Star Micronics TSP 650 Printer and iOS SDK - iphone

I am using Star Micronics TSP 650 Printer SDK for iOS in my application. I'm just using sample codes they have provided in the SDK sample
But the question is printing take too much time (normally it takes more than 25s to print a a receipt)
I can't figure out any issue in my app. (because their sample app also take more than 25s to print a receipt)
So, is it a fault of the SDK? if anyone have work with this SDK, please give me some help.

There are two versions of the ios framework. One that is optimized for airport express and one that is not. You have to get the replaced the old framework with the new one and recompile for normal printing times. If you are still having this trouble, email me at and I will send you the optimized framework


Whats the proper way to get the ETA in WatchKit

Inside iOS It's possible to get the user ETA using MKDirectionsRequest to get the user ETA from a place to another, but how to get this data inside watchkit without asking for the iOS app? It's important to the watch app be full standalone, so communication with the iOS it's not an option.
Im developing to watchOS series 2 with watchOS4 beta 6
Sadly routing is not available in WatchKit at the moment and according to the documentation, it won't be available in watchOS4 either.
Even if requesting data from the iOS app would be an option for you, I don't think it is the right way to go. For this to work, you would need to have your iOS app running at least in the background, which isn't always feasible.
However, a good alternative is to use the Google Maps Directions REST API. It works perfectly on watchOS and you need less network requests to achieve the same goal than if you used Apple Maps. For instance, you don't need to do any geocoding, you can use coordinates for the destination and an address or even the name of a place mark (such as an airport) as the starting point. Using MapKit you would first need to geocode the address before you could get destinations. You can also get both an ETA and the directions in the same request using the Google Maps Directions API, for which you would need two requests using MapKit.

Setting a Recurring Event using Appcelerator Titanium

I've got an app I'm building using Appcelerator Titanium that will be a combination alarm clock/url fetcher. The part I'm having problem with is that I need to be able to set a time for the app to go fetch the url and then perform actions as necessary (in this case alert the user if data that should be entered in a time system has been entered). I also want it to do this every day (or every week day) at the prescribed time, and I want it to not have to be 'launched' every time. I'd rather it come up and run as a service, or at least run as a service when sent to the background. I'm most focused on the iPhone, but I've got a few Android users that would like it as well.
Is it even possible to have an Appcelerator app hooked into the system like that? If so, are there any tutorials or examples? I can't even find an alarm clock example, which scares me a bit.
I think that localNotifications should work for you.
there is a sample in the bg.js file included in the kitchenSink.
It is also helpful to know that all of the keys/properties available to you are documented here in the source code.
This guy has a nice alarm module written for android.

iPhone development

I am new to iPhone development. I want to make a simple iPhone application which when launched computes the distance travelled by the user,calories burnt,postion of the user,movement.Can anybody provide me the details or approach to follow to develop this application.
Unfortunetely, it's not that simple.
You will have to learn xCode/Objective C/C#.
I suggest you start by getting a book, i recommend:
Beginning iPhone Development - Mark
LaMarcheiPhone for Programmers: An
app driven approachThe iPhone
developers cookbook
You should be able to find these as eBooks as well (if that's what you like).
Unless you want a step by step tutorial for a fitness program... Then you'll be out of luck.
Yes, follow the steps outlined in the following links:
iPhone Programming Tutorial
iPhone Development Guide: Quick Start
All you need is inside the Core Location framework (and some math).
If you don't know how to use the Core Location framework, just look at the Apple developer page, there are tons of sample code (and they should also have some sample video from the last techtalk)
It would have been better if you could ask a direct question rather than sharing an app idea. Which major problem areas you are facing while developing the app,
For initial iPhone app development, I will suggest to go through following link:
For your application, you will need Location services, which should run in background too (while the application is in background) you can also consider content on Apple website:
More over you will be able to calculate the distance covered, position and movement, through location services and based on this information and custom information provided by user, you will be able to calculate the calories burnt by applying simple math (totally depends on the logic you want to apply).

