can live with one of the 1.7.0 AJDT builds you should be OK.
Cheers, Miles
Thanks for the tip - it works!
I used ajdt_1.7.0.20090513085548_archive.zip from the AJDT downloads.
cheers Porter
Here is the message I couldn't find, looking for AJDT 1.7 was the help I needed:
You can get the file from:
I unzipped this zip file into the Eclipse directory, then installed Scala 1.7.5.
I have AJDT 2.0.0 installed, and when trying to install Scala 2.7.5.final get this message:
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
JDT Weaving 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600 (org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt 2.0.0.e35x-20090624-1600)
JDT Weaving (org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt
This is because the Scala plugin requires 1.6.4. If you downgrade to that version of AJDT you may be ok.