Why do I get the error given by Paypal, Opencart, Journal 3 - paypal

I have such an error with the Paypal payment system, installed at Opencart,popup is opened and an error appears in the console
I searched everywhere, I can't find a way out of the situation, I use Thema Journal 3


Fixed and free shipping not working magento 2

I have a weird problem that I do not know how to solve.
On tutorials and documentation is explained very simple. So the set-up for the Free Shipping and Fixed Shipping has been made. But on Front-End I keep getting an error like method_code and carrier_code for shipment are null by value.
Settings for Flat Rate Shipping:
Flat Rate
Settings for Free Shipping:
Free Shipping
The error comes from default.js located in: app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/cart/totals-processor/default.js.
This error happens in console only on the /checkout/cart URL, but on the /checkout page not a single error.
The magento version is 2.2.0 from github Magento.
Any clue why this is happening?
The details about the store are already filled correctly.
This error comes when billing form is not fully filled. Just filled it completely then shipping methods will appear.

How do I check if paypal sandbox is experiencing outages?

I am trying to do some very simple test payments with the rest-api-sdk-php and so far everything has been so SKETCHY!
First attempt worked fine, second attempt the redirect to paypal takes forever (like five minutes) so I assume.
Next attempt I get an internal server error on paypals site.
Next attempt I get redirected to the 1995 version of paypal (doing exactly the same thing as before)
Next attempt I get some big red warning with a page long list of errors on the 1995 paypal site.
Trying again takes at least 10 minutes to process and redirect to my site with a 400 error.
Now on my last attempt it worked fine...
So my question is, aside from asking paypal by telephone, how do I find out if their sandbox servers are crashed or experiencing issues?

IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error

been trying to wrap my head around an issue I have with the IPN tester, not 100% sure if its my hosting company's problem or Paypal Developer 'beta' to be honest but my IPN's have worked fine on a few sites I have for atleast a year and now it doesn't on any of them. I've not changed anything and now im getting
IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error: www.mywebsitesname.co.uk; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: www.mywebsitesname.co.uk
and none of my NotifyUrl.ashx handlers are working.
any ideas what this actually means in english? any more info. from me required to help you diagnose my issue?
AS AN UPDATE (27-08-2013), I thought I would try out the original C# SDK sample code from Paypal that I used to set up my IPN's with about a year or three ago (ie. it worked great with the IPN simulator). I have put it onto two different hosting companies servers to check its not an issue with a particular hosting server and my results using the IPN Simulator show "error 500: internal server error" for one and "IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error: www.ang##########.co.uk; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: www.ang############.co.uk".
In short, I have the same identical sample file from Paypal (that used to work) in the root of each hosting companies servers and im using the same IPN simulator settings, with the exception of the IPN handler URL has the webaddress of the server followed by '/Handler.ashx' (which is the handler file) but i'm getting different errors.
Also to make this a bit more interesting, today I correctly received an IPN from Paypal to one of the same hosting server webaddress, with a 'transaction_subject : PayPal money request from xxxxxxxx' which was received and processed by my existing IPN handler (not the sample one from Paypal) and returned the correct info. to receive 'IPN Response: VERIFIED DateTime: 27-08-2013 19:05' so this got through and worked fine.
So in conclusion, I wonder if Paypal have either changed something and not informed the community or have an issue with their IPN simulator / CART IPN. If anyone can help or if a Paypal support engineer would like to work with me to try out some code, etc, please get back to me as I will keep trying to solve this but to be honest I see not what else I can do from my end as I've seen working IPN and a non working IPN simulator.
As extra info. here is an IPN Message as from my sandbox seller test account, that can't get through to my IPN handler on one of the same hosting servers (returns error 500) yet this used to get through and nothing has changed.
'mc_gross=2.75&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&address_status=confirmed&item_number1=BabyGrow2&payer_id=KHJGBQZNAFB7L&tax=0.00&address_street=1 Main St&payment_date=14:34:07 Aug 27, 2013 PDT&payment_status=Pending&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=95131&mc_shipping=0.00&mc_handling=0.00&first_name=Test&mc_fee=0.28&address_country_code=US&address_name=Test Buyer&notify_version=3.7&custom=1csi4t45gy4gkz45r5r4t0ey&payer_status=verified&business=wow####gmail.com&address_country=United States&num_cart_items=1&mc_handling1=0.00&address_city=San Jose&verify_sign=AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31A1fBAmiE5lcDRsQKQNaqoyQI7ucQ&payer_email=wow#######gmail.com&mc_shipping1=0.00&tax1=0.00&txn_id=8SG98957G0030294Y&payment_type=instant&last_name=Buyer&address_state=CA&item_name1=Baby Grow Age 0 - 1&receiver_email=wow#########gmail.com&payment_fee=&quantity1=1&receiver_id=8QRMB3QFHCL56&pending_reason=paymentreview&txn_type=cart&mc_gross_1=2.75&mc_currency=GBP&residence_country=US&test_ipn=1&transaction_subject=1csi4t45gy4gkz45r5r4t0ey&payment_gross=&ipn_track_id=7b4507c8c4313'
Still hoping we can resolve this soon.
Many Thanks.
Asp.net / C# / HTML / CSS3

