Why do I get WebGL Runtime error: "RuntimeError: indirect call to null" on Gamejolt, after I publish on it? - unity3d

I'm trying to publish a game on Gamejolt, but I get the runtime error mentioned in the title.
Here are the screenshots of the full error message, and my Settings for Unity Build and Player:
There are no runtime errors in my game, so it's something with the WebGL configuration I guess, but I can't figure it out. I searched the web for this particular error, but couldn't find a solution. Unity 2019 haven't had these kinda troubles with WebGL, and I have published games with it. It's only after the upgrade to 2021 that I'm having issues with WebGL, and PC builds have no issues whatsoever. Any suggestions on how to fix the error please?
(Link to the game page, which contains the downloadable for Windows: https://gamejolt.net/?token=JBHvViUyXHk8yCaRtQvQ9afAWep2Sn)


Google Play games Unity plugin error: "Invalid classname"

I'm getting an error when I try to setup the Google Play Games in Unity.
Google Play Games plugin version: 0.10.12
I have two versions of a single game project. One is with Unity version 2019.4.15f1. Other is with 2021.3.2f1.
The new version has some changes and fixes to the game and different ads provider, so I can't just use the older version just for the Google Play Games plugin.
When I use this plugin with Unity version 2019, I am able to save the configuration, but when I use the same plugin with Unity version 2021, I keep getting this error:
Invalid classname: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I tried downgrading to 0.9.53 but that causes the same issue in 2021, and I also tried upgrading to 0.11.01 which seems to save the configuration, but doesn't have the option to sign out of google play games which is necessary for me.
I also got that error but now I solved it.
Using Unity version "2020.3.23f1.
It will be okay.
If you do, the error comes out then reboot your computer.

Unity 3d error while opening the editor. Probably an error in the package manager

I am facing a problem with unity 3d editor. The issue is in both the versions of the Editor that I have downloaded being 2021 version and 2019.4 version. It occurs whenever I create and load up a new project in the unity editor.I have made no changes in the script or the scene so it is probably a problem with the packages. The module I have downloaded is the android build support and windows build support. Moreover I do not get any error message. I am attaching a screenshot. Please check the screenshot and please see what is the problem. Please help is you can. I will be very thankfulPlease see the picture and Help

Building a Unity game for iOS with fastlane fails with missing USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN

I'm building my Unity game for iOS using fastlane, but ever since I enabled Unity's Cloud Diagnostics my iOS build has been failing with the message Please provide an auth token with USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable
This error message has caused fastlane to fail at ARCHIVE FAILED when building for the app store.
Try the following to get your builds passing:
If you are building the Unity project from commandline with -batchmode, be sure to pass in -username and -password to Unity as well. [source]
Ensure the user you are using to log in to Unity has access to the project in Unity's developer dashboard
If you are using an older version of Unity be sure to upgrade, there was a known bug related to this
If none of these work, try setting the environment variable USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN to an arbitrary value. This will make uploading the symbol files to Unity's servers fail, but should cause your build to pass. [source]
You can also just disable Unity Cloud Diagnostics again to get it working immediately.
This issue occurs because enabling Unity's Cloud Diagnostics tell the Xcode Project to upload the symbol files to Unity's servers as part of building the game. That way you they have symbol files to help you process game crashes.
A bit of how this all works: You must log in to Unity so it can get a token to use for uploading the game's symbol files. Then, Unity sets the values USYM_UPLOAD_URL_SOURCE and USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN inside the generated Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj. During the xcode build there are two tools, usymtool and process_symbols.sh which use these values to send the symbols to Unity. You can find usymtool's logs at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/symbol_upload.log.
Same probrem, I fixed it for set disabled crash reporting in UnityConnectSettings.asset (Not a fundamental solution)
m_EventUrl: https://perf-events.cloud.unity3d.com
- m_Enabled: 1
+ m_Enabled: 0

AdMob Unity 5.3 integration error: File not found

I have done everything perfectly as described here https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/unity/start1
I have proper components in SDK manager.
I have imported:
Unity AdMob SDK
Google Play Games SDK for Unity
Had some errors, cleared them all after spending a lot of time.
After all this, I get this damn error:
"File not found: support-v4-.pom"
I cannot solve this error.
And it is annoying me as hell.
Can I please get some help?
Note: That update was installed, still problem exists.
Unity log image: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Zy4p3.png
SDK manager screenshot: http://i.stack.imgur.com/YDG7z.png

Error when trying to link Box2D on Codeblocks 10.05 running on Windows XP

I'm trying to build a game I made with SDL and Box2D, but I hit a problem when trying to link the Box2D library. I set up the Box2D library as mentioned here but when I try to build the game I get this error:
mingw32-g++.exe: \usr\local\lib\libBox2D.so: No such file or directory
Does anyone know a way to fix this?
Never mind, I managed to fix this by changing the project build options.