ChangeNotifier not updating Consumer - flutter

not sure why my ChangeNotifier isn't working.
This is my Class:
class LoadingProv with ChangeNotifier {
bool globalLoading;
void setGlobalLoading(bool truefalse) {
if (truefalse == true) {
globalLoading = true;
} else {
globalLoading = false;
bool get getGlobalLoadingState {
return globalLoading;
This is my Multiprovider in main.dart:
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<MapData>(create: (ctx) => MapData()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>(create: (ctx) => LoadingProv()),
child: MaterialApp(
This is my code in the main.dart Widget build(BuildContext context):
Consumer<LoadingProv>(builder: (context, loadingState, child) {
return Text(loadingState.getGlobalLoadingState.toString());
And this is how I call setGlobalLoading:
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
Unfortunately my loadingState.getGlobalLoadingState is always printed as false. But I can debug that it becomes actually true.

From my understanding, you are creating 2 LoadingProv object.
One is when initialising the Provider
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>(create: (ctx) => LoadingProv()),
One is when some places you call
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
So the one you updating is not the one inherit on the widget, then you cannot see the value updating the Consumer.
(1) if you want to keep create along with the create method, you should call setGlobalLoading via
(2) Or if you want to directly access the value like loadingProv.setGlobalLoading(true), you should initialise your provider like this
final loadingProv = LoadingProv();
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<MapData>(create: (ctx) => MapData()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<LoadingProv>.value(value: loadingProv),

you can use this code to read data when change it automatically refresh the Text widget
on for calling the void you can use this<LoadingProv>().setGlobalLoading(true);


Is there a way to trigger a BlocListener just after its initialization?

I'm working with Bloc and Hydrated Bloc and at some point in my app I want to store a boolean variable "firstTime" in a Hydrated Bloc to know if it's the first time my user is using the app. If it is the case, I redirect the user to a on-boarding page (called IntroPage), and if not, the login screen is displayed.
I use a BlocListener to listen to the changes of "firstTime", so once my user has finished navigating the on-boarding page, it redirects to the login screen.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
builder: (context, child) {
return BlocListener<UserPreferencesBloc, UserPreferencesState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state.firstTime) {
(route) => false,
child: child,
onGenerateRoute: (_) => SplashPage.route(),
The main problem is that if there's no change in the state of the Bloc, it does not fire the BlocListener part. The user never access the IntroPage.
Is there a way to make it so I can get into that listener just after its initialization, even without any change in the state of the Bloc ? Or is there another way to do that (that doesn't involve the use of Shared Preferences or other packages) ?
Edit : Here is the code for the Bloc :
class UserPreferencesBloc
extends HydratedBloc<UserPreferencesEvent, UserPreferencesState> {
UserPreferencesBloc() : super(const UserPreferencesState()) {
void _onFirstTime(
UserPreferencesFirstTimed event,
Emitter<UserPreferencesState> emit,
) async {
emit(state.copyWith(firstTime: event.firstTime));
UserPreferencesState? fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return UserPreferencesState(firstTime: json['firstTime'] as bool);
Map<String, dynamic>? toJson(UserPreferencesState state) => {
'firstTime': state.firstTime,
And here is the state :
part of 'user_preferences_bloc.dart';
class UserPreferencesState extends Equatable {
const UserPreferencesState({
this.firstTime = true,
final bool firstTime;
UserPreferencesState copyWith({
bool? firstTime,
}) {
return UserPreferencesState(
firstTime: firstTime ?? this.firstTime,
List<Object> get props => [firstTime];
And the Bloc is initialized in the app.dart file, at the start of the application :
class App extends StatelessWidget {
const App({
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiRepositoryProvider(
providers: ... //not shown in this piece of code
child: MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc())
child: AppView(),
It is by design so that BlocListener is only triggered once per state change.
But there are of course ways to do what you are after. If you'd show how you provide/create the bloc and also the definition of the state it could help...
But you could for instance let firstTime be nullable and use the cascade notion operator (..) when creating the bloc to immediately call a method in the bloc that sets the value of firstTime to true/false after initialization.
Obviously hard from here to write all the changes you'd have to make, but here is the main idea:
Change: final bool firstTime; to bool? firstTime; and handle the null cases where applicable.
On creation, change:
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc())
BlocProvider(create: (_) => UserPreferencesBloc()..onFirstTime())
Write the method onFirstTime() something like this:
void onFirstTime() async {
emit(state.copyWith(firstTime: state.firstTime ?? true));
And remove the on<UserPreferencesFirstTimed>(_onFirstTime); part as well as this.firstTime = true,

