Flutter StreamProvider does not make realtime exchanes - flutter

I'm using streamprovider to get firestore document's realtime changing data.
(like a Streambuilder)
However when i change the data in firestroe consol while app is running, the widget does not reflect the changes.
I searched it in stackoverflow whole day and i tried several answers in here, but it doesn't go on my code.
I'm wondering what is the problem!
class MainPage extends StatelessWidget {
DataProvider db = DataProvider();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var userData = Provider.of<User?>(context);
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
value: db.getUser(userData!.uid),
initialData: TUser(email: '', uid: '', name:'', registerdate: '', recentlogindate: '', istag: false, taglist:['index']),
updateShouldNotify: (_, __) => true,
value: db.getNotes(userData.uid),
initialData: [],
create: (BuildContext context) => SideBarProvider()),
child: MainPageSideBar()
class DataProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
final FirebaseFirestore _db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
Stream<TUser> getUser(String uid) async* {
var snap = await _db.collection('users').doc(uid).get();
Map<String, dynamic>? user_data = snap.data();
yield TUser.fromMap(user_data);
Stream<List<Note>> getNotes(String uid) {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc(uid).collection('tags').snapshots()
.map((list) =>
list.docs.map((doc) => Note.fromMap(doc.data())).toList());
var noteDataList = Provider.of<List<Note>>(context);

I tried several things and then I found the solution. So, I answer myself.
The problem was in DataProvider's getUser Method.
Because of async function, I guess, Stream can't reflect the changes in database.
Therefore, I changed method like this.
Stream<TUser> getUser(String uid) {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc(uid).snapshots().map((doc) => TUser.fromMap(doc.data()));
And now, my widget changes in realtime!


Is there a way to trigger a BlocListener just after its initialization?

I'm working with Bloc and Hydrated Bloc and at some point in my app I want to store a boolean variable "firstTime" in a Hydrated Bloc to know if it's the first time my user is using the app. If it is the case, I redirect the user to a on-boarding page (called IntroPage), and if not, the login screen is displayed.
I use a BlocListener to listen to the changes of "firstTime", so once my user has finished navigating the on-boarding page, it redirects to the login screen.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
builder: (context, child) {
return BlocListener<UserPreferencesBloc, UserPreferencesState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state.firstTime) {
(route) => false,
child: child,
onGenerateRoute: (_) => SplashPage.route(),
The main problem is that if there's no change in the state of the Bloc, it does not fire the BlocListener part. The user never access the IntroPage.
Is there a way to make it so I can get into that listener just after its initialization, even without any change in the state of the Bloc ? Or is there another way to do that (that doesn't involve the use of Shared Preferences or other packages) ?
Edit : Here is the code for the Bloc :
class UserPreferencesBloc
extends HydratedBloc<UserPreferencesEvent, UserPreferencesState> {
UserPreferencesBloc() : super(const UserPreferencesState()) {
void _onFirstTime(
UserPreferencesFirstTimed event,
Emitter<UserPreferencesState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.copyWith(firstTime: event.firstTime));
UserPreferencesState? fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return UserPreferencesState(firstTime: json['firstTime'] as bool);
Map<String, dynamic>? toJson(UserPreferencesState state) => {
'firstTime': state.firstTime,
And here is the state :
part of 'user_preferences_bloc.dart';
class UserPreferencesState extends Equatable {
const UserPreferencesState({
this.firstTime = true,
final bool firstTime;
UserPreferencesState copyWith({
bool? firstTime,
}) {
return UserPreferencesState(
firstTime: firstTime ?? this.firstTime,
List<Object> get props => [firstTime];
And the Bloc is initialized in the app.dart file, at the start of the application :
class App extends StatelessWidget {
const App({
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiRepositoryProvider(
providers: ... //not shown in this piece of code
child: MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc())
child: AppView(),
It is by design so that BlocListener is only triggered once per state change.
But there are of course ways to do what you are after. If you'd show how you provide/create the bloc and also the definition of the state it could help...
But you could for instance let firstTime be nullable and use the cascade notion operator (..) when creating the bloc to immediately call a method in the bloc that sets the value of firstTime to true/false after initialization.
Obviously hard from here to write all the changes you'd have to make, but here is the main idea:
Change: final bool firstTime; to bool? firstTime; and handle the null cases where applicable.
On creation, change:
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc())
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc()..onFirstTime())
Write the method onFirstTime() something like this:
void onFirstTime() async {
emit(state.copyWith(firstTime: state.firstTime ?? true));
And remove the on<UserPreferencesFirstTimed>(_onFirstTime); part as well as this.firstTime = true,

