Kafka - message not getting consumed from only one of the partitions - apache-kafka

We have a single node Kafka service running Kafka 2.13 version. For one of the topics, we have configured 20 partitions and there is just one consumer group consuming from this topic. This setup has been working fine for a long time now. Recently we have been seeing issues w.r.t Kafka rebalancing this consumer group frequently. After a while, the consumers start consuming again, but on one of the partitions, the current offset doesn't move forward at all indicating the messages are stuck in that partition. Other messages from other partitions get consumed without any issues. Logs from Kafka service doesn't show any issue. Any hints on what is going wrong and how to identify / rectify it?

A possible explanation is that the specific partition has a message that takes a long time to process, this could explain both the frequent rebalancing and the stuck offset


In what situation can a Flink 1.15.2 job stop consumption on a single Kafka partition, but continue to consume on the other partitions?

We are running a Flink 1.15.2 cluster with a job that has a Kafka Source and Kafka Sink.
The Source topic has 30 partitions. There are 5 TaskManager nodes with a capacity of 4 slots, and we are running the job with a parallelism of 16, so that is 4 free slots. So depending upon the slots/node assignment, we can expect, each node to have roughly 6-7 partitions assigned.
Our alerting mechanisms notified us that consumer lag was getting built up on a single partition out of the 30 partitions.
As Flink does its own offset management, we had no way of figuring out (through the Flink Web UI or the Kafka console tools) which TaskManager the partition was assigned to.
I would like to know if anyone else has faced this in their experience, and what can be done to proactively monitor and/or mitigate such instances in future. Is it possible for a single partition consumer thread to behave in this manner?
We decided to bounce the Flink TaskManager service one by one hoping that a partition reassignment would jump start consumption again. Bouncing the first node had no impact, but when we bounced the second node, some other TaskManager picked up the lagging partition and started consumption again.
Maybe related to this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-28975? For more details see also here.
I doubt this is the correct explanation, but perhaps watermark alignment could explain this sort of behavior.

Kafka producer buffering

Suppose there is a producer which is running and I run a consumer a few minutes later. I noticed that the consumer will consume old messages that has been produced by the producer but I don't want that happens. How can I do that? Is there any config parameters in broker to be set and solve this problem?
It really depends on the use case, you didn't really provide much information about the architecture. For instance - once the consumer is up, is it a long running consumer, or does it just wake up for a short while and consumes new messages arriving?
You can take any of the following approaches:
Filter ConsumerRecord by timestamp, so you will automatically throw away messages that were produced over configurable time.
In my team we're using ephemeral groups. That is - each time the service goes up, we generate a new group id for the consumer group, setting auto.offset.reset to latest
Seek to timestamp - since kafka 0.10 you can seek to a certain position. Use consumer.offsetsForTimes to get the offset of each topic partition for the desired time, and then use consumer.seek to get to the given offset.
If you use a consumer group, but never commit to kafka, then each time the a consumer is assigned to a topic partition, it will start consuming according to auto.offset.reset policy...

Kafka - Multiple consumers (only one active) on same group/topic

Is it possible to have multiple copies of an application listen to the same Kafka group/topic so that only one is reading it at a time, but the other ones will start working if the main one crashes/stops reading?
I need to make an application highly available but can't tolerate doubling the traffic to the data store on the other end of the application by having multiple copies actively running.
FYI - Technically I'm using MapR streams but it adheres to the Kafka API and functionality, in case anyone knows a MapR stream-specific feature that helps the situation.
It is possible. If multi consumers are in same consumer group, when the group subscribes a topic, kafka will do a partition assignment work for your consumers: one partition could only be consumed by only one consumer in a same group.
So you could set your topic to have only one partition, then only one consumer to consume message, others will be idle. Once the consumer is shutdown, it will trigger the group rebalance operation : kafka will do the partition assignment again. And Then in your case , a new consumer will go ahead this work. It will process message from the last committed offset which commited by old consumer.
And if your case supports parallel processing, you could make many process(app) doing same work and set the topic to multi partitions. They will be assigned to consume different partitions and process different messages. So it will speed up your process and also can tolerant the fail over. As above said, if some consumers is failed, kafka will take care it for you, it will assign their paritition to other working consumer. So everything will be ok.

Why do Kafka consumers connect to zookeeper, and producers get metadata from brokers?

