Kafka record headers won’t be forwarded to changelog topics - apache-kafka

I need the headers in every topic for object mapping purposes.
Currently when I add a header to a record in a processor, then the header will be present in the target output topic, but not in changelog topics used by state stores.
How can the headers be forwarded to each and every derived internal topic.

Unfortunately, there is no way to propagate headers to the changelog topics. The changelog is considered to be an internal topic and as such is not intended for consumption by the Streams user, so the Streams developers did not add the functionality you're asking about.
If I might ask, what is the use-case? There might be a different work-around.


Restrict Kafka consumers based on event headers (metadata)

The book "Building Event-Driven Microservices" gives good practice to use a metatags (event headers) for placing restrictions on Kafka consumers. One of which is the following:
A way to indicate that a stream is out of date. Marking an event stream as deprecated
allows existing systems to continue using it while
new microservices are blocked from requesting a subscription... the
owner of the deprived stream of events can be notified when there are
no more registered users of the deprecated stream, at which point it
can be safely deleted.
Can you point to me please, how this can be implemented (Java/Spring centric)? Is it possible for Kafka ACL to make restrictions based on event headers?
Thank you in advance!
Is it possible for Kafka ACL to make restrictions based on event headers?
No, but you can filter out after receiving the message. ACLs will prevent access to partition as a whole, not to particular records.
the owner of the deprived stream of events can be notified when there are no more registered users of the deprecated stream
You need to remember that Kafka is not a pure messaging solution, and it does not have a concept of "registered" consumers, at any time as long as the message has not been removed by the cluster.
You'd need to implement your own "notification" pipeline that there are no instances interested in the original topic (possibly even with Kafka again).

Kafka P2P Header based routing

I have a requirement to send an event to multiple systems based on their system code. Destination system can grow in future and they should be able to subscribe only to the interested events. Its a security mandate, so as a producer we need to ensure this.
We could use RabbitMQ header exchange and use multiple shovel configurations to the different queues in different vhost or cluster. But I am looking for a similar pattern with Kafka.
If we maintain different topic and authorise the consumer to their corresponding topic, it can grow in future, so as a producer I need to do the topic routing logic and the number of topics will grow.
The other option is to use AWS SNS and subscribe multiple SQS queues. Based on filter policies the message can be routed.
Could anyone think of a better solution to this problem?
send an event to multiple systems based on their system code
Using Kafka Streams API, you can use branching to route data to different topics based on Predicate logic
Once data is in their respective topics, "multiple systems" can consume them

How to track who published a message in Kafka?

Wondering if there is a way to force a broker to include information (perhaps in a header) about the publisher that pushed a Record.
The publisher can do this, but it can easily avoid it too.
"Force" a broker? No, brokers only receive bytes of a record. That information would generally be done at the producer, but even then you cannot force usage of a certain serializer or message format (for the later, Confluent Server offers broker-side schema validation, but then you'd run into the issue that clients can provide fake information).
With that note, CloudEvents defines a "spec" for metadata that is recommended for each message in event driven systems.
In my opinion, best you can do is force authorization + authentication policies to track client/credentials used to access a set of topics.
OpenPolicyAgent or Apache Ranger have Kafka plugins that can assist with this