ChangeNotifier not updating Consumer

not sure why my ChangeNotifier isn't working.
This is my Class:
class LoadingProv with ChangeNotifier {
bool globalLoading;
void setGlobalLoading(bool truefalse) {
if (truefalse == true) {
globalLoading = true;
} else {
globalLoading = false;
bool get getGlobalLoadingState {
return globalLoading;
This is my Multiprovider in main.dart:
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<MapData>(create: (ctx) => MapData()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>(create: (ctx) => LoadingProv()),
child: MaterialApp(
This is my code in the main.dart Widget build(BuildContext context):
Consumer<LoadingProv>(builder: (context, loadingState, child) {
return Text(loadingState.getGlobalLoadingState.toString());
And this is how I call setGlobalLoading:
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
Unfortunately my loadingState.getGlobalLoadingState is always printed as false. But I can debug that it becomes actually true.
From my understanding, you are creating 2 LoadingProv object.
One is when initialising the Provider
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>(create: (ctx) => LoadingProv()),
One is when some places you call
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
So the one you updating is not the one inherit on the widget, then you cannot see the value updating the Consumer.
(1) if you want to keep create along with the create method, you should call setGlobalLoading via
(2) Or if you want to directly access the value like loadingProv.setGlobalLoading(true), you should initialise your provider like this
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<MapData>(create: (ctx) => MapData()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>.value(value: loadingProv),
you can use this code to read data when change it automatically refresh the Text widget
on for calling the void you can use this

Provider rebuilds the widget, but nothing shows up until a "Hot restart"

