to find scanner sdk that scan barcode details - iphone

I search many scanner sdk like Zbar, scanner-kit, Red Laser, Zzing but all of them scan just barcode no one scan product details like manufacturer and product type. can any one suggest me which scanner sdk give me details?
Thanks in advance

Well you can't really get those detail from the barcode.
Barcode is just a number which you can use to with product with, for example ISDN bar code will allow you to retrieve a book via Amazon.


Scan barcode from Iphone Keyboard

I am using an online based inventory tracking system called Tracmor. I'm wondering if there's an app for Iphone or some feature that allows you to scan barcodes from your iphone keyboard. The way I am able to input data inventory data into tracmor is by selecting the field in the Tracmor online portal, which pulls up the iphone keyboard. Ideally, I would like to scan the bar code from this point for the field. I know this is possible for android, but I have not found the solution for iphone. I am currently using an Iphone6.
Thank you,
I am using BarcodeKey from the app store - it works like a keyboard. it seems to work well for our use - scanning barcode data into a web form/field.
My name is Noah and I am a support engineer with Tracmor.
I wanted to let you know that there is an iPhone app that will support scanning barcodes into Tracmor.
Please see the app called "Barcode Scan to Web" By Berry Wing LLC in the iTunes store for more information.
With this app you will be able to scan bar codes with the camera on your iPhone directly into the text fields in Tracmor for items such as asset tags, locations, and users.

How to interface a scanner to a google spreadsheet?

I am trying to build a Asset Manager. I am using a scanner or a mobile device to scan the barcode which is the asset id. My requirement is as follows:
1) When the scanner scans for the first time the data(purchase date, cost, assigned to , history) should be allowed to be entered and the data should be stored in the google spreadsheet.
2) When the product or the item is already present it should display me the result(purchase date, cost, assigned to , history).
It would be a great help if i get a clue on what could be done.
Thanks in advance.
Things you may consider:
What protocal to use to interface with the device. For example, I would recommend TWAIN for scanners.
What's your app type? Is it a web one that you can do scanning from browsers? Then you can choose the according scanning SDK for your project.
Store data to Google Spreadsheet. This post might help.

Scan ticket in iphone app

I want to scan the ticket image for retrieving its information automatically as ticket verified. Is there any way to do this by some code. Below is mentioned the link that shows how scanning needs to be done.
You can use libzbar to scan various types of barcodes and QR code.
Zbar is the solution to the problem.

Easily keep track of physical items within apps

I am currently in development of an app that keeps track of physical inventory. I am wondering if there is some way that I could possibly use QR Codes or some kind of barcode to scan an item and then have the app recognize the item and pull up the info for the item quickly and efficiently. If anyone has a better or more ideas to solve this then please by all means pitch in I am trying to make a better/easier UI for the user.
You have some options here:
iPhone 3GS/4, iPod touch -> Linea Barcode Scanner(they have their own SDK) by Infinite Peripherals that has magnetic card reader as well. Apple uses these external Accessory for iPod touches in their stores, if you happen to go to Apple Store you can see these their associates carry them. Very reliable option. Costs about $300 ~ 500 a piece.(Nordstorm, Sears, Kmart use them as well).
Verifone sells similar accessory but they aren't as popular as Infinite Peripheral barcode scanners.
Or Reading QR/Barcode using camera is really simple and fast. You can either use ZXing,Zbar sdk to scan barcode and based upon successful scan you can lookup inventory if you have a webservice available. These are free SDK's. Zbar is really fast, I would recommend using Zbar. You have some paid barcode scanners using camera as well like RedLaser.
To manage inventory have your webservices ready, you need to pull information like description, price about item and display in tableview cell. Better UI depends on your requirements and what kind of data you want to show. What you want to do with inventory. So many questions before I can jump to conclusion that this UI looks better.
You can look at shopsavvy api that pulls up item information based on barcode from their database. Paid service though.

iPhone application to show nearby business offices into table view

I want to make iPhone application that use GPS to show nearby places (particular business offices) into table view starting nearest office at top of the table.
Location coordinates will come using location manager but i want my application do above tasks
Any suggestion how to implement all these things or any tutorial.
Thank you in advance i really appreciate any sort of help.
Search the SDK documentation either from XCode or and you'll find a bunch of white papers and samples relating to your questions.
Edited to include samples...
All found with a simple search in the apple developer website, can't imagine what else you might need at this stage.