Embedding Dailymotion Videos in a Flutter App: Is it Possible and Good Practice? - flutter

I am trying to find a way to include Dailymotion videos in my Flutter app. The Dailymotion API has SDKs for embedding videos in native Android and iOS apps, but I cannot find a solution for Dart. Can I use these SDKs in Flutter and is it considered a good practice? Are there any potential issues with this approach?
daily motion API reference: https://developers.dailymotion.com/player#embed-mobile
I attempted to include videos by using the current link of the video but the link keeps changing frequently.


Is there a way to implement video chat in a flutter Application with selectable AR Filters?

As per the title, I want to implement a Video chat app in a flutter project and use AR filters during video chat. I'm looking for an implementation that can be done easily so I've checked out Agora and Twilio flutter SDK's for Video chat but they haven't provided any ways to add AR Filters yet. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Is there a way to implement a separate AR filter SDK to the existing Agora or Twilio video chat Flutter SDK?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't have any concrete answers for you here, but some ideas that might help. As a disclaimer, I am not a Flutter developer and the Twilio Video Flutter SDK is built by the community and not supported by Twilio, so your mileage may vary.
As far as I know, you can implement your own camera source (iOS) or camera capturer (Android) object that you can pass to the native Twilio Video SDKs. The camera capturer outputs frames that the SDK uses to send to the video room. If you can implement your own, then you can build whatever effects or filters on the frames before passing them onto the SDK.
Sorry this is a very vague answer, I hope you can apply this to the Flutter SDK and achieve your goals.
Integrating AR filters using the Agora Flutter SDK needs to be done via the native layer of your Flutter application. Agora has various guides and blogs on how to add AR to your video calling application. You can refer to this Android blog that shows how to add face filters that might help you in your development journey: https://www.agora.io/en/blog/build-a-live-streaming-application-with-face-filters-on-android/

Playing video from youtube and other pages

I am using a video_player package which nicely shows videos stored in firebase storage via their links in firestore. But replacing link to video in storage with youtube link doesn't work.
My point is to make an app which would show videos from youtube and maybe other pages like vimeo.
Maybe someone has done it already?
Thank you in advance
This package does the work perfectly
*I've used it on Flutter version < 2.0 so I don't know if it will work if you're using the current framework version

How to play YouTube videos in google chromecast from Flutter application?

My Flutter application has some YouTube video links. Those YouTube links, i would like to stream through google chromecast. I have seen some video stream casting using the below flutter libraries.
But those libraries are playing MP4 format video streaming. So i am searching for the way to play YouTube videos though flutter application in chromecast.
Please someone suggest me if there is any code clues for this.
We had the same challenge, and we searched high and low. Finally found this solution to make it work: https://pub.dev/packages/dart_chromecast
Make sure your flutter compiler is downgraded to 13 or below. Otherwise, you will not be able to compile. Unfortunately, their code is not supported in a newer version of the flutter compiler and the author is not going to update anytime soon.

Video player for web, mobile and desktop applications in Flutter?

There is this Flutter plugin for playing videos on iOS & Android (Video Plugin)
However, I also want to embed a video player into my web and desktop applications.
So I dont understand how Flutter is going this way of supporting plugins for different platforms. Because if you have a look at the video plugin it makes use of the AVPlayer on iOS and ExoPlayer on Android, but these are not then supported for web and desktop applications.
My Questions:
Why isn't the community writing a Flutter plugin for videos which is independent of it's underlying platform? Or isn't it possible? Why do we have to rely so much on Android & iOS especially if Flutter will be more and more platform independent in the future? Isn't it possible to write the source code for making videos working on different platforms solely with the Dart language & Flutter framework?
Is there currently a way to embed a video player for web and desktop applications?
You can use dart_vlc to add video playback to your Flutter desktop application.
It currently supports Windows & Linux, we are working on adding macOS support actively.
The library is rather easier to use aswell,
Player player = Player(id: 0);
medias: [
Thanks. Checkout project README for more examples and documentation.
You can try using WebView by flutter_webview_plugin package. It can take advantage of the built-in video decoders/players in any Operating Systems as they're pre-loaded as web content.
Edit: This is because not many Video Plugins are to be found for the Desktop and Web Platforms yet (At least by me)
The video_player along with the video_player_web plugins work for web, android and ios. But I have not tested them on a desktop.

embed youtube in c/gtk application

I want to develop an application, for searching and watching youtube videos, in C language with GTK for UserInterface. Does API's available for embedding Youtube into C application ?
Can I use GData for that ?
You need to look into gstreamer, which provides a youtube plugin. However, the standard GNOME video player, Totem, already does exactly what you're after.