Initial Route if user is logged Flutter - flutter

I have created a Future to know if the user is logged, but the initial route isn't save. Then I recive this route in the Initial Route of my material app.
void main() async{
await UserProvider().isUserLoggedIn();
class MiRoulotte extends StatelessWidget {
final _userProvider = UserProvider();
initialRoute: _userProvider.initialRoute,
routes: {
'InitialPage': (BuildContext context) => InitialPage(),
'SignIn': (BuildContext context) => SignInPage(),
'SignUp': (BuildContext context) => SignUpPage(),
'EditProfile': (BuildContext context) => EditProfilePage()
Future isUserLoggedIn() async{
var user = await _firebaseAuth.currentUser();
if(user != null){
this._currentUser = await getUser(user.uid);
this._initialRoute = 'InitialPage';
this._initialRoute = 'SignIn';
} else{
this._initialRoute = 'SignIn';

You are creating two different instances of UserProvider, that's the problem. You assign the _initialRoute on the first one, but then create a second one which i't assigned.
If you are using Provider, you should use the same instance for that tree and then get it retrieve it through a Consumer for example. Replace your main with:
void main() async{
UserProvider userProvider = UserProvider();
await userProvider.isUserLoggedIn();
create: (_) => userProvider,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child,
child: MiRoulotte()),
And then your MiRoulotte fetch it in your build method using a Consumer widget or explicit variable assign:
UserProvider _userProvider = Provider.of<UserProvider>(context, listen: false);
This way you ensure that you are using always the same instance.


Change notifier provider is not updating the consumer in main

I am trying to set the theme of my app on the response of login data after getting the role but my theme is not updating as per expectation. this is how my main() looks. my code is showing no error and I tried to debug nothing seems wrong.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider<ThemeModel>(
create: (_) => ThemeModel(),
child: Consumer<ThemeModel>(
builder: (context, ThemeModel themeNotifier, child) {
return Sizer(builder: (context, orientation, deviceType) {
return MaterialApp(
theme: themeNotifier.theme == 'consultant'
? counsultantApptheme()
: themeNotifier.theme == 'rmo'
? rmoApptheme()
: counsultantApptheme(),
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
initialRoute: startroute.toString(),
routes: routes,
and this how I am updating after response of login API
if (!.data!.consultantYN == 'Y') {
Provider.of<ThemeModel>(context, listen: false).theme =
} else {
Provider.of<ThemeModel>(context, listen: false).theme = 'rmo';
and this is my function where I am setting theme and calling notifyListeners() in class extends by ChangeNotifier
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:nmc/widgets/theme_config/theme_preference.dart';
class ThemeModel extends ChangeNotifier {
late String _theme;
late ThemePreferences _preferences;
String get theme => _theme;
ThemeModel() {
_theme = 'default';
_preferences = ThemePreferences();
//Switching themes in the flutter apps - Flutterant
set theme(String value) {
_theme = value;
getPreferences() async {
_theme = await _preferences.getTheme();

How to define a GoRouter that depends on a Provider?

I'm integrating GoRouter in my Flutter app where I'm already using Riverpod. I have an isAuthorizedProvider defined as follows:
final isAuthorizedProvider = Provider<bool>((ref) {
final authStateChanged =;
final user = authStateChanged.asData?.value;
return user != null;
And I'm not sure how to define a GoRouter that depends on the Provider above. I've come up with the following:
final goRouterProvider = Provider<GoRouter>((ref) => GoRouter(
debugLogDiagnostics: true,
redirect: (state) {
final isAuthorized =;
final isSigningIn = state.subloc == state.namedLocation('sign_in');
if (!isAuthorized) {
return isSigningIn ? null : state.namedLocation('sign_in');
// if the user is logged in but still on the login page, send them to
// the home page
if (isSigningIn) return '/';
// no need to redirect at all
return null;
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'sign_in',
path: '/sign_in',
name: 'main',
path: '/main',
class MyApp extends ConsumerWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final goRouter =;
return MaterialApp.router(
routeInformationParser: goRouter.routeInformationParser,
routerDelegate: goRouter.routerDelegate,
Is this the right way to do it?
I don't thing you should be calling this line;
inside the redirect block, because that will cause your entire GoRouter instance to rebuild (and you'll lose the entire nav stack).
This is how I've done it:
class AppRouterListenable extends ChangeNotifier {
AppRouterListenable({required this.authRepository}) {
_authStateSubscription =
authRepository.authStateChanges().listen((appUser) {
_isLoggedIn = appUser != null;
final AuthRepository authRepository;
late final StreamSubscription<AppUser?> _authStateSubscription;
var _isLoggedIn = false;
bool get isLoggedIn => _isLoggedIn;
void dispose() {
final appRouterListenableProvider =
ChangeNotifierProvider<AppRouterListenable>((ref) {
final authRepository =;
return AppRouterListenable(authRepository: authRepository);
final goRouterProvider = Provider<GoRouter>((ref) {
final authRepository =;
final appRouterListenable =
AppRouterListenable(authRepository: authRepository);
return GoRouter(
debugLogDiagnostics: false,
initialLocation: '/',
redirect: (state) {
if (appRouterListenable.isLoggedIn) {
// on login complete, redirect to home
if (state.location == '/signIn') {
return '/';
} else {
// on logout complete, redirect to home
if (state.location == '/account') {
return '/';
// TODO: Only allow admin pages if user is admin (#125)
if (state.location.startsWith('/admin') ||
state.location.startsWith('/orders')) {
return '/';
// disallow card payment screen if not on web
if (!kIsWeb) {
if (state.location == '/cart/checkout/card') {
return '/cart/checkout';
return null;
routes: [],
Note that this code is not reactive in the sense that it will refresh the router when the authState changes. So in combination with this, you need to perform an explicit navigation event when you sign-in/sign-out.
Alternatively, you can use the refreshListenable argument.
You can do it this way using redirect, however I've come up with a way that uses navigatorBuilder. This way you maintain the original navigator state (you will be redirected back to whichever page you originally visited on web or with deep linking), and the whole router doesn't have to be constantly be rebuilt.
final routerProvider = Provider((ref) {
return GoRouter(
routes: [
path: '/',
builder: (context, state) => const OrdersScreen(),
path: '/login',
builder: (context, state) => const AuthScreen(),
navigatorBuilder: (context, state, child) {
return Consumer(
builder: (_, ref, __) => == null
? Navigator(
onGenerateRoute: (settings) => MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => AuthScreen(),
: child,
navigatorBuilder basically allows you to inject some widget between the MaterialApp and the Navigator. We use Riverpod's consumer widget to access the ref and then the whole router doesn't have to be rebuilt, and we can access auth state using the ref.
In my example, returns an AsyncValue<AuthUser?>, so if the user is logged in, we return the child (current navigated route), if they are logged out, show them login screen, and if they are loading we can show a loading screen etc.
If you want to redirect users based on roles (e.g. only admin can see admin dashboard), then that logic should go into the redirect function using a listenable as #bizz84 described.