iPhone development time

I have been asked to develop a relatively simple iPhone application. However, it would be my first application.
I am a fairly competent programmer and can turn my skills to a new language fairly quickly... what my question is, is...
How long has it taken some of you guys to make your first iPhone application and what was your experience like? Also, if you can say this sort of information, how much did you charge for it?!
Thanks in advance.
Kindest Regards
If you have an OO language under your belt and have a mac, these are reasonable minimums for the creation of your first, simple application (based on my own experience):
2 weeks: Learn enough Obj-C and iPhone SDK to create a simple 2-3 screen app.
2 weeks: Create and polish a beta version of the app.
1 week: Do a beta test of the app including 1-2 experienced iPhone devs.
2 weeks: Submit the app to Apple and wait.
1 week: Administrivia: Setting up a developer account, bank account info, and going through app submission process for the first time.
So a total of 8 weeks, or two months, minimum, if you keep the app simple.
iPhone / Apple specific pitfalls that will delay you (i.e. other than things that would delay any app developer, such as feature creep):
Registering as a corporation (more complicated than registering as an individual)
Failing to read the Human Interface Guidelines
Failing to get at least one other iPhone developer with titles on the store to test your app
Let me add to that, including content which "ridicules a public figure"
Learning resources that I found helpful:
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK (PDF version)
Stanford iPhone course video lecture series
My first app took longer than this, about three months start to finish. I was a little more delayed because I registered as a corporation, spent about a week making small, unrelated "test" apps, and ran a longer beta test. My app had a total of 7 screens, 3 of which required some moderately complex UI logic. In addition it required writing scripts to convert a large data set w/ images, and copy editing a lot of bilingual text. You can check out a video of my first app that took about three months to create from the time I started learning Objective-C to it's first day of sales on the App store. If your app is less complex than this, then it will almost certainly take you less time to launch it.
In my experience, this is the best place to learn iPhone development, hands-down:
Hard to say on time, but if you really devote yourself to these lessons, you should be able to create a simple app within a few weeks, I would think.
My first application took 3 months. My background was mostly C/C++. I had also done Java in college and Ruby in my free time. It was a app that gets images from a server, lets the user swipe through them, email them out, vote on them, and save favorites to the device. Those 3 months include several weeks to write the server. I did it as a paid intern and I would say the the total cost to my employer was 5k. Good Luck
Hi my name s Justin and I am 17. My only experience was writing essays in english and I started making an app early December, and I plan to be done here in like 2 weeks. I used the Stanford iTunes U movies in iTunes.
Meaning it is very easy to learn the language and my drawing app took me about 2 months. And don't think it is a very simple drawing app it is pretty complex.
Check out the Stanford iPhone Application Development course:
I've only watched the first lecture but Alan Cannistraro is a great lecturer, and if the syllabus can be believed, you will be able to learn to do a complete iPhone app in just a few weeks.
I think PrairieDogg's answer is about all you need and 8 weeks is a good estimate. But the best advice I can give is this: don't insist on doing things the way you think they ought to be done based on experience you have gained on other platforms. This means read the HIG of course because you can get an app rejected for misusing UI elements. But often you will have an idea about how to do something programmatically in an iPhone app and you find yourself subclassing and writing heaps of code and doing tricky things to bend the system to your will. If anything takes more than about ten lines of code, that is your warning sign - start googling, there is probably an easy idiomatic way to do it. Sometimes it really does take that much code but on the whole it is an incredibly easy platform once you know how.
And make sure you are working in 10.6, the static analysis tool could save you a week all by itself.
I will add yet another vote for the Stanford iPhone Development course but with the caveat that the course instructors use a lot of Apple and Objective-C terminology without being able to easily translate those terms into language more familiar to the CS students in the class. It's obvious sometimes that they just don't know the general OO analogy to what Objective-C does in particular cases.
In my case, I finished a preliminary version of my first real app in about 3 months, which included watching the entire iTunes U course and following a bunch of the programming guides in the iPhone Dev Center. But, I will add that since then I've spent an additional 5 months completely re-engineering my application after discovering that most of what I was doing "my way" had a very robust Cocoa library available it that, if I learned how to use it properly, would greatly improve my app.
So long story short, the iPhone SDK and all its component libraries are very deep, and many of the design fundamentals they use take some getting used to. If you want to do anything complex, expect research, tutorial, and debugging time for each new Apple library you use.
i will suggest you edumobile will help you to understand all the aspects, of iphone development. it is highly suggested for all those who would like to master iPhone Programming in a simple easy-to-learn fun environment.
All the best.

iPhone and printer integration Sample code/API for custom App development

My recent engagement demands a printer integration using iPhone. The app will
• Generate a PDF with the collected data
• Print the same when user clicks print button
I am fairly new in iPhone development. There are hardly any reference and sample codes to support the printing feature , however there are quite a few apps available in the market to print from iPhone!
Please help me with reference or sample code to realize the feature from within the custom app we are building.
Many Thanks
I haven't developed an app that supports printing, however, I'm pretty sure the ones that do must be connecting to a companion OS X application running on some computer on the same wifi network that the iPhone app connects to and sends its data to.
This means that you'll have to look at the printing docs and sample code for the Desktop and build a helper app that will receive connections from your iPhone app. There is sample code to show you how to discover a computer on your network using Bonjour. You can then just stream the data over the network using a socket to the Desktop app from the iPhone and have it pass along the print job.
You say that you're fairly new to iPhone development, so this comes with a warning that it's not for the faint of heart.
Here is a blog post on how to communicate between desktop and iPhone using Bonjour:
Best Regards,
There is official printing API from Apple. This only support for iOS 4.2 and above though:
I am also looking for the same solution as I need to do this for the application that I am working on. I am also generating the PDF and user can then print it.
As you are saying that already developed apps are printing without using intermediate PC. But while searching over the net I came around an application which is useful for printing for Epson
There it is mentioned by the company it self that "Install “Print” on your iPhone, download the free WePrint software for your desktop/laptop computer and then you can print directly from your iPhone."
Also there is another application on iTunes called "PrinterShare- print from iPhone to anywhere". There also they mentioned that computer connected to printer needs the PrinterShare software.
So I think there is a mediator present in these printings.
Let me know if you find some more information on this topic, as this is very new and clients are asking to avail this facility in there applications.
If you come to know any sample application
There is currently no Official printing API.
You could of course implement your own LPR printing code.
Or you can license a ready API from someone like