ProxyProvider - how to call proxy from its sub-providers?

What would be the correct way to call (and pass values to) ProxyProvider from its "sub"providers?
Currently I'm passing a callback function to "sub"provider as a parameter, storing it as a Function and then I can call it when needed.
It works in a sense that ProxyProvider is called (and value is passed), but at the same time it breaks notifyListeners(), which is called next - searches getter in "sub"provider (and can't find it) despite that Consumer is used just for ProxyProvider.
This is the error I receive:
error: org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1: Error: The
getter 'audInd' isn't defined for the class 'AudioModel'.
'AudioModel' is from 'package:quiz_game_new/models/audioModel.dart' ('lib/models/audioModel.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of
an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'audInd'.
audInd ^^^^^^
Provider (audioModel.dart):
class AudioModel extends ChangeNotifier {
int _audioIndex = -1;
Function? audioIndexChanged;
void setCallbacks(Function _audioPlaybackCompleted, Function _audioIndexChanged) {
audioPlaybackCompleted = _audioPlaybackCompleted;
audioIndexChanged = _audioIndexChanged;
//Some code that changes _audioIndex and afterwards calls audioIndexChanged!(_audioIndex)
ProxyProvider (commonModel.dart)
class CommonModel extends ChangeNotifier {
final AudioModel audioModel;
int _audioIndex = -1;
int get audioIndex => _audioIndex;
void setCallbacksForAudioPlayback() {
audioModel.setCallbacks(audioPlaybackCompleted, audioIndexChanged);
void audioIndexChanged(int audInd) {
_audioIndex = audInd;
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<STTModel>(create: (context) => STTModel()),
create: (context) => QuestionModel()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<AudioModel>(create: (context) => AudioModel()),
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider3<STTModel, QuestionModel, AudioModel,
create: (BuildContext context) => CommonModel(
Provider.of<STTModel>(context, listen: false),
Provider.of<QuestionModel>(context, listen: false),
Provider.of<AudioModel>(context, listen: false)),
(context, sttModel, questionModel, audioModel, commonModel) =>
CommonModel(sttModel, questionModel, audioModel))
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
initialRoute: '/',
routes: {
'/': (context) => ScreenMainMenu(),
'/game': (context) => ScreenGame(),
What would be the correct way to call (and pass values to)
ProxyProvider from its "sub"providers?
I'm not a big fan of "nested" Providers : it often leads to this kind of issues and doesn't ease the readability.
In my projects, I usually use a Provider for each Feature, which I declare and Consume at the lowest level possible.
In your case, I guess I'd juste have used your STTModel, QuestionModel and AudioModel and would have forgotten the idea of a CommonModel (whom only job is is to merge all your Providers I guess?).
You can still keep your logic, but you should take in consideration the following :
In your AudioModel class, update the method where the _audioIndex and add a notifyListeners()
class AudioModel extends ChangeNotifier {
int get audioIndex => _audioIndex;
void updateIndex(int index) {
_audioIndex = index;
//The rest of your code
The creation of your Providers looks alright, but consider updating the update method of your ChangeNotifierProxyProvider for something like that :
update: (_, sttModel, questionModel, audioModel) =>
commonModel!..update(sttModel, questionModel, audioModel),
and in your CommonModel
void update(SttModel sttModelUpdate, QuestionModel questionModelUpdate, AudioModel audioModelUpdate) {
audioModel = audioModelUpdate;
questionModel = questionModelUpdate;
sttModel = sttModelUpdate;
//Retrieve the index here from your audioModel
_audioIndex = audioModel.audioIndex;
This way, whenever you call your updateIndex method in your AudioModel class, the notifyListeners() will update the CommonModel and you'll have the _audioIndex up to date.
And then it should work fine, no need for your callback methods anymore !

