Is there a good editor for OpenSCAD? [closed] - openscad

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm novice at OpenSCAD, is there an editor with language supports for OpenSCAD? I need the code auto-completion.

The built-in editor does have auto-complete support but limited to the language features.
There's other options like:
VSCode support
Plugin for JetBrains IDEs
You can also check the section in the Manual about Using an external Editor for some extra info.


Extension for rainbow indentation for file tree explorer in vscode? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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Looking for an extension that can add rainbow indentation like this
But for the file tree explorer, like this
Visual Studio code sidebar Vertical guideline (customize sidebar)

Tools to document Mason and Perl code? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Other than POD, what are the tools available to document my Perl and Mason code? What do you use and what tools are available to help me?
For the documentation in Mason, there is the <%doc> tag. Use it like so:
some text
The doc tag is treated as a comment. see Mason::Manual::Syntax

Any WYSIWYG editor based on XULRunner and SWT.Mozilla concept, JavaXPCOM [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any open source WYSIWYG editor based on XULRunner, JavaXPCOM, and Mozilla browser which run on top of Eclipse as Eclipse plug-in?
See here
If you're interested in a wysywyg-html editor based on the SWT browser and Java Script, checkout the HtmlComposer component from Mylyn Docs.
You could try Bravo JSP Editor. It's not open source, but it has a free edition.
Hope it helps.

Netbeans custom syntax highlighter [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anyone know if there is any tutorial on creating syntax highlighter for custom language in NetBeans?
You're in luck! It looks like that question has been answered with an in-depth tutorial here:
It's a tutorial for a fictional language, but you should be able to follow through with your own custom language by following the principles it sets out.

Emacs: any good guide about creating syntax highlighting for custom language? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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Does anyone knows a good guide on how to create a syntax highlighting for custom language in emacs?
Here are two detailed step-by-step tutorials that should explain everything you need.
Elisp: Write a Major Mode for Syntax Coloring