Celery best way for callback after 1M tasks - docker-compose

I'm working with Celery 5.2.7 and Redis 4.4.0 in a single node docker-compose cluster and was wonder what's the best way to trigger a finalizer task after a bunch of 1M simple, but long lasting tasks have completed?
The tasks would have a single integer as input and no output at all.
Can this be done with Chord?
Or are there better solutions, since I have read about memory issues that limit the amount of tasks in a chord...
How would I create such a task object, as examples are just dealing with range(100)?
BTW, I work on a 24 core machine with 128GB RAM.


Out of box distributed job queue solution

Are there any existing out of the box job queue framework? basic idea is
someone to enqueue a job with job status New
(multiple) workers get a job and work on it, mark the job as Taken. One job can only be running on at most one worker
something will monitor the worker status, if the running jobs exceed predefined timeout, will be re-queued with status New, could be worker health issue
Once a worker completes a task, it marks the task as Completed in the queue.
something keeps cleaning up completed tasks. Or at step #4 when worker completes a task, the worker simply dequeues the task.
From my investigation, things like Kafka (pub/sub) or MQ (push/pull & pub/sub) or cache (Redis, Memcached) are mostly sufficient for this work. However, they all require some sort of development around its core functionality to become a fully functional job queue.
Also looked into relational DB, the ones supports "SELECT * FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED" syntax is also a good candidate, this again requires a daemon between the DB and worker, which means extra effort.
Also looked into the cloud solutions, Azure Queue storage, etc. similar assessment.
So my question is, is there any out of the box solution for job queue, that are tailored and dedicated for one thing, job queuing, without much effort to set up?
Take a look at Python Celery. https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/getting-started/introduction.html
The default mode uses RabbitMQ as the message broker, but other options are available. Results can be stored in a DB if needed.

Airflow Memory Error: Task exited with return code -9

According to both of these Link1 and Link2, my Airflow DAG run is returning the error INFO - Task exited with return code -9 due to an out-of-memory issue. My DAG run has 10 tasks/operators, and each task simply:
makes a query to get one of my BigQuery tables, and
writes the results to a collection in my Mongo database.
The size of the 10 BigQuery tables range from 1MB to 400MB, and the total size of all 10 tables is ~1GB. My docker container has default 2GB of memory and I've increased this to 4GB, however I am still receiving this error from a few of the tasks. I am confused about this, as 4GB should be plenty of memory for this. I am also concerned because, in the future, these tables may become larger (a single table query could be 1-2GB), and I'd like to avoid these return code -9 errors at that time.
I'm not quite sure how to handle this issue, since the point of the DAG is to transfer data from BigQuery to Mongo daily, and the queries / data in-memory for the DAG's tasks is necessarily fairly large then, based on the size of the tables.
As you said, the error message you get corresponds to an out of memory issue.
Referring to the official documentation:
DAG execution is RAM limited. Each task execution starts with two
Airflow processes: task execution and monitoring. Currently, each node
can take up to 6 concurrent tasks. More memory can be consumed,
depending on the size of the DAG.
High memory pressure in any of the GKE nodes will lead the Kubernetes scheduler to evict pods from nodes in an attempt to relieve that pressure. While many different Airflow components are running within GKE, most don't tend to use much memory, so the case that happens most frequently is that a user uploaded a resource-intensive DAG. The Airflow workers run those DAGs, run out of resources, and then get evicted.
You can check it with following steps:
In the Cloud Console, navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Workloads
Click on airflow-worker, and look under Managed pods
If there are pods that show Evicted, click each evicted pod and look for the The node was low on resource: memory message at the top of the window.
What are the possible ways to fix OOM issue?
Create a new Cloud Composer environment with a larger machine type than the current machine type.
Ensure that the tasks in the DAG are idempotent, which means that the result of running the same DAG run multiple times should be the same as the result of running it once.
Configure task retries by setting the number of retries on the task - this way when your task gets -9'ed by the scheduler it will go to up_for_retry instead of failed
Additionally you can check the behavior of CPU:
In the Cloud Console, navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Clusters
Locate Node Pools at the bottom of the page, and expand the default-pool section
Click the link listed under Instance groups
Switch to the Monitoring tab, where you can find CPU utilization
Ideally, the GCE instances shouldn't be running over 70% CPU at all times, or the Composer environment may become unstable during resource usage.
I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.
I am going to chunk the data so that less is loaded into any 1 task at any given time. I'm not sure yet whether I will need to use GCS/S3 for intermediary storage.

how do we choose --nthreads and --nprocs per worker in dask distributed running via helm on kubernetes?

I'm running some I/O intensive Python code on Dask and want to increase the number of threads per worker. I've deployed a Kubernetes cluster that runs Dask distributed via helm. I see from the worker deployment template that the number of threads for a worker is set to the number of CPUs, but I'd like to set the number of threads higher unless that's an anti-pattern. How do I do that?
It looks like from this similar question that I can ssh to the dask scheduler and spin up workers with dask-worker? But ideally I'd be able to configure the worker resources via helm so that I don't have to interact with the scheduler other than submitting jobs to it via the Client.
Kubernetes resource limits and requests should match the --memory-limit and --nthreads parameters given to the dask-worker command. For more information please follow the link 1 (Best practices described on Dask`s official documentation) and 2
Threading in Python is a careful art and is really dependent on your code. To do the easy one, -nprocs should almost certainly be 1, if you want more processes, launch more replicas instead. For the thread count, first remember the GIL means only one thread can be running Python code at a time. So you only get concurrency gains under two main sitations: 1) some threads are blocked on I/O like waiting to hear back from a database or web API or 2) some threads are running non-GIL-bound C code inside NumPy or friends. For the second situation, you still can't get more concurrency than the number of CPUs since that's just how many slots there are to run at once, but the first can benefit from more threads than CPUs in some situations.
There's a limitation of Dask's helm chart that doesn't allow for the setting of --nthreads in the chart. I confirmed this with the Dask team and filed an issue: https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/18708.
In the meantime, use Dask Kubernetes for a higher degree of customization.