Could not find the correct Provider<...> above this ContactsPage Widget

I'm experimenting with Flutter and I'm trying to build a simple app using the Providers pattern.
My Problem
I am trying to access a provider in one of the widgets and I'm getting this error once I get the required provider in the stateful widget class. I can't figure out what am I doing wrong here.
Error: Could not find the correct Provider<ContactProvider> above this ContactsPage Widget
This happens because you used a `BuildContext` that does not include the provider
of your choice. There are a few common scenarios:
- You added a new provider in your `main.dart` and performed a hot-reload.
To fix, perform a hot-restart.
- The provider you are trying to read is in a different route.
Providers are "scoped". So if you insert of provider inside a route, then
other routes will not be able to access that provider.
- You used a `BuildContext` that is an ancestor of the provider you are trying to read.
Make sure that ContactsPage is under your MultiProvider/Provider<ContactProvider>.
This usually happens when you are creating a provider and trying to read it immediately.
The Code
import 'package:ProvidersExample/provider_list.dart';
void main() async => runApp(Home());
class Home extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: providerList,
child: MaterialApp(
home: ContactsPage(),
List<SingleChildWidget> providerList = [
create: (_) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,
The provider: contact_provider.dart
class ContactProvider extends ChangeNotifier{
List<Contact> _contactList = [];
// getter
List<Contact> get contacts {
return [..._contactList];
// setter
set contacts(List<Contact> newContacts) {
_contactList = newContacts;
The Widget contacts_page.dart
class ContactsPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ContactsPageState createState() => _ContactsPageState();
class _ContactsPageState extends State<ContactsPage> {
void initState(){
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// This line throws the error
ContactProvider _provider = Provider.of<ContactProvider>
(context, listen:false);
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
I think the reason is that you are referencing a list of providers which were created outside in provider_list.dart which does not have access to your context from your widget tree.
Try this instead:
List providerList(context) {
return [
create: (context) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,
providerList() is now a method that takes in context, and uses that context to register your providers, and return it.
You should specify the type <T> when creating your provider so it knows which type you are looking for in the widget tree.
List<SingleChildWidget> providerList = [
create: (_) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,

how to make a validation before navigating to a route?

