Is there a way to implement video chat in a flutter Application with selectable AR Filters? - flutter

As per the title, I want to implement a Video chat app in a flutter project and use AR filters during video chat. I'm looking for an implementation that can be done easily so I've checked out Agora and Twilio flutter SDK's for Video chat but they haven't provided any ways to add AR Filters yet. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Is there a way to implement a separate AR filter SDK to the existing Agora or Twilio video chat Flutter SDK?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't have any concrete answers for you here, but some ideas that might help. As a disclaimer, I am not a Flutter developer and the Twilio Video Flutter SDK is built by the community and not supported by Twilio, so your mileage may vary.
As far as I know, you can implement your own camera source (iOS) or camera capturer (Android) object that you can pass to the native Twilio Video SDKs. The camera capturer outputs frames that the SDK uses to send to the video room. If you can implement your own, then you can build whatever effects or filters on the frames before passing them onto the SDK.
Sorry this is a very vague answer, I hope you can apply this to the Flutter SDK and achieve your goals.

Integrating AR filters using the Agora Flutter SDK needs to be done via the native layer of your Flutter application. Agora has various guides and blogs on how to add AR to your video calling application. You can refer to this Android blog that shows how to add face filters that might help you in your development journey:


Embedding Dailymotion Videos in a Flutter App: Is it Possible and Good Practice?

I am trying to find a way to include Dailymotion videos in my Flutter app. The Dailymotion API has SDKs for embedding videos in native Android and iOS apps, but I cannot find a solution for Dart. Can I use these SDKs in Flutter and is it considered a good practice? Are there any potential issues with this approach?
daily motion API reference:
I attempted to include videos by using the current link of the video but the link keeps changing frequently.

is it possible to make an application for video calls in Ionic?

I need to write an application with video chats (1:1), and i know Angular. There are tons of SDKs for Angular(or web) to handle video calls(like e.g., But my client need mobile app. It's possible to write native app in Ionic with video calls support? However, do I have to use something more professional like flutter to achieve this?
Is there any ready SDK to handle this in Ionic?
I am looking, I am looking for and I cannot find anything. And I have to make quick decisions in part.
Please help me :)
You can use the camera and the microphone with Ionic (in native or pwa mode).
Ionic fully supports Angular and Angular components.
I recommend you the use of notifications like Google FCM to notify the caller.
You can trigger an action directly from the notification (app in background or in app which is not the same).

Is it possible to record a voice call using the agora sdk on a flutter application?

I am building an application that can record the phone calls that a user places through it. Is it possible to build this application using solely flutter and agora sdk? Is there anything else I would need? Any reference material to help with implementation is welcome!
I am currently building a Flutter application myself that uses the Agora sdk. They make a good wrapper for Flutter framework you can learn more about here.
I haven't looked much into the audio recording but some quick googling and I found this. Read more here .

Does Flutter support virtual or augmented reality?

I have to make an app that uses virtual reality, so should I drop the idea of using Flutter?
yes as much as I have seen flutter does support AR,I have been following a flutter developer on twitter he posts some cool AR stuff built with flutter here's a plugin ARCore he has built for flutter.
here are some of sample AR videos from the developer himself
Can I build 3D (OpenGL) apps with Flutter?
Today we don’t support for 3D via OpenGL ES or similar.We have long-term plans to expose an optimized 3D API, but right now we’re focused on 2D.
there aren't any OpenGL bindings supported by flutter. Flutter is only a 2d only application.
I am not sure how VR would work at all on flutter.
You can use google's ar core with flutter. Check out the arcore_flutter_plugin to work with ar in a flutter.
As of now, there aren't any packages that specifically target VR. But you can use ARKIT arkit_flutter_plugin.
NOTE: ARCORE only works with android. And ARKIT only works with iOS.
I recently created a Flutter plugin for AR that supports both Android and iOS by wrapping around ARCore and ARKit:
The plugin is a work in progress, but it already supports collaborative AR and sharing content through Google's Cloud Anchor Service and a lot of other useful features

Stream video from one iphone to another and back

I want to develop an conference application. It's basically exact the same as Facetime only with some extra features.
But how do I make a video chat from one iPhone to another iPhone LIVE like Facetime?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
OpenTok is a good way to do it.
Here's the tutorial
You can use the flash builder or just air sdk