I wanna make an app for obd2 scanner , and the app should get me data of car, Especially fault code , I found this features in pub .dev flutter Bluetooth OBD ,
enter image description here
but in the package just there is 6 features
enter image description here
can I get more than 6 features ?, please help ?, and how can i get more?
I need to assess which country the user is in. In Flutter android/iOS I usually would have used dart:io and collected the info by checking Platform.localeName... but this seems not to work in flutter web as the io package is not supported in web. Do I need to determine it by ip address? Is that possible? Any alternative suggestions of how to get the country code would be grateful
I tried to create an app the get all Device Information as the below link in git hub:
As I need to get these types of info below images:
and those Infos I get it when dialing this code *#*#4636#*#*, and I get this screen to access the Phone information as the below Image:
I searched a lot and can't find plugins give me this information using flutter and dart
I hope someone could help me to solve this!!
Overall I want to create something like Open Signal application that access the mobile network or sim network as the below link:
Why would you need the measurement of all android devices? Android devices have wide spread of screen sizes instead you can use mediaquery() widget to set multi layout screens instead of inputting raw width and height
I am trying to build a Asset Manager. I am using a scanner or a mobile device to scan the barcode which is the asset id. My requirement is as follows:
1) When the scanner scans for the first time the data(purchase date, cost, assigned to , history) should be allowed to be entered and the data should be stored in the google spreadsheet.
2) When the product or the item is already present it should display me the result(purchase date, cost, assigned to , history).
It would be a great help if i get a clue on what could be done.
Thanks in advance.
Things you may consider:
What protocal to use to interface with the device. For example, I would recommend TWAIN for scanners.
What's your app type? Is it a web one that you can do scanning from browsers? Then you can choose the according scanning SDK for your project.
Store data to Google Spreadsheet. This post might help.
I am using Star Micronics TSP 650 Printer SDK for iOS in my application. I'm just using sample codes they have provided in the SDK sample
But the question is printing take too much time (normally it takes more than 25s to print a a receipt)
I can't figure out any issue in my app. (because their sample app also take more than 25s to print a receipt)
So, is it a fault of the SDK? if anyone have work with this SDK, please give me some help.
There are two versions of the ios framework. One that is optimized for airport express and one that is not. You have to get the replaced the old framework with the new one and recompile for normal printing times. If you are still having this trouble, email me at Kevans#starmicronics.com and I will send you the optimized framework
I search many scanner sdk like Zbar, scanner-kit, Red Laser, Zzing but all of them scan just barcode no one scan product details like manufacturer and product type. can any one suggest me which scanner sdk give me details?
Thanks in advance
Well you can't really get those detail from the barcode.
Barcode is just a number which you can use to with product with, for example ISDN bar code will allow you to retrieve a book via Amazon.