I have 2 pages, page1 andpage2. I want to validate that when the app is opened and there is no token or it is false, it redirects to page1 otherwise it redirects to page2, and when I have more pages I want that if there is a valid token, continues the normal flow of the navigation, I was trying this and I have this problem:
in the gif the token is not defined, the validation apparently does well, but the problem is that it continues to reload the current view, I am looking for something more optimal that avoids loading a route if some condition is not met
how can I solve that?
Map<String, WidgetBuilder> getRoutes() {
return <String, WidgetBuilder>{
'/': (BuildContext context) =>
checkNavigation("/", pag1(), context),
'page1': (BuildContext context) =>
checkNavigation("page1", page1(), context),
'page2': (BuildContext context) =>
checkNavigation("/page2", page2(), context)
dynamic checkNavigation(
String page, dynamic pageContext, BuildContext context) {
if (storage.token && page == "/") {
//Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context, 'page2', (_) => false);
return page2();
} else if (storage.token == false) {
//Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context, 'page1', (_) => false);
return page1();
} else {
return pageContext;
in my main:
title: 'route validation',
initialRoute: '/',
routes: getRoutes(),
It's better to control this behavior in your own abstractions and change routes only if necessary.
I would recommend to add some splash screen at root route and navigate to appropriate route, once token is initialized.
Future<void> asyncInit() {/*...*/}
void initState() {
/* ... */
asyncInit().then((_) => /* push appropriate first route */);
Map<String, WidgetBuilder> getRoutes() {
return <String, WidgetBuilder>{
'/': (BuildContext context) => SplashScreen(),
/* other routes */
If you need intercept other navigation events you can add your own proxy class, this may be easily implemented using Provider package
class MyNavigator {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
static MyNavigator of(BuildContext context) =><MyNavigator>();
Future<T> pushNamed<T extends Object>(
BuildContext context,
String routeName, {
Object arguments,
}) {
// add any additional logic and conditions here
return navigatorKey.currentState.pushNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments);
// add any other methods you need
// somewhere at the top of widget tree above Widgets/Material/CupertinoApp widget.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
// add provider with navigator key above navigator
create: (_) => MyNavigator(navigatorKey),
child: MaterialApp(navigatorKey: navigatorKey, /*...*/)
// use it
There is much work going right now to implement Navigator 2.0 with Router and Pages API, which gives you more control and flexibility on routing.
tracking issue:
design docs:
Pages API is already available in current stable release, but there is not enough documentation and examples at the moment.

How to use a provider inside of another provider in Flutter

I want to create an app that has an authentication service with different permissions and functions (e.g. messages) depending on the user role.
So I created one Provider for the user and login management and another one for the messages the user can see.
Now, I want to fetch the messages (once) when the user logs in. In Widgets, I can access the Provider via Provider.of<T>(context) and I guess that's a kind of Singleton. But how can I access it from another class (in this case another Provider)?
From version >=4.0.0, we need to do this a little differently from what #updatestage has answered.
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider(builder: (_) => Auth()),
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Auth, Messages>(
update: (context, auth, previousMessages) => Messages(auth),
create: (BuildContext context) => Messages(null),
child: MaterialApp(
Thanks for your answer. In the meanwhile, I solved it with another solution:
In the main.dart file I now use ChangeNotifierProxyProvider instead of ChangeNotifierProvider for the depending provider:
// main.dart
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider(builder: (_) => Auth()),
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Auth, Messages>(
builder: (context, auth, previousMessages) => Messages(auth),
initialBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Messages(null),
child: MaterialApp(
Now the Messages provider will be rebuilt when the login state changes and gets passed the Auth Provider:
class Messages extends ChangeNotifier {
final Auth _authProvider;
List<Message> _messages = [];
List<Message> get messages => _messages;
Messages(this._authProvider) {
if (this._authProvider != null) {
if (_authProvider.loggedIn) fetchMessages();
Passing another provider in the constructor of the ChangeNotifierProxyProvider may cause you losing the state, in that case you should try the following.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<MyModel, MyChangeNotifier>(
create: (_) => MyChangeNotifier(),
update: (_, myModel, myNotifier) => myNotifier
class MyChangeNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
MyModel _myModel;
void update(MyModel myModel) {
_myModel = myModel;
It's simple: the first Provider provides an instance of a class, for example: LoginManager. The other Provides MessageFetcher. In MessageFetcher, whatever method you have, just add the Context parameter to it and call it by providing a fresh context.
Perhaps your code could look something like this:
MessageFetcher messageFetcher = Provider.of<ValueNotifier<MessageFetcher>>(context).value;
String message = await messageFetcher.fetchMessage(context);
And in MessageFetcher you can have:
class MessageFetcher {
Future<String> fetchMessage(BuildContext context) {
LoginManager loginManager = Provider.of<ValueNotifier<LoginManager>>(context).value;
Seems like this would be a lot easier with Riverpod, especially the idea of passing a parameter into a .family builder to use the provider class as a cookie cutter for many different versions.