In what situation can a Flink 1.15.2 job stop consumption on a single Kafka partition, but continue to consume on the other partitions? - apache-kafka

We are running a Flink 1.15.2 cluster with a job that has a Kafka Source and Kafka Sink.
The Source topic has 30 partitions. There are 5 TaskManager nodes with a capacity of 4 slots, and we are running the job with a parallelism of 16, so that is 4 free slots. So depending upon the slots/node assignment, we can expect, each node to have roughly 6-7 partitions assigned.
Our alerting mechanisms notified us that consumer lag was getting built up on a single partition out of the 30 partitions.
As Flink does its own offset management, we had no way of figuring out (through the Flink Web UI or the Kafka console tools) which TaskManager the partition was assigned to.
I would like to know if anyone else has faced this in their experience, and what can be done to proactively monitor and/or mitigate such instances in future. Is it possible for a single partition consumer thread to behave in this manner?
We decided to bounce the Flink TaskManager service one by one hoping that a partition reassignment would jump start consumption again. Bouncing the first node had no impact, but when we bounced the second node, some other TaskManager picked up the lagging partition and started consumption again.

Maybe related to this For more details see also here.

I doubt this is the correct explanation, but perhaps watermark alignment could explain this sort of behavior.


Kafka - message not getting consumed from only one of the partitions

We have a single node Kafka service running Kafka 2.13 version. For one of the topics, we have configured 20 partitions and there is just one consumer group consuming from this topic. This setup has been working fine for a long time now. Recently we have been seeing issues w.r.t Kafka rebalancing this consumer group frequently. After a while, the consumers start consuming again, but on one of the partitions, the current offset doesn't move forward at all indicating the messages are stuck in that partition. Other messages from other partitions get consumed without any issues. Logs from Kafka service doesn't show any issue. Any hints on what is going wrong and how to identify / rectify it?
A possible explanation is that the specific partition has a message that takes a long time to process, this could explain both the frequent rebalancing and the stuck offset

Uneven partition assignment in kafka streams

I am experiencing strange assignment behavior with Kafka Streams. I am having 3-node cluster of Kafka streams. My stream is pretty straightforward, one source topic (24 partitions, all kafka brokers are running on other machines than kafka stream nodes) and our stream graph only takes messages, group them by key, perform some filtering and store everything to sink topic. Everything is running with 2 Kafka Threads on each node.
However whenever I am doing rolling update of my kafka stream (by shutting down always only one app so other two nodes are running) my kafka streams ends with uneven number of partitions per "node"(usually 16-9-0). Only once I restart node01 and sometimes node02 cluster gets back to more even state.
Can somebody advice any hint how I can achieve more equal distribution before additional restarts?
I assume both nodes running the kafka streams app have identical group ids for consumption.
I suggest you check to see if the partition assignment strategy your consumers are using isn't org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor.
If this is the case, configure it to be org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor. This way, when the group coordinator receives a JoinGroup request and hands the partitions over to the group leader, the group leader will ensure the spread between the nodes isn't uneven by more than 1.
Unless you're using an older version of Kafka streams, the default is Range and does not guarantee even spread across consumers.
Is your Kafka Streams application stateful? If so, you can possibly thank this well-intentioned KIP:
If you want to override this behaviour, you can set acceptable.recovery.lag=9223372036854775807 (Long.MAX_VALUE).
The definition of that config from
The maximum acceptable lag (total number of offsets to catch up from the changelog) for an instance to be considered caught-up and able to receive an active task. Streams only assigns stateful active tasks to instances whose state stores are within the acceptable recovery lag, if any exist, and assigns warmup replicas to restore state in the background for instances that are not yet caught up. Should correspond to a recovery time of well under a minute for a given workload. Must be at least 0.