Paypal Web Payment Pro hangs when order is submitted

Sometime last weekend our Opencart install, version started to process duplicate orders for CC payments made through PayPal Website Payment Pro. It happens in the same order sometimes it will process twice. Sometimes 3 times.Payments made through Paypal Web Standard module is working fine.
I looked in the erros logs and about the same time this started happening, we started to get these php notices.
2013-04-23 3:44:01 - PHP Notice: Undefined index: customer_id in /var/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxxx.com/httpdocs/system/library/customer.php(170) : eval()'d code on line 4
2013-04-23 3:44:01 - PHP Notice: Undefined index: payment_address_id in /var/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxxx.com/httpdocs/system/library/customer.php(170) : eval()'d code on line 4
I don't know if they are related, but they started to crop up right at the same time. I went way back in the logs and did not see these anywhere else. Strange for this to pop up out of the blue the cart has been working fine, up until now.
I did a request of new API credentials from PayPal and reinstalled the web payments pro module in Opencart. This seemed to help initially, but we still had orders yesterday that came in as duplicate in the same order. We got a bit of feedback from some customers and it seems that that people are getting hung up on the "please wait..." part when they submit their order. We would get this initially from time to time, but all of a sudden it is much more frequent. The page submits the order, but then never returns the success page. Keeping customers from pressing the button again would help, so we put up a script that blocks the user from pressing the submit order button again.
Unfortunately it still doesn't solve the source of the issue, in that the communication between the site and the payment processor is getting hung up somewhere. I'm guessing paypal made some changes on their end to cause this issue, but any suggestions where I could look to get this corrected would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Error 102 in PayPal Manager

I'm looking to use a PayPal hosted Gateway page to accept payments for a site I'm working on (based in the UK)
After a lot of difficulty, I've managed to set up an test-only Payflow account using this guide: https://www.x.com/developers/community/blogs/pp_integrations_preston/testing-paypal-payflow-gateway
But when I log in and try and change the hosted checkout settings to "test", I'm getting:
"Error: 102 error content"
and no settings will update.
I can find anyone else who's seeing this same error message, but PayPal's documentation doesn't mention this error in the manager, but says that error 102 with transactions is the payment processor not being available - so I think there's a chance it's that.
The guide I used to set up the account only linked to a US version of the registration page, so I just changed the countrycode parameter in the query string attached to the link so I could use a UK address, but the Payment Processors all seem to be based in the US, I've tried 2 different ones (FDMS Nashville and WorldPay) and I'm getting the same error on both.
I've had so many problems trying to set this up, I've been reading various guide and the official documentation solidly for 3 days and haven't even opened my IDE yet - what am I doing wrong?
Do you have link to your checkout that you can provide, so that we could walk through and test it and see what the issue may be? It's hard to see say what the issue is at this point, with out seeing what you are passing over, where at specifically the error is getting generated at during the checkout, and without knowing how your account is set up.