Designing a real-time data pipeline for an e-commerce web site [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to learn Apache Kafka. I read articles and documents but I could not figure out how Kafka works. There are lots of questions in my mind :( I want to create a Kafka cluster and develop some code for preparing data engineering interviews. But, I am stuck. Any help would be appreciated. I will try to explain my questions in an example scenario.
For instance, there is a popular e-commerce company. They have a huge amount of web traffic. The web site is running on AWS. The mobile applications are also using AWS services.
The marketing department wants to observe the efficiency of their advertisement actions like email, SMS etc. They also want to follow important real-time metrics (sold products, page views, active users in the last n minutes etc) in a dashboard.
First, the campaign automation system sends personalized campaign emails to target customers. When a user clicks the link in the advertisement email, the browser is opening the e-commerce web site.
On the background, the website developers should send a clickstream event to the Kafka cluster with the related parameters (like customer id, advertisement id, source_medium etc).
How can the backend developers send a message to the Kafka cluster when a user loads the web site? Should developers send a post request or get request? Are they other alternatives?
Then data engineers should direct this clickstream message to the storage layer. (for example AWS S3). Will this cause too many small files in AWS S3 buckets? May this slow down the execution of data flows?
Data engineers need to develop a data pipeline in order to do real-time analysis. Which technologies should data engineers use? (Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, Producer and Consumer etc)
Kafka topics may have lots of messages. One message can be consumed by different consumers. A consumer reads the message from the Kafka topic. Then, another consumer can read it, even after a while. So data engineers need to manage offsets in order to consume all messages one and only one. How can they manage offsets properly?
All clickstream events should be consumed.
All clickstream events should be consumed for once. If a product view event is consumed more than once, the dashboard will not show the correct product view count.
Do developers need to manage offsets manually? Or is there any technology/way which manages offsets automatically?
Event order can be important. The marketing department wants to see the category view durations. For instance, a user views 10 books in the ebooks category. Ten events were created. User is on the same category page until his/her first action. So data engineers need to calculate the duration between the first event and the last event.
However, Kafka is a queue and there is not any order in it. Producers can send data to Kafka asynchronously. How can data engineers calculate the durations correctly?
What happens if a producer sends an event to Kafka after the total elapsed duration was calculated.
Note: View duration may fit better to content web sites. For example, Netflix marketing users want to analyze the content view durations and percentages. If a user opens a movie and watched just five minutes, the marketing department may consider that the user does not like the movie.
Thanks in advance
You have really asked several unrelated questions here. Firstly, Kafka has a lot of free documentation available for it, along with many high quality 'getting started' blocks and paid books and courses. I would definitely start there. You might still have questions, but at least you will have a better awareness of the platform and you can ask questions in a lot more focused ways, which will hopefully get a much better answer. Start with the official docs. Personally, I learned Kafka by reading the Effective Kafka book, but I'm sure there are many others.
Going through your list of questions.
How can the backend developers send a message to the Kafka cluster when a user loads the web site? Should developers send a post request or get request? Are they other alternatives?
The website would typically publish an event. This is done by opening a client connection to a set of Kafka brokers and publishing a record to some topic. You mention POST/GET requests: this is not how Kafka generally works — the clients establish persistent connections to a cluster of brokers. However, if you preferred programming model is REST, Confluent does provide a Kafka REST Proxy for this use case.
Then data engineers should direct this clickstream message to the storage layer. (for example AWS S3). Will this cause too many small files in AWS S3 buckets? May this slow down the execution of data flows?
It depends how you write to S3. You may develop a custom consumer application that stages writes in a different persistent layer and then writes to S3 in batches. Kafka Connect also has an Amazon S3 connector that moves data in chunks.
Data engineers need to develop a data pipeline in order to do real-time analysis. Which technologies should data engineers use? (Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, Producer and Consumer etc)
There is no correct answer here. All of the technologies you have listed are valid and may be used to a similar effect. Both Connect and Streams are quite popular for this types of applications; however, you can just as easily write a custom consumer application for all your needs.
Kafka topics may have lots of messages. One message can be consumed by different consumers. A consumer reads the message from the Kafka topic. Then, another consumer can read it, even after a while. So data engineers need to manage offsets in order to consume all messages one and only one. How can they manage offsets properly?
In the simplest case, Kafka offset management is automatic and the default behaviour allows for at-least once delivery, whereby a record will be delivered again if the first processing attempt failed. This may lead to duplicate effects (counting a clickstream event twice, as you described) but this is addressed by making your consumer idempotent. This is a fairly complex topic; there is great answer on Quora that covers the issue of exactly-once delivery in detail.
Event order can be important. The marketing department wants to see the category view durations. For instance, a user views 10 books in the ebooks category. Ten events were created. User is on the same category page until his/her first action. So data engineers need to calculate the duration between the first event and the last event.
The concept of order is backed into Kafka. Kafka's topics are sharded into partitions, where each partition is a totally-ordered, unbounded stream of records. Records may be strictly ordered provided they are published to the same partition. This is achieved by assigning them the same key, which the Kafka client hashes behind the scenes to arrive at the partition index. Any two records that have the same key will occupy the same partition, and will therefore be ordered.
Welcome to stackoverflow! I will answer a few of your questions, however you should go through the Kafka documentation for such things, if you are facing any problem while implementing it, then you should post here.
How can developers send data to a Kafka cluster? You have talked about producers, but I guess you haven't read about them, the developers will have to use a producer to produce an event to a Kafka topic.You can read more about a Kafka producer in the documentation.
To direct the messages to a storage layer, Kafka consumers will be used.
Note : Kafka Connect can be used instead of Kafka producer and consumer in some scenarios, Kafka connect has source connectors and sink connectors instead of producer and consumer.
For real time data analysis, Kafka Streams or KSQL can be used. These cannot be explained in an answer, I recommend you go through the documentation.
A single Kafka topic can have multiple consumer groups, and every consumer group has a different offset, you can tweak the configuration to use or not to use these offsets for every consumer group.
You can change various configurations such as Ack = All, to guarantee at least once and at most once semantics. Again you should go through the documentation to understand this completely.
You can maintain message order in Kafka as well, for that to happen, your consumers will have to wait for the acknowledgement from Kafka after every message has been sent, obviously this will slow down the process but you will have to compromise one of the things.
I haven't understood your requirements related to the last point, but I guess you should go through Kafka Streams and KSQL documentation once, as you can manage your window size for analysis over there.
I have tried to answer most of your questions in brief but to understand it completely, obviously you will have to go through the documentation in detail.
Agree with the answers above. The questions you ask are reasonably straightforward and likely answered in the official documentation.
As per one of the replies, there are lots of excellent books and tutorials online. I recently wrote a summary of educational resources on Kafka which you might find useful.
Based on your scenario, this will be a straightforward stream processing application with an emitter and a few consumers.
The clickstream event would be published onto the Kafka cluster through a Kafka client library. It's not clear what language the website is written in, but there is likely a library available for that language. The web server connects to Kafka brokers and publishes a message every time the user performs some action of significance.
You mention that order matters. Kafka has inherent support for ordered messages. All you need to do is publish related messages with the same key, for example the username of the customer or their ID. Kafka then ensures that those messages will appear in the order that they were published.
You say that multiple consumers will be reading the same stream. This is easily achieved by giving each set of consumers a different group.id. Kafka keeps a separate set of committed offsets for each consumer group (Kafka's terminology for a related set of consumers), so that one group can process messages independently of another. For committing offsets, the easiest approach is to use the automatic offset commit mode that is enabled by default. This way records will not be committed until your consumer is finished with them, and if a consumer fails midway through processing a batch of records, those records will be redelivered.