I am building a flutter app and I get some data from a future, I also got the same data with a changenotifier. Well the logic is that while some object doesn't have data because its waiting on the future then display a spinning circle. I have already done this in the app and I have a widget called Loading() when the object has not received data. The problem I have run into is that I get the data, but it doesn't display anything.
the data displays correctly until I perform a hot refresh of the app. a capital R instead of a lowercase r. The difference is that it starts the app and deletes all aggregated data.
when this happens it seems that the data fills the object but I hypothesize that it is becoming not null meaning [] which is empty but not null and is displaying the data "too quickly" this in turn displays nothing for this widget until I restart "r" which shows me the above screenshot.
here is the offending code.
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classTile.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classpage.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classpageroute.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Services/database.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/models/user.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/shared/loading.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:morpheus/page_routes/morpheus_page_route.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
class ClassList extends StatefulWidget {
_ClassListState createState() => _ClassListState();
class _ClassListState extends State<ClassList> {
void initState() {
ClassDataNotifier classdatanotif =
Provider.of<ClassDataNotifier>(context, listen: false);
// final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
// getTheClasses(classdatanotif);
// List<ClassData> d = classes;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ClassDataNotifier classdatanotif = Provider.of<ClassDataNotifier>(context);
List<ClassData> cData = Provider.of<List<ClassData>>(context);
bool rebd = false;
Widget checker(bool r) {
if (cData == null) {
return Loading();
} else {
if (rebd == false) {
setState(() {
rebd = true;
rebd = true;
return checker(rebd);
// return Text("Still Loading");
} else {
return PageView.builder(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
itemCount: cData.length,
// controller: PageController(viewportFraction: 0.8),
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Hero(
tag: cData[index],
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
// Navigator.of(context).push(ClassPageRoute(cData[index]));
builder: (context) =>
ClassPage(data: cData[index]),
transitionToChild: true));
child: ClassTile(
classname: cData[index].classname,
description: cData[index].classdescription,
classcode: cData[index].documentID,
return checker(rebd);
here is how the provider is implemented
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
// final DatabaseService ds = DatabaseService();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
value: AuthService().user,
// child: MaterialApp(
// home: Wrapper(),
// ),
create: (context) => ClassDataNotifier(),
create: (context) => DatabaseService().fetchClassdata,
child: MaterialApp(home: Wrapper()),
and here is the function that is ran to get the data
Future<List<ClassData>> get fetchClassdata async {
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await classesCollection.getDocuments();
List<ClassData> _classList = List<ClassData>();
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) async {
QuerySnapshot pre = await Firestore.instance
List<Preq> _preList = List<Preq>();
pre.documents.forEach((preClass) {
Preq preqData = Preq.fromMap(preClass.data);
if (preClass.data != null) {
ClassData data =
ClassData.fromMap(element.data, element.documentID, _preList);
if (data != null) {
return _classList;
I think the logic of your provider is fine, the problem lies in the line
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) async {
The forEach is not a Future (what is inside it's a future because the async, but the method itself not) so the code runs the first time, it reaches the forEach which does its own future on each value and propagate to the next line of code, the return, but the list is empty because the forEach isn't done yet.
There is a special Future.forEach for this case so you can wait for the value method before running the next line
Future<List<ClassData>> get fetchClassdata async {
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await classesCollection.getDocuments();
List<ClassData> _classList = List<ClassData>();
await Future.forEach(snapshot.documents, (element) async {
QuerySnapshot pre = await Firestore.instance
List<Preq> _preList = List<Preq>();
pre.documents.forEach((preClass) {
Preq preqData = Preq.fromMap(preClass.data);
if (preClass.data != null) {
ClassData data =
ClassData.fromMap(element.data, element.documentID, _preList);
if (data != null) {
return _classList;
Here is a similar problem with provider with a forEach. Maybe it can help you understand a bit better

Initial Route if user is logged Flutter

I have created a Future to know if the user is logged, but the initial route isn't save. Then I recive this route in the Initial Route of my material app.
void main() async{
await UserProvider().isUserLoggedIn();
class MiRoulotte extends StatelessWidget {
final _userProvider = UserProvider();
initialRoute: _userProvider.initialRoute,
routes: {
'InitialPage': (BuildContext context) => InitialPage(),
'SignIn': (BuildContext context) => SignInPage(),
'SignUp': (BuildContext context) => SignUpPage(),
'EditProfile': (BuildContext context) => EditProfilePage()
Future isUserLoggedIn() async{
var user = await _firebaseAuth.currentUser();
if(user != null){
this._currentUser = await getUser(user.uid);
this._initialRoute = 'InitialPage';
this._initialRoute = 'SignIn';
} else{
this._initialRoute = 'SignIn';
You are creating two different instances of UserProvider, that's the problem. You assign the _initialRoute on the first one, but then create a second one which i't assigned.
If you are using Provider, you should use the same instance for that tree and then get it retrieve it through a Consumer for example. Replace your main with:
void main() async{
UserProvider userProvider = UserProvider();
await userProvider.isUserLoggedIn();
create: (_) => userProvider,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child,
child: MiRoulotte()),
And then your MiRoulotte fetch it in your build method using a Consumer widget or explicit variable assign:
UserProvider _userProvider = Provider.of<UserProvider>(context, listen: false);
This way you ensure that you are using always the same instance.

