Airflow Memory Error: Task exited with return code -9 - mongodb

According to both of these Link1 and Link2, my Airflow DAG run is returning the error INFO - Task exited with return code -9 due to an out-of-memory issue. My DAG run has 10 tasks/operators, and each task simply:
makes a query to get one of my BigQuery tables, and
writes the results to a collection in my Mongo database.
The size of the 10 BigQuery tables range from 1MB to 400MB, and the total size of all 10 tables is ~1GB. My docker container has default 2GB of memory and I've increased this to 4GB, however I am still receiving this error from a few of the tasks. I am confused about this, as 4GB should be plenty of memory for this. I am also concerned because, in the future, these tables may become larger (a single table query could be 1-2GB), and I'd like to avoid these return code -9 errors at that time.
I'm not quite sure how to handle this issue, since the point of the DAG is to transfer data from BigQuery to Mongo daily, and the queries / data in-memory for the DAG's tasks is necessarily fairly large then, based on the size of the tables.

As you said, the error message you get corresponds to an out of memory issue.
Referring to the official documentation:
DAG execution is RAM limited. Each task execution starts with two
Airflow processes: task execution and monitoring. Currently, each node
can take up to 6 concurrent tasks. More memory can be consumed,
depending on the size of the DAG.
High memory pressure in any of the GKE nodes will lead the Kubernetes scheduler to evict pods from nodes in an attempt to relieve that pressure. While many different Airflow components are running within GKE, most don't tend to use much memory, so the case that happens most frequently is that a user uploaded a resource-intensive DAG. The Airflow workers run those DAGs, run out of resources, and then get evicted.
You can check it with following steps:
In the Cloud Console, navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Workloads
Click on airflow-worker, and look under Managed pods
If there are pods that show Evicted, click each evicted pod and look for the The node was low on resource: memory message at the top of the window.
What are the possible ways to fix OOM issue?
Create a new Cloud Composer environment with a larger machine type than the current machine type.
Ensure that the tasks in the DAG are idempotent, which means that the result of running the same DAG run multiple times should be the same as the result of running it once.
Configure task retries by setting the number of retries on the task - this way when your task gets -9'ed by the scheduler it will go to up_for_retry instead of failed
Additionally you can check the behavior of CPU:
In the Cloud Console, navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Clusters
Locate Node Pools at the bottom of the page, and expand the default-pool section
Click the link listed under Instance groups
Switch to the Monitoring tab, where you can find CPU utilization
Ideally, the GCE instances shouldn't be running over 70% CPU at all times, or the Composer environment may become unstable during resource usage.
I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.

I am going to chunk the data so that less is loaded into any 1 task at any given time. I'm not sure yet whether I will need to use GCS/S3 for intermediary storage.


K8s job memory consumption after job finishes

On below dashboard, yellow line represents memory limit, red line represents memory requests and green memory usage. Why is memory consumption still being reported by Prometheus after job completion? I checked job logs and job completed same time when memory request and limits went to 0. Job TTL is set to 60 sec so I think it's not related.
prometheus grafana metrics
Factually a completed job means the process is no longer running let a lone consuming any resources. So, what you see in your logs is probably due to a delay in the metrics refresh period.
Keep in mind that K8s-related metrics like resource requests are reported by reaping information from the K8s API-Server, whereas actual resource consumption is reported by different infrastructure components, e.g. the Metrics Server. Those systems will likely have different refresh periods, which explains the discrepancy when you aggregate them on the same chart.

Kubernetes Handling a Sudden Request of Processing Power (Such as a Python Script using 5 Processes)

I have a little scenario that I am running in my mind with the following setup:
A Django Web Server running in Kubernetes with the ability to autoscale resources (Google Kubernetes Engine), and I set the resource values to be requesting nodes with 8 Processing Units (8 Cores) and 16 GB Ram.
Because it is a web server, I have my frontend that can call a Python script that executes with 5 Processes, and here's what I am worried about:
I know that If I run this script twice on my webserver (located in the same container as my Django code), I am going to be using (to keep it simple) 10 Processes/CPUs to execute this code.
So what would happen?
Would the first Python script be ran on Pod 1 and the second Python script (since we used 5 out of the 8 processing units) trigger a Pod 2 and another Node, then run on that new replica with full access to 5 new processes?
Or, would the first Python script be ran on Replica 1, and then the second Python script be throttled to 3 processing units because, perhaps, Kubernetes is allocating based on CPU usage in the Replica, not how much processes I called the script with?
If your system has a Django application that launches scripts with subprocess or a similar mechanism, those will always be in the same container as the main server, in the same pod, on the same node. You'll never trigger any of the Kubernetes autoscaling capabilities. If the pod has resource limits set, you could get CPU utilization throttled, and if you exceed the configured memory limit, the pod could get killed off (with Django and all of its subprocesses together).
If you want to take better advantage of Kubernetes scheduling and resource management, you may need to restructure this application. Ideally you could run the Django server and each of the supporting tasks in a separate pod. You would then need a way to trigger the tasks and collect the results.
I'd generally build this by introducing a job queue system such as RabbitMQ or Celery into the mix. The Django application adds items to the queue, but doesn't directly do the work itself. Then you have a worker for each of the processes that reads the queue and does work. This is not directly tied to Kubernetes, and you could run this setup with a RabbitMQ or Redis installation and a local virtual environment.
If you deploy this setup to Kubernetes, then each of the tasks can run in its own deployment, fed by the work queue. Each task could run up to its own configured memory and CPU limits, and they could run on different nodes. With a little extra work you can connect a horizontal pod autoscaler to scale the workers based on the length of the job queue, so if you're running behind processing one of the tasks, the HPA can cause more workers to get launched, which will create more pods, which can potentially allocate more nodes.
The important detail here, though, is that a pod is the key unit of scaling; if all of your work stays within a single pod then you'll never trigger the horizontal pod autoscaler or the cluster autoscaler.