Multiple Flink pipelines for the same Kafka topic

We have a Kafka topic with a steady stream of data. To process it we have a stateless Flink pipeline that consumes that topic and writes to another topic.
From time to time we have bursts of information that our Flink is not configured to handle. We don't want to configure our Flink pipeline and cluster to always support the maximum load we can have, we want to dynamically scale according to the load. (budget reasons $$$)
Solutions we thought of
One way to do so is to add/remove nodes to the Flink cluster and change the parallelism of the Flink pipeline operators. This will require stopping the Flink job with a snapshot, reconfiguring the parallelism and restarting with new parallelism.
This would be great but we cannot allow ourselves the downtime it produces. We have to scale up/down without downtime.
If we would use regular Kafka consumers it would be as simple as adding a consumer (assuming we have enough Kafka partitions) and Kafka would redistribute the topic partitions between all the consumers.
The Flink Kafka consumer manages the partition assignment and the offset on its own which allows exactly-once semantics (we don't need it). The drawback is that a single Flink job always uses all the topic partitions.
We thought we could create another instance of Flink that would subscribe to the same topic with the same group and let Kafka distribute the partitions between them. But for that we would need the Kafka Flink consumer to let Kafka manage which partitions are assigned to which consumer.
What are we looking for
We couldn't find a library that contains such a consumer or a configuration in the existing consumer. We could write it on our own (not so difficult) but if there is an existing solution we'd rather use it.
Are we missing something? Are we misunderstanding something? Is there a better solution?
The most straightforward approach, since you said that at worst you'll need double the capacity, would be to modify your topology to be able to write Kafka messages you can't process quickly enough to a second overflow Kafka topic. Both input and output Kafka topic names would be configurable. Maybe you would have a threshold backlog delay that automatically triggers this writing or maybe you would have a flag in the topology that you can externally set while the topology is running. That's a design detail you can work through that has operational implications.
This gives you a Flink topology that can handle some maximum number of messages in a timely fashion while writing the rest of the messages that can't be handled to a second Kafka topic. You can then run a second instance of the same Flink topology that reads from that secondary topic and writes, if necessary to a third topic. If the writing to the overflow topic happens very early in the topology processing, you could chain several of these instances together via Kafka with minimal latency and without having to reconfigure and restart any topologies.

Apache Flink Kafka Integration Partition Seperation

I need to implement below data flow. I have one kafka topic which has 9 partitions. I can read this topic with 9 parallelism level. I have also 3 node Flink cluster. Each of nodes of this cluster has 24 task slot.
First of all, I want to spread my kafka like, each server has 3 partition like below. Order is not matter, I only transform kafka message and send it DB.
Second thing is, I want to increase my parallelism degree while saving NoSQL DB. If I increase my parallelism 48, since sending DB is IO operation, it does not consume CPU, I want to be sure, When Flink rebalance my message, my message will stay in the same server.
Is there any advice for me?
If you want to spread you Kafka readers across all 3 nodes, I would recommend to start them with 3 slots each and set the parallelism of the Kafka source to 9.
The problem is that at the moment it is not possible to control how tasks are placed if there are more slots available than the required parallelism. This means if you have fewer sources than slots, then it might happen that all sources will be deployed to one machine, leaving the other machines empty (source-wise).
Being able to spread out tasks across all available machines is a feature which the community is currently working on.

How does Kafka handle a consumer which is running slower than other consumers?

Let's say I have 20 partitions and five workers. Each partition is assigned a worker. However, one worker is running slower than the other machines. It's still processing (that is, not slow consumer described here), but at 60% rate of the other machines. This could be because the worker is running on a slower VM on AWS EC2, a broken disk or CPU or whatnot. Does Kafka handle rebalancing gracefully somehow to give the slow worker fewer partitions?
Kafka doesn't really concern itself with how fast messages are being consumed. It doesn't even get involved with how many consumers there are or how many times each message is read. Kafka just commits messages to partitions and ages them out at the configured time.
It's the responsibility of the group of consumers to make sure that the messages are being read evenly and in a timely fashion. In your case, you have two problems: The reading of one set of partitions lags and then then processing of the messages from those partitions lags.
For the actual consumption of messages from the topic, you'll have to use the Kafka metadata API's to track the relative loads each consumer faces, whether by skewed partitioning or because the consumers are running at different speeds. You either have to re-allocate partitions to consumers to give the slow consumers less work or randomly re-assign consumers to partitions in the hope of eventually evening out the workload over time.
To better balance the processing of messages, you should factor out the reading of the messages from the processing of the messages - something like the Storm streaming model. You still have to programmatically monitor the backlogs into the processing logic, but you'd have the ability to move work to faster nodes in order to balance the work.