Run Function / Get Data when loading new screen in Flutter

I am trying to run a function that gets data via an API call that needs to initialize before / while loading the screen. I have tried using a future builder, and other methods, and perhaps i am not implementing this correctly but i cannot figure out how to do this. I have also called an async method that uses setState within my initstate method which works, but it initially loads and returns an error and what I assume is that after the state rebuilds it displays correctly.Ideally this should get the data before actually loading the screen to avoid errors.
Code for my main function in the main.dart file
void main() async {
[DeviceOrientation.portraitUp, DeviceOrientation.portraitDown]
final Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
late String initialRoute;
var accessToken = prefs.getString('access_token');
var refreshToken = prefs.getString('refresh_token');
if (accessToken != null && refreshToken != null) {
var response = await sessionRefresh(accessToken);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
initialRoute = kDashboardID;
else if (response.statusCode == 401) {
var refreshResponse = await tokenRefresh(refreshToken);
if (refreshResponse.statusCode == 200) {
prefs.setString('access_token', jsonDecode(refreshResponse.body)["access_token"]);
initialRoute = kDashboardID;
else {
initialRoute = kLoginScreenID;
else {
initialRoute = kLoginScreenID;
runApp(MyApp(initialRoute: initialRoute,));
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
//const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String initialRoute;
MyApp({required this.initialRoute});
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (context) => UserData(),
child: MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
routes: {
kLaunchScreenID: (context) => LaunchScreen(),
kLoginScreenID: (context) => LoginScreen(),
kUserRegistrationID: (context) => UserRegistration(),
kAccountVerificationID: (context) => OTPVerification(),
kDashboardID: (context) => Dashboard(),
kAccountsID: (context) => Accounts(),
initialRoute: initialRoute,
The ideal result would be when the initialRoute equals "kDashboardID" (user dashboard) i need to run a function that gets data so that the data can be used to populate certain widgets (text widgets, etc.) on the dashboard screen.
Not sure how to best to accomplish this.

Provider rebuilds the widget, but nothing shows up until a "Hot restart"