Why is it that consumers connect to zookeeper to retrieve the partition locations? And kafka producers have to connect to one of the brokers to retrieve metadata.
My point is, what exactly is the use of zookeeper when every broker already has all the necessary metadata to tell producers the location to send their messages? Couldn't the brokers send this same information to the consumers?
I can understand why brokers have the metadata, to not have to make a connection to zookeeper each time a new message is sent to them. Is there a function that zookeeper has that I'm missing? I'm finding it hard to think of a reason why zookeeper is really needed within a kafka cluster.
First of all, zookeeper is needed only for high level consumer. SimpleConsumer does not require zookeeper to work.
The main reason zookeeper is needed for a high level consumer is to track consumed offsets and handle load balancing.
Now in more detail.
Regarding offset tracking, imagine following scenario: you start a consumer, consume 100 messages and shut the consumer down. Next time you start your consumer you'll probably want to resume from your last consumed offset (which is 100), and that means you have to store the maximum consumed offset somewhere. Here's where zookeeper kicks in: it stores offsets for every group/topic/partition. So this way next time you start your consumer it may ask "hey zookeeper, what's the offset I should start consuming from?". Kafka is actually moving towards being able to store offsets not only in zookeeper, but in other storages as well (for now only zookeeper and kafka offset storages are available and i'm not sure kafka storage is fully implemented).
Regarding load balancing, the amount of messages produced can be quite large to be handled by 1 machine and you'll probably want to add computing power at some point. Lets say you have a topic with 100 partitions and to handle this amount of messages you have 10 machines. There are several questions that arise here actually:
how should these 10 machines divide partitions between each other?
what happens if one of machines die?
what happens if you want to add another machine?
And again, here's where zookeeper kicks in: it tracks all consumers in group and each high level consumer is subscribed for changes in this group. The point is that when a consumer appears or disappears, zookeeper notifies all consumers and triggers rebalance so that they split partitions near-equally (e.g. to balance load). This way it guarantees if one of consumer dies others will continue processing partitions that were owned by this consumer.
With kafka 0.9+ the new Consumer API was introduced. New consumers do not need connection to Zookeeper since group balancing is provided by kafka itself.
You are right, the consumers don't need to connect to ZooKeeper since kafka 0.9 release. They redesigned the api and new consumer client was introduced:
the 0.9 release introduces beta support for the newly redesigned
consumer client. At a high level, the primary difference in the new
consumer is that it removes the distinction between the “high-level”
ZooKeeper-based consumer and the “low-level” SimpleConsumer APIs, and
instead offers a unified consumer API.
Finally this completes a series of projects done in the last few years
to fully decouple Kafka clients from Zookeeper, thus entirely removing
the consumer client’s dependency on ZooKeeper.

kafka consumer sessions timing out

We have an application that a consumer reads a message and the thread does a number of things, including database accesses before a message is produced to another topic. The time between consuming and producing the message on the thread can take several minutes. Once message is produced to new topic, a commit is done to indicate we are done with work on the consumer queue message. Auto commit is disabled for this reason.
I'm using the high level consumer and what I'm noticing is that zookeeper and kafka sessions timeout because it is taking too long before we do anything on consumer queue so kafka ends up rebalancing every time the thread goes back to read more from consumer queue and it starts to take a long time before a consumer reads a new message after a while.
I can set zookeeper session timeout very high to not make that a problem but then i have to adjust the rebalance parameters accordingly and kafka won't pickup a new consumer for a while among other side effects.
What are my options to solve this problem? Is there a way to heartbeat to kafka and zookeeper to keep both happy? Do i still have these same issues if i were to use a simple consumer?
It sounds like your problems boil down to relying on the high-level consumer to manage the last-read offset. Using a simple consumer would solve that problem since you control the persistence of that offset. Note that all the high-level consumer commit does is store the last read offset in zookeeper. There's no other action taken and the message you just read is still there in the partition and is readable by other consumers.
With the kafka simple consumer, you have much more control over when and how that offset storage takes place. You can even persist that offset somewhere other than Zookeeper (a data base, for example).
The bad news is that while the simple consumer itself is simpler than the high-level consumer, there's a lot more work you have to do code-wise to make it work. You'll also have to write code to access multiple partitions - something the high-level consumer does quite nicely for you.
I think issue is consumer's poll method trigger consumer's heartbeat request. And when you increase session.timeout. Consumer's heartbeat will not reach to coordinator. Because of this heartbeat skipping, coordinator mark consumer dead. And also consumer rejoining is very slow especially in case of single consumer.
I have faced a similar issue and to solve that I have to change following parameter in consumer config properties
request.timeout.ms=more than session timeout
Also you have to add following property in server.properties at kafka broker node.
group.max.session.timeout.ms =
You can see the following link for more detail.