How to install Gambas 2.0 on Linux Mint 21.1? - linux-mint

If anyone knows how to download Gambas 2.0 to open an old project I would be very grateful.
I have installed on a Linux Mint 21.1 virtual machine where I tried to open an old project I did in Gambas 2.0, but I could not find the program and I can only download Gambas 3. I tried to convert it to Gambas 3 and it won't let me do it as I get an error message.


MAMP download asking for .Net core 3.1 Runtime. Unsure which one to select

I was following a tutorial to download MAMP earlier, and I ran into this problem which wasn't explain in the tutorial. After I successfully downloaded MAMP, and I tried to open the application, it indicates that my computer do not have .Net Core 3.1 and I need to download it (directs me to this
There are three options between: Run Console Apps with download x64 or download x86 / Run Desktop Apps with download x64 or download x86 / Run Server Apps with downloading hosting bundle. Which one is suitable?
You have to download the Run Desktop Apps x86 version, even if your system is x64.
You need to check the system type on your computer.
Here is a tutorial video that might help you to solve the error for installing .NET Core.
Installing the x86 version setup even though my system is x64 worked for me.

Simics Eclipse not found. Please install package 1001

I downloaded Intel-Simics-Public-Release-Preview and have it installed on a CentOS 8.4 box, I went to my-simics-project-1 directory, there is a simics-eclipse, but when I run it, it reports an error: Simics Eclipse not found. Please install package 1001..
Is that because the preview version doesn't contains that package?
As noted on Intel website,
The Eclipse* IDE for SimicsĀ® software GUI is not included in the public Simics simulator release.

Unable to install locust on windows

Hi i am trying to install locust on windows with python version 3.7.3, using pip install locustio but getting below error.
ERROR: Could not build wheels for gevent which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly
I was getting above error because Visual Studio was not installed in my machine. When I did I was able to install locust, and its working fine now.
Had faced a similiar issue on MacOS.
The MacOS Catalina update upgraded my system python was 3.8. (Gevent works with <3.7)
Installing a lower version with pyenv fixed it.

missing menu bar in texstudio 2.10.8 on linux mint 17.3

I normally use the most recent version of TexStudio with my Linux Mint system by downloading the source tarball and compiling it in my machine. Recently I upgraded Mint to 17.3 and TexStudio to 2.10.8 at the same time.
However, when I installed TexStudio, the menu bar was not there anymore, I uninstalled and reinstalled the stable version 2.6.6, everything was fine, but upgrading it to 2.10.8 again, menu was lost.
Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?
it worked fine for me, taking the xUbuntu 14.04 package. Linux Mint 17.3 is based on that version of Ubuntu. Its better to use the pre-build package

Unity 5.1.03f Stopped working on windows 7 64 bit

I downloaded unity 5.1.03f 64bit editor for windows and installed it.
Installation is error free.When finished the installation, When tring to open the unity, the following error is showing. How can I fix this?