Queries regarding celery scalability - celery

I have few questions regarding celery. Please help me with that.
Do we need to put the project code in every celery worker? If yes, if I am increasing the number of workers and also I am updating my code, what is the best way to update the code in all the worker instances (without manually pushing code to every instance everytime)?
Using -Ofair in celery worker as argument disable prefetching in workers even if have set PREFETCH_LIMIT=8 or so?
IMPORTANT: Does rabbitmq broker assign the task to the workers or do workers pull the task from the broker?
Does it make sense to have more than one celery worker (with as many subprocesses as number of cores) in a system? I see few people run multiple celery workers in a single system.
To add to the previous question, whats the performance difference between the two scenarios: single worker (8 cores) in a system or two workers (with concurrency 4)
Please answer my questions. Thanks in advance.

Do we need to put the project code in every celery worker? If yes, if I am increasing the number of workers and also I am updating my code, what is the best way to update the code in all the worker instances (without manually pushing code to every instance everytime)?
Yes. A celery worker runs your code, and so naturally it needs access to that code. How you make the code accessible though is entirely up to you. Some approaches include:
Code updates and restarting of workers as part of deployment
If you run your celery workers in kubernetes pods this comes down to building a new docker image and upgrading your workers to the new image. Using rolling updates this can be done with zero downtime.
Scheduled synchronization from a repository and worker restarts by broadcast
If you run your celery workers in a more traditional environment or for some reason you don't want to rebuild whole images, you can use some central file system available to all workers, where you update the files e.g. syncing a git repository on a schedule or by some trigger. It is important you restart all celery workers so they reload the code. This can be done by remote control.
Dynamic loading of code for every task
For example in omega|ml we provide lambda-style serverless execution of
arbitrary python scripts which are dynamically loaded into the worker process.
To avoid module loading and dependency issues it is important to keep max-tasks-per-child=1 and use the prefork pool. While this adds some overhead it is a tradeoff that we find is easy to manage (in particular we run machine learning tasks and so the little overhead of loading scripts and restarting workers after every task is not an issue)
Using -Ofair in celery worker as argument disable prefetching in workers even if have set PREFETCH_LIMIT=8 or so?
-O fair stops workers from prefetching tasks unless there is an idle process. However there is a quirk with rate limits which I recently stumbled upon. In practice I have not experienced a problem with neither prefetching nor rate limiting, however as with any distributed system it pays of to think about the effects of the asynchronous nature of execution (this is not particular to Celery but applies to all such such systems).
IMPORTANT: Does rabbitmq broker assign the task to the workers or do workers pull the task from the broker?
Rabbitmq does not know of the workers (nor do any of the other broker supported by celery) - they just maintain a queue of messages. That is, it is the workers that pull tasks from the broker.
A concern that may come up with this is what if my worker crashes while executing tasks. There are several aspects to this: There is a distinction between a worker and the worker processes. The worker is the single task started to consume tasks from the broker, it does not execute any of the task code. The task code is executed by one of the worker processes. When using the prefork pool (which is the default) a failed worker process is simply restarted without affecting the worker as a whole or other worker processes.
Does it make sense to have more than one celery worker (with as many subprocesses as number of cores) in a system? I see few people run multiple celery workers in a single system.
That depends on the scale and type of workload you need to run. In general CPU bound tasks should be run on workers with a concurrency setting that doesn't exceed the number of cores. If you need to process more of these tasks than you have cores, run multiple workers to scale out. Note if your CPU bound task uses more than one core at a time (e.g. as is often the case in machine learning workloads/numerical processing) it is the total number of cores used per task, not the total number of tasks run concurrently that should inform your decision.
To add to the previous question, whats the performance difference between the two scenarios: single worker (8 cores) in a system or two workers (with concurrency 4)
Hard to say in general, best to run some tests. For example if 4 concurrently run tasks use all the memory on a single node, adding another worker will not help. If however you have two queues e.g. with different rates of arrival (say one for low frequency but high-priority execution, another for high frequency but low-priority) both of which can be run concurrently on the same node without concern for CPU or memory, a single node will do.