I am building a flutter app and I get some data from a future, I also got the same data with a changenotifier. Well the logic is that while some object doesn't have data because its waiting on the future then display a spinning circle. I have already done this in the app and I have a widget called Loading() when the object has not received data. The problem I have run into is that I get the data, but it doesn't display anything.
the data displays correctly until I perform a hot refresh of the app. a capital R instead of a lowercase r. The difference is that it starts the app and deletes all aggregated data.
when this happens it seems that the data fills the object but I hypothesize that it is becoming not null meaning [] which is empty but not null and is displaying the data "too quickly" this in turn displays nothing for this widget until I restart "r" which shows me the above screenshot.
here is the offending code.
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classTile.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classpage.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Screens/LoggedIn/Classes/classpageroute.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/Services/database.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/models/user.dart';
import 'package:disc_t/shared/loading.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:morpheus/page_routes/morpheus_page_route.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
class ClassList extends StatefulWidget {
_ClassListState createState() => _ClassListState();
class _ClassListState extends State<ClassList> {
void initState() {
ClassDataNotifier classdatanotif =
Provider.of<ClassDataNotifier>(context, listen: false);
// final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
// getTheClasses(classdatanotif);
// List<ClassData> d = classes;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ClassDataNotifier classdatanotif = Provider.of<ClassDataNotifier>(context);
List<ClassData> cData = Provider.of<List<ClassData>>(context);
bool rebd = false;
Widget checker(bool r) {
if (cData == null) {
return Loading();
} else {
if (rebd == false) {
setState(() {
rebd = true;
rebd = true;
return checker(rebd);
// return Text("Still Loading");
} else {
return PageView.builder(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
itemCount: cData.length,
// controller: PageController(viewportFraction: 0.8),
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Hero(
tag: cData[index],
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
// Navigator.of(context).push(ClassPageRoute(cData[index]));
builder: (context) =>
ClassPage(data: cData[index]),
transitionToChild: true));
child: ClassTile(
classname: cData[index].classname,
description: cData[index].classdescription,
classcode: cData[index].documentID,
return checker(rebd);
here is how the provider is implemented
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
// final DatabaseService ds = DatabaseService();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
value: AuthService().user,
// child: MaterialApp(
// home: Wrapper(),
// ),
create: (context) => ClassDataNotifier(),
create: (context) => DatabaseService().fetchClassdata,
child: MaterialApp(home: Wrapper()),
and here is the function that is ran to get the data
Future<List<ClassData>> get fetchClassdata async {
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await classesCollection.getDocuments();
List<ClassData> _classList = List<ClassData>();
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) async {
QuerySnapshot pre = await Firestore.instance
List<Preq> _preList = List<Preq>();
pre.documents.forEach((preClass) {
Preq preqData = Preq.fromMap(;
if ( != null) {
ClassData data =
ClassData.fromMap(, element.documentID, _preList);
if (data != null) {
return _classList;
I think the logic of your provider is fine, the problem lies in the line
snapshot.documents.forEach((element) async {
The forEach is not a Future (what is inside it's a future because the async, but the method itself not) so the code runs the first time, it reaches the forEach which does its own future on each value and propagate to the next line of code, the return, but the list is empty because the forEach isn't done yet.
There is a special Future.forEach for this case so you can wait for the value method before running the next line
Future<List<ClassData>> get fetchClassdata async {
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await classesCollection.getDocuments();
List<ClassData> _classList = List<ClassData>();
await Future.forEach(snapshot.documents, (element) async {
QuerySnapshot pre = await Firestore.instance
List<Preq> _preList = List<Preq>();
pre.documents.forEach((preClass) {
Preq preqData = Preq.fromMap(;
if ( != null) {
ClassData data =
ClassData.fromMap(, element.documentID, _preList);
if (data != null) {
return _classList;
Here is a similar problem with provider with a forEach. Maybe it can help you understand a bit better

Where to handle Firebase Dynamic Links in Flutter?

I use Firebase dynamic links and also named routes. What I want is to install a global listener for the dynamic link events and forward to register page if a token is provided. In the code below I got the exception The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget. which means I have to put navigation code below the home: property of MaterialApp. But when doing this I had to implement the dynamic links event handler for earch route.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
String title = "Framr";
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
onSuccess: (linkData) {
if (linkData != null) {
try {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/register', arguments: linkData);
// throws: The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget.
} catch(e) {
return null;
return MaterialApp(
title: "...",
home: LoginPage(),
routes: {
'/createEvent': (context) => CreateEventPage(),
'/showEvent': (context) => ShowEventPage(),
'/register': (context) => RegisterPage(),
I was able to get this work by following the example provided from the dynamic link README with the use of the no_context_navigation package or GlobalKey to workaround around the lack of context to call Navigator.pushNamed(...). Note: You don't have to use no_context_navigation. You can implement the no context routing yourself. Here's an example.
// Add this
import 'package:no_context_navigation/no_context_navigation.dart';
void main() {
title: 'Dynamic Links Example',
// Add this
navigatorKey: NavigationService.navigationKey,
routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
'/': (BuildContext context) => MyHomeWidget(), // Default home route
'/helloworld': (BuildContext context) => MyHelloWorldWidget(),
class MyHomeWidgetState extends State<MyHomeWidget> {
void initState() {
void initDynamicLinks() async {
onSuccess: (PendingDynamicLinkData dynamicLink) async {
// Add this.
final NavigationService navService = NavigationService();
final Uri deepLink = dynamicLink?.link;
if (deepLink != null) {
// This doesn't work due to lack of context
// Navigator.pushNamed(context, deepLink.path);
// Use this instead
navService.pushNamed('/helloworld', args: dynamicLink);
onError: (OnLinkErrorException e) async {
final PendingDynamicLinkData data = await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink();
final Uri deepLink = data?.link;
if (deepLink != null) {
// This doesn't work due to lack of context
// Navigator.pushNamed(context, deepLink.path);
// Use this instead
navService.pushNamed('/helloworld', args: dynamicLink);
// pubspec.yaml
no_context_navigation: ^1.0.4