How do I check if paypal sandbox is experiencing outages? - paypal

I am trying to do some very simple test payments with the rest-api-sdk-php and so far everything has been so SKETCHY!
First attempt worked fine, second attempt the redirect to paypal takes forever (like five minutes) so I assume.
Next attempt I get an internal server error on paypals site.
Next attempt I get redirected to the 1995 version of paypal (doing exactly the same thing as before)
Next attempt I get some big red warning with a page long list of errors on the 1995 paypal site.
Trying again takes at least 10 minutes to process and redirect to my site with a 400 error.
Now on my last attempt it worked fine...
So my question is, aside from asking paypal by telephone, how do I find out if their sandbox servers are crashed or experiencing issues?


Payment Timeouts - Showing 504 Gateway Timeout

We have a cpouple of sites using website payments standard and are submitting the forms as a post to the address
some customers (not all) are experiencing a timeout when trying to get to the paypal payment page after the post.
The site sits and status bar says 'waiting for'
The web Inspector on chrome shows a 504 Gateway Timeout error after 1 minute and then the user gets sent to a paypal page with a paypal debug-id down at the bottom
This is intermittent, sometimes there are no problems at all then sometimes a user cant get through, so we try at the same time and have no problem
has anyone else seen anything like this?
any ideas?
paypal support are 'looking into it' and said it couldb e a 'problem with our endpoint api' ... all we do is post to them and and then they send back a pdt/ipn when complete. and it works from different locations at the same time one person is down, someone accross thr country is fine, its like when there is a problem, the address cannot be found by the browser trying to connect
You are not alone. The old PayPal webform integration seems to have this problem every now and then. I believe there is nothing you can do other than hope that your customers are not affected (much).
The only alternative is to use a different PayPal API to integrate it in your shop.

IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error

been trying to wrap my head around an issue I have with the IPN tester, not 100% sure if its my hosting company's problem or Paypal Developer 'beta' to be honest but my IPN's have worked fine on a few sites I have for atleast a year and now it doesn't on any of them. I've not changed anything and now im getting
IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error:; nested exception is
and none of my NotifyUrl.ashx handlers are working.
any ideas what this actually means in english? any more info. from me required to help you diagnose my issue?
AS AN UPDATE (27-08-2013), I thought I would try out the original C# SDK sample code from Paypal that I used to set up my IPN's with about a year or three ago (ie. it worked great with the IPN simulator). I have put it onto two different hosting companies servers to check its not an issue with a particular hosting server and my results using the IPN Simulator show "error 500: internal server error" for one and "IPN Delivery Failed:I/O error:; nested exception is".
In short, I have the same identical sample file from Paypal (that used to work) in the root of each hosting companies servers and im using the same IPN simulator settings, with the exception of the IPN handler URL has the webaddress of the server followed by '/Handler.ashx' (which is the handler file) but i'm getting different errors.
Also to make this a bit more interesting, today I correctly received an IPN from Paypal to one of the same hosting server webaddress, with a 'transaction_subject : PayPal money request from xxxxxxxx' which was received and processed by my existing IPN handler (not the sample one from Paypal) and returned the correct info. to receive 'IPN Response: VERIFIED DateTime: 27-08-2013 19:05' so this got through and worked fine.
So in conclusion, I wonder if Paypal have either changed something and not informed the community or have an issue with their IPN simulator / CART IPN. If anyone can help or if a Paypal support engineer would like to work with me to try out some code, etc, please get back to me as I will keep trying to solve this but to be honest I see not what else I can do from my end as I've seen working IPN and a non working IPN simulator.
As extra info. here is an IPN Message as from my sandbox seller test account, that can't get through to my IPN handler on one of the same hosting servers (returns error 500) yet this used to get through and nothing has changed.
'mc_gross=2.75&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&address_status=confirmed&item_number1=BabyGrow2&payer_id=KHJGBQZNAFB7L&tax=0.00&address_street=1 Main St&payment_date=14:34:07 Aug 27, 2013 PDT&payment_status=Pending&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=95131&mc_shipping=0.00&mc_handling=0.00&first_name=Test&mc_fee=0.28&address_country_code=US&address_name=Test Buyer&notify_version=3.7&custom=1csi4t45gy4gkz45r5r4t0ey&payer_status=verified& States&num_cart_items=1&mc_handling1=0.00&address_city=San Jose&verify_sign=AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31A1fBAmiE5lcDRsQKQNaqoyQI7ucQ& Grow Age 0 - 1&'
Still hoping we can resolve this soon.
Many Thanks.
Trev. / C# / HTML / CSS3

