embed youtube in c/gtk application - gtk

I want to develop an application, for searching and watching youtube videos, in C language with GTK for UserInterface. Does API's available for embedding Youtube into C application ?
Can I use GData for that ?

You need to look into gstreamer, which provides a youtube plugin. However, the standard GNOME video player, Totem, already does exactly what you're after.


Embedding Dailymotion Videos in a Flutter App: Is it Possible and Good Practice?

I am trying to find a way to include Dailymotion videos in my Flutter app. The Dailymotion API has SDKs for embedding videos in native Android and iOS apps, but I cannot find a solution for Dart. Can I use these SDKs in Flutter and is it considered a good practice? Are there any potential issues with this approach?
daily motion API reference: https://developers.dailymotion.com/player#embed-mobile
I attempted to include videos by using the current link of the video but the link keeps changing frequently.

Playing video from youtube and other pages

I am using a video_player package which nicely shows videos stored in firebase storage via their links in firestore. But replacing link to video in storage with youtube link doesn't work.
My point is to make an app which would show videos from youtube and maybe other pages like vimeo.
Maybe someone has done it already?
Thank you in advance
This package does the work perfectly
*I've used it on Flutter version < 2.0 so I don't know if it will work if you're using the current framework version

How to play video in-app using the YouTube API?

I have my GDataEntryBase from the GDataFeedYouTubeVideo and now I need to load the youtube video for watching.
I have searched the web and can't work it out, there is very little documented on this using the YouTube API. How can I achieve this?
I recommend to use this below to include youtube videos in your app or maybe emmbed.
You can play it using HTML5 webview. It will play the YouTube video. But it create problem for 4.* devices. Thanks

Picasa in iPhone using GData

i have to implement Picasa client for iPhone. I have few queries in that regards.
Are the api deprecated now? What if I still implement them now? Where can I find good tutorial on the same. I don't know anything about implementing google data. Also I am a newbie for iPhone development. Also I came across a few pages which said that there in not enough documentation on the same. I have to implement Picasa from the scratch so plz guide me.
Thanx and regards
Start by learning general iPhone programming; there are numerous books for that, such as Conway & Hillegass.
Once you are comfortable with Cocoa Touch development on the iPhone, you can use the GData Objective-C library to access albums and photos on Picasa Web Albums. The library includes a sample photos application showing how to use the Picasa Web Albums API to browse, download, and upload photos and videos.

Is there any way to play video on an iphone from a website, without using youtube or a custom app?

I'd like website viewers to be able to play a video on an iphone, without posting the video to youtube, and without them having to install any iphone apps. Are there any other options here?
If you host a Quicktime movie, it'll play just fine without any additional software. There is a "designing web pages for the iPhone" document somewhere on Apple's web site that gives more detail on supported formats, I think.
just having a link to a quicktime-playable video file works I believe