Cluster Resource Usage in Databricks

I was just wondering if anyone could explain if all compute resources in a Databricks cluster are shared or if the resources are tied to each worker. For example, if two users were connected to a cluster made up of 2 workers with 4 cores per worker and one user's job required 2 cores and the other's required 6 cores, would they be able to share the 8 total cores or would the full 4 cores from one worker be unavailable during the job that only required 2 cores?
TL;DR; Yes, default behavior is to allow sharing but you're going to have to tightly control the default parallelism with such a small cluster.
Take a look at Job Scheduling for Apache Spark. I'm assuming you are using an "all-purpose" / "interactive" cluster where users are working on notebooks OR you are submitting jobs to an existing, all-purpose cluster and it is NOT a job cluster with multiple spark applications being deployed.
Databricks Runs in FAIR Scheduling Mode by Default
Under fair sharing, Spark assigns tasks between jobs in a “round robin” fashion, so that all jobs get a roughly equal share of cluster resources. This means that short jobs submitted while a long job is running can start receiving resources right away and still get good response times, without waiting for the long job to finish. This mode is best for multi-user settings.
By default, all queries started in a notebook run in the same fair scheduling pool
The Apache Spark scheduler in Azure Databricks automatically preempts tasks to enforce fair sharing.
Apache Spark Defaults to FIFO
By default, Spark’s scheduler runs jobs in FIFO fashion. Each job is divided into “stages” (e.g. map and reduce phases), and the first job gets priority on all available resources while its stages have tasks to launch, then the second job gets priority, etc. If the jobs at the head of the queue don’t need to use the whole cluster, later jobs can start to run right away, but if the jobs at the head of the queue are large, then later jobs may be delayed significantly.
Keep in mind the word "job" is specific Spark term that represents an action being taken that launches one or more stages and tasks. See What is the concept of application, job, stage and task in spark?.
So in your example you have...
2 Workers with 4 cores each == 8 cores == 8 tasks can be handled in parallel
One application (App A) that has a job that launches a stage with only 2 tasks.
One application (App B) that has a job that launches a stage with 6 tasks.
In this case, YES, you will be able to share the resources of the cluster. However, the devil is in the default behaviors. If you're reading from many files, performing a join, aggregating, etc, you're going to run into the fact that Spark is going to partition your data into chunks that can be acted on in parallel (see configuration like spark.default.parallelism).
So, in a more realistic example, you're going to have...
2 Workers with 4 cores each == 8 cores == 8 tasks can be handled in parallel
One application (App A) that has a job that launches a stage with 200 tasks.
One application (App B) that has a job that launches three stage with 8, 200, and 1 tasks respectively.
In a scenario like this FIFO scheduling, as is the default, will result in one of these applications blocking the other since the number of executors is completely overwhelmed by the number of tasks in just one stage.
In a FAIR scheduling mode, there will still be some blocking since the number of executors is small but some work will be done on each job since FAIR scheduling does a round-robin at the task level.
In Apache Spark, you have tighter control by creating different pools of the resources and submitting apps only to those pools where they have "isolated" resources. The "better" way of doing this is with Databricks Job clusters that have isolated compute dedicated to the application being ran.

Out of box distributed job queue solution

Are there any existing out of the box job queue framework? basic idea is
someone to enqueue a job with job status New
(multiple) workers get a job and work on it, mark the job as Taken. One job can only be running on at most one worker
something will monitor the worker status, if the running jobs exceed predefined timeout, will be re-queued with status New, could be worker health issue
Once a worker completes a task, it marks the task as Completed in the queue.
something keeps cleaning up completed tasks. Or at step #4 when worker completes a task, the worker simply dequeues the task.
From my investigation, things like Kafka (pub/sub) or MQ (push/pull & pub/sub) or cache (Redis, Memcached) are mostly sufficient for this work. However, they all require some sort of development around its core functionality to become a fully functional job queue.
Also looked into relational DB, the ones supports "SELECT * FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED" syntax is also a good candidate, this again requires a daemon between the DB and worker, which means extra effort.
Also looked into the cloud solutions, Azure Queue storage, etc. similar assessment.
So my question is, is there any out of the box solution for job queue, that are tailored and dedicated for one thing, job queuing, without much effort to set up?
Take a look at Python Celery. https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/getting-started/introduction.html
The default mode uses RabbitMQ as the message broker, but other options are available. Results can be stored in a DB if needed.

how do we choose --nthreads and --nprocs per worker in dask distributed running via helm on kubernetes?