Paypal Web Payment Pro hangs when order is submitted

Sometime last weekend our Opencart install, version started to process duplicate orders for CC payments made through PayPal Website Payment Pro. It happens in the same order sometimes it will process twice. Sometimes 3 times.Payments made through Paypal Web Standard module is working fine.
I looked in the erros logs and about the same time this started happening, we started to get these php notices.
2013-04-23 3:44:01 - PHP Notice: Undefined index: customer_id in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 4
2013-04-23 3:44:01 - PHP Notice: Undefined index: payment_address_id in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 4
I don't know if they are related, but they started to crop up right at the same time. I went way back in the logs and did not see these anywhere else. Strange for this to pop up out of the blue the cart has been working fine, up until now.
I did a request of new API credentials from PayPal and reinstalled the web payments pro module in Opencart. This seemed to help initially, but we still had orders yesterday that came in as duplicate in the same order. We got a bit of feedback from some customers and it seems that that people are getting hung up on the "please wait..." part when they submit their order. We would get this initially from time to time, but all of a sudden it is much more frequent. The page submits the order, but then never returns the success page. Keeping customers from pressing the button again would help, so we put up a script that blocks the user from pressing the submit order button again.
Unfortunately it still doesn't solve the source of the issue, in that the communication between the site and the payment processor is getting hung up somewhere. I'm guessing paypal made some changes on their end to cause this issue, but any suggestions where I could look to get this corrected would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Every alternate Paypal IPN transaction is failing (HTTP code 400)

I have a weird issue with Paypal IPN. Every alternate transaction is failing. So let's say if first transactions goes well then second one fails. Similarly if 3rd one goes well then 4th one fails.
HTTP status code I am getting for failed transactions in IPN history is 400.
I have implemented the new Paypal host header changes that were newly introduced by them.
Any idea why this is happening?
IPN History
IPN Detail
I am using PHP with curl to do IPN work (using same sample code as available on Paypal website)
Ok I found another code sample for PHP 5.2 from Paypal site. This one is slightly different than the one I am currently using. I tested it on Paypal Sandbox twice and it worked. Later on I will test it on live to see if it is working fine or not.
Error 400 = bad request, this means that the get requests being made on the application layer (by your browser) may contain errors or the transport layer (syn, syn, ack, syn) 3 way hand shack is being interrupted. I would check your PC for Mallware to be on the safe side. Do a netstat -b in dos and see what's trying to get connections to the external network.
Also do a scan with malware bytes and a good virus scanner like Eset nod32.. Let us know how you get on^^
The new script I downloaded from Paypal website fixed the issue.

Unable to get a valid IPN postback with django-paypal

After spending several hours trying to get django-paypal (originally dcramer's fork) to get a 200 OK response from PayPal IPN, I pinpointed the error to PayPal adding an empty, spurious &cmd= argument when using the IPN Simulator. If I leave the &cmd= in, I get a 400 Bad Request response when I try to postback; if I take it out I get a 200 OK but, of course, the postback is invalid because it's not what PayPal sent my server.
Of course, I'd be absolutely happy to do away with the IPN Simulator entirely and simply use Sandbox accounts, but those are broken too: the ones I create through the developer interface can't login (login failed errors); the ones I created through the "regular" interface on the sandbox site don't send any IPN whatsoever no matter what.
So, actually there's two questions here:
is there a way to work around the IPN Simulator &cmd= bug?
is there a way to make the sandbox accounts work?
A reply to either one would make me very very happy.
Many of the issues you've experienced are now cleared up. The IPN issue and some developer/sandbox log in issues have been cleared up as of Monday evening. If you are still experiencing any issues please let me know and I'll be more than willing to look into this further.