Queries regarding celery scalability

I have few questions regarding celery. Please help me with that.
Do we need to put the project code in every celery worker? If yes, if I am increasing the number of workers and also I am updating my code, what is the best way to update the code in all the worker instances (without manually pushing code to every instance everytime)?
Using -Ofair in celery worker as argument disable prefetching in workers even if have set PREFETCH_LIMIT=8 or so?
IMPORTANT: Does rabbitmq broker assign the task to the workers or do workers pull the task from the broker?
Does it make sense to have more than one celery worker (with as many subprocesses as number of cores) in a system? I see few people run multiple celery workers in a single system.
To add to the previous question, whats the performance difference between the two scenarios: single worker (8 cores) in a system or two workers (with concurrency 4)
Please answer my questions. Thanks in advance.
Do we need to put the project code in every celery worker? If yes, if I am increasing the number of workers and also I am updating my code, what is the best way to update the code in all the worker instances (without manually pushing code to every instance everytime)?
Yes. A celery worker runs your code, and so naturally it needs access to that code. How you make the code accessible though is entirely up to you. Some approaches include:
Code updates and restarting of workers as part of deployment
If you run your celery workers in kubernetes pods this comes down to building a new docker image and upgrading your workers to the new image. Using rolling updates this can be done with zero downtime.
Scheduled synchronization from a repository and worker restarts by broadcast
If you run your celery workers in a more traditional environment or for some reason you don't want to rebuild whole images, you can use some central file system available to all workers, where you update the files e.g. syncing a git repository on a schedule or by some trigger. It is important you restart all celery workers so they reload the code. This can be done by remote control.
Dynamic loading of code for every task
For example in omega|ml we provide lambda-style serverless execution of
arbitrary python scripts which are dynamically loaded into the worker process.
To avoid module loading and dependency issues it is important to keep max-tasks-per-child=1 and use the prefork pool. While this adds some overhead it is a tradeoff that we find is easy to manage (in particular we run machine learning tasks and so the little overhead of loading scripts and restarting workers after every task is not an issue)
Using -Ofair in celery worker as argument disable prefetching in workers even if have set PREFETCH_LIMIT=8 or so?
-O fair stops workers from prefetching tasks unless there is an idle process. However there is a quirk with rate limits which I recently stumbled upon. In practice I have not experienced a problem with neither prefetching nor rate limiting, however as with any distributed system it pays of to think about the effects of the asynchronous nature of execution (this is not particular to Celery but applies to all such such systems).
IMPORTANT: Does rabbitmq broker assign the task to the workers or do workers pull the task from the broker?
Rabbitmq does not know of the workers (nor do any of the other broker supported by celery) - they just maintain a queue of messages. That is, it is the workers that pull tasks from the broker.
A concern that may come up with this is what if my worker crashes while executing tasks. There are several aspects to this: There is a distinction between a worker and the worker processes. The worker is the single task started to consume tasks from the broker, it does not execute any of the task code. The task code is executed by one of the worker processes. When using the prefork pool (which is the default) a failed worker process is simply restarted without affecting the worker as a whole or other worker processes.
Does it make sense to have more than one celery worker (with as many subprocesses as number of cores) in a system? I see few people run multiple celery workers in a single system.
That depends on the scale and type of workload you need to run. In general CPU bound tasks should be run on workers with a concurrency setting that doesn't exceed the number of cores. If you need to process more of these tasks than you have cores, run multiple workers to scale out. Note if your CPU bound task uses more than one core at a time (e.g. as is often the case in machine learning workloads/numerical processing) it is the total number of cores used per task, not the total number of tasks run concurrently that should inform your decision.
To add to the previous question, whats the performance difference between the two scenarios: single worker (8 cores) in a system or two workers (with concurrency 4)
Hard to say in general, best to run some tests. For example if 4 concurrently run tasks use all the memory on a single node, adding another worker will not help. If however you have two queues e.g. with different rates of arrival (say one for low frequency but high-priority execution, another for high frequency but low-priority) both of which can be run concurrently on the same node without concern for CPU or memory, a single node will do.

How do I coordinate a cluster of celery beat daemons?

I have a cluster of three machines. I want to run celery beat on those. I have a few related questions.
Celery has this notion of a persistent scheduler. As long as my schedule consists only of crontab entries and is statically defined by CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE, do I need to persist it at all?
If I do, then do I have to ensure this storage is synchronized between all machines of the cluster?
Does djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler automatically take care of concurrent beat daemons? That is, if I just run three beat daemons with DatabaseScheduler, am I safe from duplicate tasks?
Is there something like DatabaseScheduler but based on MongoDB, without Django ORM? Like Celery’s own MongoDB broker and result backend.
Currently Celery doesn't support multiple concurrent celerybeat instances.
You have to ensure only a single scheduler is running for a schedule
at a time, otherwise you would end up with duplicate tasks. Using a
centralized approach means the schedule does not have to be
synchronized, and the service can operate without using locks.