Flutter: Access SharedPreferences Provider / ChangeNotifier in a Stream Class

I've looked around in StackoverFlow and was not able to find myself a solution to this.
I have a Flutter SharedPreferences Provider with ChangeNotifier Class, that will get updated with the current Logged In User info.
Simplified content:
class SharedPreferences {
final String userId;
final String userName;
#required this.userId,
#required this.userName,
class SharedPreferencesData with ChangeNotifier {
var _sharedPreferencesData = SharedPreferences(
userId: 'testUserId',
userName: 'testUserName',
And a database.dart file with Class containing DataBaseServices to get FireStore Streams from Snapshots:
class DatabaseService {
final CollectionReference companiesProfilesCollection =
List<CompanyProfile> _companiesProfilesFromSnapshot(QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
return snapshot.documents.map((doc) {
return CompanyProfile(
docId: doc.documentID,
companyName: doc.data['companyName'] ?? '',
maxLocationsNumber: doc.data['maxLocationsNumber'] ?? 0,
maxUsersNumber: doc.data['maxUsersNumber'] ?? 0,
Stream<List<CompanyProfile>> get getCompaniesProfiles {
return companiesProfilesCollection
.where('userId', isEqualTo: _userIdFromProvider)
// My problem is above -----
I Don't want to fetch the entire Stream data as it could be massive for other Streams, I just want to pass the userID under .where('userId', isEqualTo:_userIdFromProvider).
I couldn't access the context in this class to get the data from the Provider
Couldn't send the userId to getCompaniesProfiles getter, as getter don't take parameters
And if I convert this getter to a regular method, I wont be able to send the userID to it, as this has to run under void main() {runApp(MyApp());} / return MultiProvider(providers: [ and By then I cannot call fetch the sharedPreferences with a context that does not contain the provider info ...
Couldn't figure out how to receive the context as a constructor in this class, when I did, I got the following Only static members can accessed in initializers in class DatabaseService.
I'm still a beginner, so I would appreciate if you could share with me the best approach to handle this.
Thank you!
*********** Re-Edited by adding the below: **************
I'm trying to implement the same scenario, here is my code:
Main file:
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
create: (context) => SpData(),
ProxyProvider<SpData, DS>(
create: (context) => DS(),
update: (ctx, spData, previousDS) {
print('ChangeNotifierProxyProvider RAN');
previousDS.dbData = spData;
return previousDS;
SP File:
class SP {
final String companyId;
#required this.companyId,
class SpData with ChangeNotifier {
var _sPData = SP(
companyId: '',
void setCompanyId(String cpID) {
final newSharedPreferences = SP(
companyId: cpID,
_sPData = newSharedPreferences;
print('_spData companyId:${_sPData.companyId}');
String get getCompanyId {
return _sPData.companyId;
DS file:
class DS with ChangeNotifier {
SpData dbData;
void printCompanyId() {
var companyId = dbData.getCompanyId;
print('companyId from DataBase: $companyId');
The SpData dbData; inside Class DS does not update. I've added the prints to figure out what is running and what is not. When I run my code, the print function in main.dart file print('ChangeNotifierProxyProvider RAN'); does not run.
What am I missing? Why ChangeNotifierProxyProvider is not being triggered, to update dbData inside DS file? Thanks!
You can use ProxyProvider for this purpose.
ProxyProvider is a provider that builds a value based on other providers.
You said you have a MultiProvider, so I guess you have SharedPreferencesData provider in this MultiProvider and then DatabaseService provider. What you need to do is use ProxyProvider for DatabaseService instead of a regular provider and base it on the SharedPreferencesData provider.
Here is an example:
providers: [
create: (context) => SharedPreferencesData(),
ProxyProvider<SharedPreferencesData, DatabaseService>(
create: (context) => DatabaseService(),
update: (context, sharedPreferencesData, databaseService) {
databaseService.sharedPreferencesData = sharedPreferencesData;
return databaseService;
dispose: (context, databaseService) => databaseService.dispose(),
child: ...
Here is what happens in the code snippet above:
ProxyProvider calls update everytime SharedPreferencesData changes.
DatabaseService gets its sharedPreferencesData variable set inside update.
Now that you have access to sharedPreferencesData inside the DatabaseService instance, you can do what you want easily.