Does it make sense to use Apache Kafka for this Scenario?

There are several applications which have to be integrated together and they have to exchange Issues. So one of them will get the issue and then do something and later on change the Status of this Issue. And the other applications which could be involved to this Issue should get the new Information. This continues until the Issue reaches the final Status Closed. The Problem is the Issue have to be mapped, because these applications do not all support the same Data Format.
I'm not sure whether to send the whole Issue always or just the new Status as an Event.
How does Kafka Support Data Transformation?
What if my Issue has an attachment?(>5MB)
Thanks for your advice
Yes it does make sense.
Kafka can do transformations through both the Kafka Streams API, and KSQL which is a streaming SQL engine built on top of Kafka Streams.
Typically Kafka is used for smaller messages; one pattern to consider for larger content is to store it in an object store (e.g. S3, or similar depending on your chosen architecture) and reference a pointer to it in your Kafka message.
I'm not sure whether to send the whole Issue always or just the new Status as an Event.
You can do this either way. If you send the whole Issue and then publish all subsequent updates to the same issue as Kafka messages that contain a common kafka message key (perhaps a unique issue ID number) then you can configure your kafka topic as a compacted topic and the brokers will automatically delete any older copies of the data to save disk space.
If you chose to only send deltas (changes) then you need to be careful to have a retention period that’s long enough so that the initial complete record will never expire while the issue is still open and publishing updates. The default retention period is 7 days.
How does Kafka Support Data Transformation?
Yes. In Kafka Connect via Single Message Transforms (SMT), or in Kafka Streams using native Streams code (in Java).
What if my Issue has an attachment?(>5MB)
You can configure kafka for large messages but if they are much larger than 5 or 10 MB then it’s usually better to follow a claim check pattern and store them external to Kafka and just publish a reference link back to the externally stored data so the consumer can retrieve the attachment out of band from Kafka.