Fixed and free shipping not working magento 2 - magento2

I have a weird problem that I do not know how to solve.
On tutorials and documentation is explained very simple. So the set-up for the Free Shipping and Fixed Shipping has been made. But on Front-End I keep getting an error like method_code and carrier_code for shipment are null by value.
Settings for Flat Rate Shipping:
Flat Rate
Settings for Free Shipping:
Free Shipping
The error comes from default.js located in: app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/cart/totals-processor/default.js.
This error happens in console only on the /checkout/cart URL, but on the /checkout page not a single error.
The magento version is 2.2.0 from github Magento.
Any clue why this is happening?
The details about the store are already filled correctly.

This error comes when billing form is not fully filled. Just filled it completely then shipping methods will appear.


Adsense - "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later. [or-ieh-01]"

My Adsense was working fine since last 7 years. One fine day I tried to change the bank account from Individual to Company bank account. Since then I am getting the error - "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later. [or-ieh-01].
I have tried-
Submitting the valid documents for the new bank account.
Reverting to the old working bank account (with the valid document for that account).
Deleting both the accounts and then try adding any of the bank account.
Neither of the above worked. Now my earned amount is stuck and I cannot use other Ad providers also as they required Google Ad Manager that is linked with a working Adsense account.
Please help me resolve this issue.
You're not the only one. Unluckily this is a known issue since mid-2021 and still unresolved. The cruel truth is, that there seemingly only exists a generic answer to this issue:
Try the path described on the official GooglePay issue fix site. Do exactly as demanded and double-check everything. In most cases that will work.
If that doesn't work contact the GooglePay Support. That's meh but you probably won't have another choice.
Or you might, as written in the official issue post, "try to use another form of payment or bank account for now".
You have my sympathy :-/
Edit: As mentioned in the comments below further ideas would be:
In case you're using it, disable VPN while you're using GooglePay as it seems to lead to conflicts.
Associate a new mail address.
Not sure, how esoteric that is, though. Those ideas came up after talking to friends and some web research.
Have you tried disabling adblocker and trying again?

Woocommerce Follow Up Emails Plugin - email issue

OK so im just gonna ask this question, as I am at the end of the rope, with hopes someone out there will have some advice.
I have installed the Woocommerce Follow Up Emails plugin on my site, and for the life of me I cannot get it send the email.
The settings I have are:
Trigger: 3 days after the order total is above $1.00
Setting: Customer recieves the email once
There is nothing in the "scheduled emails" of the plugin showing up, however and this is the part that throws me off, in the Tools>Scheduled Actions of the wordpress dashboard i get multiple entries of the below:
which tells me that it the emails are being scheduled but are not being sent out (even though it says, action complete). I have checked the WPMail log nothing, i have checked Cpanel Email Tracking and theres nothing. I have a WP Cron plugin installed that tells me it is functioning correctly.
Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions that i could do or check that I havent done already? Is there something I'm missing?
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
P.S, I purchased the plugin from a third party site and cant ask Woocommerce for support without paying for subscription (which i will do as my absolute last resort)
The plugin works fine on my side, although it is very basic in its functionalities and you reach super quickly its limitations.
I'd suggest you buy the plugin from WC. They tend to have special offers of 30-50% off few times a year. Their support is typically very good and has a live chat so you get answers often directly.
Hope you got it figured out by now.

How can i fix or handle the Generic error "PAYMENT_ALREADY_DONE" with paypal sandbox?

You guys are my last hope... I created a website with WordPress and I'm using woocommerce. I have been doing test transactions in the PayPal sandbox. And it was working, but suddenly started to give this error in PayPal
And each time cancels my orders. I tried to solve the issue by adding a prefix to the order number but still is giving me that error. I am only using one shop.
and I've checked everywhere for hours, for most people it was a problem of forgetting to change the sandbox PayPal account to their real business account, for others it was because they weren't using a prefix and had more than one shop. All the others never got any answer or help.
how can i fix this?
By the way, after the process paypal redirects de user to cancel order page of woocomerce but in the woocomercer order panel appears te order was made.
in the image below you can see the order were created and the random prefix and subfix i added to order numbers.

Prestashop - PayPal USA - Order confirmation page skipped, goes to order history

Prestashop, I install the module paypalusa (already in the modules directory) - it charge the user but doesn't create the order in prestashop.
I found this with a link to this
This module is working, but it let you choose only one currency - we need multiple currencies.
we tried to install (which is the only module in for paypal) and it says Your country is not available for this module please go on Prestashop addons to see the different possibilities.
we bought the following module
but it has only direct payment by credit card.
Please help on how to setup paypal for prestashop 1.6 with payment for multiple currencies.
I ended up using the module in this link -
I fixed it to use multi currency, how ever I think the bug was caused by a code change on my side that causes a change in the cart total sum, but when the paypal module returned it still compared to the old sum - the bug is a actually that it doesn't display a proper message.
Some PayPal plugins will have some bugs.
Please try to use this one:
If doesnt work well: choose "United States" in your Shop Config as a main contact country

Error 102 in PayPal Manager

I'm looking to use a PayPal hosted Gateway page to accept payments for a site I'm working on (based in the UK)
After a lot of difficulty, I've managed to set up an test-only Payflow account using this guide:
But when I log in and try and change the hosted checkout settings to "test", I'm getting:
"Error: 102 error content"
and no settings will update.
I can find anyone else who's seeing this same error message, but PayPal's documentation doesn't mention this error in the manager, but says that error 102 with transactions is the payment processor not being available - so I think there's a chance it's that.
The guide I used to set up the account only linked to a US version of the registration page, so I just changed the countrycode parameter in the query string attached to the link so I could use a UK address, but the Payment Processors all seem to be based in the US, I've tried 2 different ones (FDMS Nashville and WorldPay) and I'm getting the same error on both.
I've had so many problems trying to set this up, I've been reading various guide and the official documentation solidly for 3 days and haven't even opened my IDE yet - what am I doing wrong?
Do you have link to your checkout that you can provide, so that we could walk through and test it and see what the issue may be? It's hard to see say what the issue is at this point, with out seeing what you are passing over, where at specifically the error is getting generated at during the checkout, and without knowing how your account is set up.