use one visualization with multiple filters - tableau-api

Let's say I have a visualization that is displaying production line output over time. There are 6 production lines and I only want to display one production line on the visualization at a time. I can add a Production Line filter to accommodate this.
I want to create a dashboard view for each production line. So I want to create 6 dashboard views each with the same visualization filtered for a different value. However, I do not know how to do this without creating a copy of the visualization and dictating the exact Production Line filter.
Reasons for doing this:
I want to publish the specific dashboards and be able to embed the view into a SharePoint site (that is Production Line specific) and not require the user to filter the view each time
If I make a change to visualization, I want it to be transferred to all dashboard views for all Production Lines and do not want to make the same change to 6 visualizations.
Is this possible?

You can't do it with a dashboard. Try doing it with stories though. Create one story point for each production line. You can drop a single copy of your viz onto multiple story points, each with filters independent of each other, and any changes to the worksheet will be reflected in all six story points.

Yes it is possible. You could use a story as Sam M says, with 6 views of your dashboard each with a different filter setting,
Another choice that works in the embedded viz use case is to create a single dashboard, and apply a filter to all the worksheets on that dashboard. When using Tableau Server, you can supply the filter value as a query parameter in the URL (see the documentation)
After you test it out and are happy with the result, you can remove the filter control from the dashboard so it is no longer visible. You can still control the filter setting via the URL (or via the JavaScript API)
This allows you to adjust the viz that users see in your embedded view without making them manually select the filter setting, and also without creating six nearly identical dashboards.


How can I hide filters while downloading a Tableau worksheet as PDF or Powerpoint?

I want to download a Tableau dashboard as a ppt, but I want the filter controls to be hidden, is there a way of doing it?
The simple way to do this is to build the visualisation and then include it in a dashboard.
Tableau dashboards are designed to allow you to control the way things are visualised. They can include multiple visualisations. More importantly for your purpose, they allow you to control what the layout shows and where it shows it. So including a single visualisation in a dashboard gives you the option to remove filters and other elements you don't want users to see or pdfs/powerpoints to print.
It may be that you have are building dashboards. If so, the trick is to realise that anything can be omitted from the visualisation.

Is it possible to filter the panels created in a dashboard using GRAFANA based on their name

I have created a dashboard in grafana having multiple status panels. I need to provide a dropdown such that when one option is selected all the panels having a name corresponding to the selected option will be filtered. So, basically i need to filter the panels based on their name.Is this possible. If yes, how can we go about it
a bit late for an answer now I suppose but will answer you anyway. You can create filters in Grafana without the need for a plug in through using the Variables feature in your Dashboard settings. Its also used in templating to make your data more dynamic but also crucial in display when you want to filter. Check out the link below
The way to accomplish something like this is with Grafana's Repeating Rows/Panels feature.
Essentially, this lets you dynamically duplicate a row/panel for all the possible results of a given variable. Then a dashboard user can use the variable selection UI to drill down and only show certain rows or panels. Make sure you allow multi-select and/or All as an option for the variable(s) so that you can see multiple results at a time.

VSTS Chart Query by Parent/Feature

I'm looking to create a nice dashboard in VSTS with a set of relevant charts for my collegues so they can keep track of things.
We have a project for keeping track of it operations tasks. In this project we've created different Features for different departments of the company.
Is there a way to filter the user stories by parent/feature so that I can make different charts for different departments? I've managed to create a "Work items and direct links" query that actually only outputs the User stories in one feature, but such queries can not be used in charts unfortunately.
Other workarounds would be acceptable too.
There is a Work Item Visualization extension that you can check whether it meets your requirement (Can highlight specified work items).
Another way is that you can custom a dashboard widget or other extension to display the result: Add a dashboard widget.
There are many extension samples that may benefit you: vsts-extension-samples

VSTS - Can I get different features to show different bugs?

I was looking for some help in relation to VSTS.
Is there any way to have a dashboard widget that shows bugs but only shows them for certain features. (Please see picture 1]
We are looking to see.
FRD001 bugs - New and closed
FRD002 bugs - New and closed
etc etc
image here
Since get bugs based on different feature is actually query by Tree of work items, while charting in dashboard is not support the tree queries.
But there are two work around for your situation:
Work around 1: Add a query results widget in your dashboard
If it’s also ok for you to show the bugs based on different features as below list, you can add a query results widget in your dashboard. Detail steps as below:
Add a new query as below to list bugs based on different features.
Drag the query you added in step1 under the shared queries (As below example drag the New Query 1 under Current Sprint).
In your dash board, add Query Results widget and select the query you added for the widget configuration.
Now bugs will be showed based on different features.
Work around 2: show bugs for different features separately
If you only want to show the bugs by chart, you should add queries of bugs for different features separately, and then add charts of the bugs in different features to dashboard separately.

Use a Google Forms to update existing Google Sheets

I'm trying to build a Google Forms that fills out certain cells of an existing Google Sheets with the responses from the Google Forms. I also need some of the answers on the Google Forms to come from the spreadsheet in a drop down style menu.
The existing spreadsheet is currently being used by an organization to have its members log some information on a weekly basis, however, some members continue to fill out the form incorrectly no matter how many times I've corrected them. For this reason I'm trying to make the process more automated.
The way the current spreadsheet is set up is that there are multiple sheets for different divisions of the organization. In each sheet there is a column dedicated to the names in that division, with a different name on each row of that column. There are also columns dedicated to specific weeks, so week 1 information is say put into Column D and E, Week 2 information in F and G, etc.
# | Name | Percent |... Week 1 .... |... Week 2 .... | ....
1 |.. Bob..| 0%..... ..| Info 1| Info 2 | Info 1| Info2..|
2 | ..Joe..| 99%......| Info1..................................
I'd like to be able to:
Make the first question of the form a drop down menu selecting the division, which would then make the rest of the questions' information based off the sheet corresponding to that division.
Second question a drop down menu to select the name. The names would be based off the names listed in the already existing name column of the spreadsheet.
A drop down menu to select the specific week they are submitting information for.
A fill in box question that they fill in with "Info 1".
A fill in box question that they fill in with "Info 2".
When submitted the form would find the correct sheet based off (1), then find the correct row based off (2), then find the correct column based off (3), then copy (4) and (5) into the corresponding cells.
Is it possible to do this? Or would I need to create a separate form for each division?
I don't have any familiarity with Google scripting, although I am experienced with C++ and have a basic working knowledge of scripting in Python.
This will be difficult to implement (but not impossible) with stock Google Forms. You can't use Google Apps Script to manipulate the display of a form in response to user actions like you can with Javascript on a form you've coded from scratch.
Google Apps Script can generate and manipulate a form in the same way you can in the Form Editor, and it can be triggered when the Form is submitted to take action with the response, but it can not interact with the user directly.
To achieve what you want you have a few options.
You could set up a multi-page Google Form with logic branches to get the forms behaviour you want, then use an Apps Script triggered onFormSubmit() to take care of moving data to the appropriate locations.
Or you can skip using stock Google Forms altogether and instead present the form using a Google Apps Script published as a web-app, which gives you full control over the form (HTML, CSS & Javascript) displayed to the user, but you do not get to leverage any of the Google Form features. You could render the form with doGet() and process the submission with doPost().
A third approach would be a hybrid of the two, set up several individual Google Forms, and use an Apps Script published as a Web App to display the first drop down and direct the user to the appropriate form. You could then have scripts triggered onFormSubmit() of each of the Google Forms to handle moving your data around.
See the following: