Instaliing J2EE on Android Developers Tool (ADT Bundled Eclipse from Android) - eclipse

I am trying to install J2EE Plugin in Android Bundled Eclipse(Downloaded from Android Developers Site).
Steps That I performed :
1) link added in Install New Software
2) Selected the Web Tools Platforms 3.1.1
3) Clicked Next.
4) Deselected on Eclipse XML (already installed Package)
5) Clicked Next.
And finally got this error.
I am getting this error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Dali Java Persistence Tools
2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je (
Missing requirement: Dali Java Persistence Tools - DB UI 1.1.100.v200906070220
(org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui 1.1.100.v200906070220) requires 'bundle
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui [1.1.0,1.2.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Dali Java Persistence Tools 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je
( 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je)
To: org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui [1.1.100.v200906070220]
Please suggest me how to install J2EE plugin in Android ADT. Please suggest me if I can Install any plugin or is there any other URL for ADT Eclipse to install plugins.

Follow the instructions at . It looks like the bundle corresponds to Eclipse 4.2.2, Kepler SR2, meaning you should use and .


Error with the installation of AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

I can't install the AWS toolkit for Eclipse.
I can't understand how to download and what is this "bundle org.eclipse.core.variables 3.2.800" and what is the dependency at the end of message?
This is the error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Core (Required) 2.3.1.v201707121824 ( 2.3.1.v201707121824)
Missing requirement: AWS Toolkit Core Plugin 2.3.1.v201707121824 (com.amazonaws.eclipse.core 2.3.1.v201707121824) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.core.variables 3.2.800' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Core (Required) 2.3.1.v201707121824 ( 2.3.1.v201707121824)
To: com.amazonaws.eclipse.core [2.3.1.v201707121824]
org.eclipse.core.variables is one of the standard Eclipse plugins. The error message is saying you need to be using a version of Eclipse with at least version 3.2.800 of this plugin.
Version 3.2.800 of this plugin is in Eclipse Luna, so this means you need to be using that release or later (Luna, Mars, Neon, or Oxygen).

IBM Worklight returns "Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found"

I got this problem when I try to install new Worklight software ( inside my Eclipse Luna.
How to fix these dependencies ?
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: IBM Worklight Studio (
Missing requirement: IBM Web Editor Common 1.2.0.v20130514_1852 ( 1.2.0.v20130514_1852) requires 'bundle [4.2.1,5.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Rich Page Editor Base 1.2.0.v20130516_0814 ( 1.2.0.v20130516_0814)
To: [1.0.400.v20130504_0525]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Rich Page Editor - HTML 1.0.400.v20130504_0525 ( 1.0.400.v20130504_0525)
To: bundle [1.0.0,2.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Worklight Studio (
To: 1.0.200
Worklight 6.0x doesn't support eclipse Luna; you should install it on Juno, 4.2.2, Java Enterprise Edition. See list of supported software here:
Specifically, Worklight runs on the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developer edition. Worklight is fairly specific on which version and which edition of eclipse is supported. For Worklight 6.0.0.x release, this version/edition of eclipse will work:
Just to be sure. Check your internet connection or your proxy configurations.
This errors are also caused in absence of connection.
Proxy setting:
I already found the answer, install Worklight in fresh Eclipse.

IBM Worklight - Installing Studio plug-in fails in Eclipse "Juno"

Whenever I try to install IBM Worklight on an Eclipse Juno Release I get the following error. Can you help me resolve?
Software being installed: IBM Dojo Mobile Tools
( Missing requirement: Model Plug-in 8.0.0.v20130418_1206 ( 8.0.0.v20130418_1206) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not
be found Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Rich Page Editor - Dojo extensions 1.1.200.v20130523_1421 ( 1.1.200.v20130523_1421)
To: bundle [8.0.0,9.0.0) Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Dojo Web Tools 2.0.0.v20130523_1421 (
To: [1.1.200.v20130523_1421] Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Dojo Mobile Tools (
To: 1.0.0
Double-check that you are using Eclipse Java EE 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) and not another variant of Eclipse.
This then can also happen due to slow network - try again
Additionally, verify you have this option checked: "Contact all update sites during install to find required software", in Help >> Install New Software...

Error While installing IBM Worklight Studio in Eclipse Java EE Indigo in Mac machine

Please help me out . When i try to install IBM Worklight Studio in eclipse i get the following errors.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: IBM Worklight Studio 5.0.30.v20120808_2026 ( 5.0.30.v20120808_2026)
Missing requirement: Model Plug-in 7.0.400.v20120731_1538 ( 7.0.400.v20120731_1538) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Web Page Generation Core Plugin 7.2.300.v20120731_1538 ( 7.2.300.v20120731_1538)
To: bundle [7.0.0,8.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Worklight Studio 5.0.30.v20120808_2026 ( 5.0.30.v20120808_2026)
To: 1.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: AJAX Web Tools 1.0.0.v20120731_1538 ( 1.0.0.v20120731_1538)
To: _http://7.2.300.v20120731_1538
Is the checkbox "Contact all update sites during install to find required" checked? Are you connected to the internet?
Hi i think WTP plugin is yet properly installed in your eclipse, remove the plugin and try to install the latest WTP plugin. Are you using Helios or Indigo release 2 version. Try to update the eclipse and reinstall the Worklight

Can't install data tools platform in Aptana Studio 3 -- cannot satisfy dependency

I'm trying to install the following plugins in the standalone version of Aptana Studio 3 on Mac OS X Lion (build
Data Tools Platform Enablement Extender SDK
Data Tools Platform Extender SDK
I'm using the Indigo Eclipse update site ( to try to install these plugins. However, when I try to install them, I get this error:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Data Tools Platform Extender SDK 1.9.1.v201108301820-7PA37JFEPPYv06-0y5OPQMV3opyi ( 1.9.1.v201108301820-7PA37JFEPPYv06-0y5OPQMV3opyi)
Software currently installed: Aptana Studio 3 (com.aptana.rcp.product
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Equinox Provisioning Repository Tools 2.0.100.v20110512-1320 ( 2.0.100.v20110512-1320)
Equinox p2 repository tools. 2.0.1.R36x_v20100823 ( 2.0.1.R36x_v20100823)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Aptana Studio 3 (com.aptana.rcp.product
To: [2.0.1.R36x_v20100823]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: DTP SDK Plug-in 1.7.0.v200906161850 (org.eclipse.datatools.sdk 1.7.0.v200906161850)
To: bundle org.eclipse.pde.ui [3.2.0,4.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Data Tools Platform Extender SDK 1.9.1.v201108301820-7PA37JFEPPYv06-0y5OPQMV3opyi ( 1.9.1.v201108301820-7PA37JFEPPYv06-0y5OPQMV3opyi)
To: org.eclipse.datatools.sdk [1.7.0.v200906161850]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: PDE UI 3.6.100.v20110603 (org.eclipse.pde.ui 3.6.100.v20110603)
To: bundle [2.0.100,3.0.0)
I read here that the problem may be in the feature.xml file, but this was for a different plugin and with a different version of Eclipse.
I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks!
The problem you are having is that the case Eclipse version for the Aptana Studio is different than Indigo (which is what the DTP stuff requires from the update site). (The things that are conflicting are p2 projects which are part of the base Eclipse).
I recommend that you download Eclipse Indigo from and then install the Aptana Studio as plugins and then try to install the DTP stuff.
Alternatively find out which version your Aptana Studio 3 is based on (you can go to Help -> About and click the Installation Details button) and then install the DTP tools from the Eclipse update site that corresponds to that.