I'm running some I/O intensive Python code on Dask and want to increase the number of threads per worker. I've deployed a Kubernetes cluster that runs Dask distributed via helm. I see from the worker deployment template that the number of threads for a worker is set to the number of CPUs, but I'd like to set the number of threads higher unless that's an anti-pattern. How do I do that?
It looks like from this similar question that I can ssh to the dask scheduler and spin up workers with dask-worker? But ideally I'd be able to configure the worker resources via helm so that I don't have to interact with the scheduler other than submitting jobs to it via the Client.
Kubernetes resource limits and requests should match the --memory-limit and --nthreads parameters given to the dask-worker command. For more information please follow the link 1 (Best practices described on Dask`s official documentation) and 2
Threading in Python is a careful art and is really dependent on your code. To do the easy one, -nprocs should almost certainly be 1, if you want more processes, launch more replicas instead. For the thread count, first remember the GIL means only one thread can be running Python code at a time. So you only get concurrency gains under two main sitations: 1) some threads are blocked on I/O like waiting to hear back from a database or web API or 2) some threads are running non-GIL-bound C code inside NumPy or friends. For the second situation, you still can't get more concurrency than the number of CPUs since that's just how many slots there are to run at once, but the first can benefit from more threads than CPUs in some situations.
There's a limitation of Dask's helm chart that doesn't allow for the setting of --nthreads in the chart. I confirmed this with the Dask team and filed an issue: https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/18708.
In the meantime, use Dask Kubernetes for a higher degree of customization.

Running Parallel Tasks in Batch

I have few questions about running tasks in parallel in Azure Batch. Per the official documentation, "Azure Batch allows you to set maximum tasks per node up to four times (4x) the number of node cores."
Is there a setup other than specifying the max tasks per node when creating a pool, that needs to be done (to the code) to be able to run parallel tasks with batch?
So if I am understanding this correctly, if I have a Standard_D1_v2 machine with 1 core, I can run up to 4 concurrent tasks running in parallel in it. Is that right? If yes, I ran some tests and I am quite not sure about the behavior that I got. In a pool of D1_v2 machines set up to run 1 task per node, I get about 16 min for my job execution time. Then, using the same applications and same parameters with the only change being a new pool with same setup, also D1_v2, except running 4 tasks per node, I still get a job execution time of about 15 min. There wasn't any improvement in the job execution time for running tasks in parallel. What could be happening? What am I missing here?
I ran a test with a pool of D3_v2 machines with 4 cores, set up to run 2 tasks per core for a total of 8 tasks per node, and another test with a pool (same number of machines as previous one) of D2_v2 machines with 2 cores, set up to run 2 tasks per core for a total of 4 parallel tasks per node. The run time/ job execution time for both these tests were the same. Isn't there supposed to be an improvement considering that 8 tasks are running per node in the first test versus 4 tasks per node in the second test? If yes, what could be a reason why I'm not getting this improvement?
No. Although you may want to look into the task scheduling policy, compute node fill type to control how your tasks are distributed amongst nodes in your pool.
How many tasks are in your job? Are your tasks compute-bound? If so, you won't see any improvement (perhaps even end-to-end performance degradation).
Batch merely schedules the tasks concurrently on the node. If the command/process that you're running utilizes all of the cores on the machine and is compute-bound, you won't see an improvement. You should double check your tasks start and end times within the job and the node execution info to see if they are actually being scheduled concurrently on the same node.

How do I coordinate a cluster of celery beat daemons?

I have a cluster of three machines. I want to run celery beat on those. I have a few related questions.
Celery has this notion of a persistent scheduler. As long as my schedule consists only of crontab entries and is statically defined by CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE, do I need to persist it at all?
If I do, then do I have to ensure this storage is synchronized between all machines of the cluster?
Does djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler automatically take care of concurrent beat daemons? That is, if I just run three beat daemons with DatabaseScheduler, am I safe from duplicate tasks?
Is there something like DatabaseScheduler but based on MongoDB, without Django ORM? Like Celery’s own MongoDB broker and result backend.
Currently Celery doesn't support multiple concurrent celerybeat instances.
You have to ensure only a single scheduler is running for a schedule
at a time, otherwise you would end up with duplicate tasks. Using a
centralized approach means the schedule does not have to be
synchronized, and the service can operate without using locks.