what will happen if the resources I required is not enough during the running of the job?

in slurm, what will happen if the resources I required is not enough during the running of the job?
For example, #SBATCH --memory=10G; #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2; python is in After I run sbatch the job is allocated the required cpu (2) and memory (10 G) successfully. But during the running of the job, the program need more memory than 10 Gb (like loading a big video dataset), I found the job would not be killed. The job will still work normally.
So my question is: is there any side effect when I underestimate the resource I need? (memory seems okay, but is it stll okay if the required cpu number is not enough?)
Slurm can be configured to constrain the jobs into their resource requests(the most usual setup) , which does not seem to be the case in the cluster you are using.
If it were the case, your job would be killed when trying to use more memory than requested, and it would be limited to the physical CPUs you requested.
In your case, using more memory than requested can lead to memory exhaustion on the node on which your job is running, possibly, having your processes (but also possibly processes of other jobs on the same node!), killed by the OOM killer. Using more CPUs than requested means the processes started by your job will compete with the processes of other jobs for the same physical CPU, leading to a general slow-down of all jobs on the node because of a large number of context switches. Jobs being slowed down can then exceed their maximum time and get killed.
Underestimating resources can thus lead to loss of your jobs. If nodes are shared among jobs, it can also lead to loss of jobs from other users.

Writing to neo4j pod takes much more time than writing to local neo4j

I have a python code where I process some data, write neo4j queries and then commit these queries to neo4j. When I run the code on my local machine and write the output to local neo4j it doesn't take more than 15 minutes. However, when I run my code locally and write the output to noe4j pod in k8s pod it takes double the time, and when I build my code and deploy it to k8s and run that pod and write the output to neo4j pod it takes a round 3 hours. since I'm new to k8s deployment it might something in the pod configurations or settings, so I appreciate if I can get some hints
There could be few reasons of that.
I would first check how much resources does your pod consume while you are processing data, you can do that using kubectl top pod.
Second I would check if there are any limits inside pod. You can read a great deal about them on Managing Compute Resources for Containers.
If you have a limit set then it might be too low and that's causing the extended time while processing data.
If limits are not set then it might be because of how you installed minik8s. I think as default it's being installed with 4G is memory, you can look at alternative methods of installing minik8s. With multipass you can specify more memory to allocate.
There also can be a issue with Page Cache Sizing, Heap Sizing or number of open files. Please read the Neo4j Performance Tuning.

AWS EB should create new instance once my docker reached its maximum memory limit

I have deployed my dockerized micro services in AWS server using Elastic Beanstalk which is written using Akka-HTTP( and Scala.
I have allocated 512mb memory size for each docker and performance problems. I have noticed that the CPU usage increased when server getting more number of requests(like 20%, 23%, 45%...) & depends on load, then it automatically came down to the normal state (0.88%). But Memory usage keeps on increasing for every request and it failed to release unused memory even after CPU usage came to the normal stage and it reached 100% and docker killed by itself and restarted again.
I have also enabled auto scaling feature in EB to handle a huge number of requests. So it created another duplicate instance only after CPU usage of the running instance is reached its maximum.
How can I setup auto-scaling to create another instance once memory usage is reached its maximum limit(i.e 500mb out of 512mb)?
Please provide us a solution/way to resolve these problems as soon as possible as it is a very critical problem for us?
CloudWatch doesn't natively report memory statistics. But there are some scripts that Amazon provides (usually just referred to as the "CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux) that will get the statistics into CloudWatch so you can use those metrics to build a scaling policy.
The Elastic Beanstalk documentation provides some information on installing the scripts on the Linux platform at
However, this will come with another caveat in that you cannot use the native Docker deployment JSON as it won't pick up the .ebextensions folder (see Where to put ebextensions config in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker deploy with dockerrun source bundle?). The solution here would be to create a zip of your application that includes the JSON file and .ebextensions folder and use that as the deployment artifact.
There is also one thing I am unclear on and that is if these metrics will be available to choose from under the Configuration -> Scaling section of the application. You may need to create another .ebextensions config file to set the custom metric such as:
BreachDuration: 3
LowerBreachScaleIncrement: -1
MeasureName: MemoryUtilization
Period: 60
Statistic: Average
Threshold: 90
UpperBreachScaleIncrement: 2
Now, even if this works, if the application will not lower its memory usage after scaling and load goes down then the scaling policy would just continue to trigger and reach max instances eventually.
I'd first see if you can get some garbage collection statistics for the JVM and maybe tune the JVM to do garbage collection more often to help bring memory down faster after application load goes down.